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Old 03-04-2008, 01:19 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Your League Trading Cards

The MFCA is now offering trading cards to promote Your League, the MFCA and Miniature Football.

Here is an example of what the cards can look like but any design can be used. All that is required is a high resolution photo or photos, your league logo and the text that you want on the back. You wil recieve a proof of the finished front and back of the card for approval before going to print.

Cost of the cards is $90 for 1000 cards and includes shipping to your address and the design work. $10 of your purchase goes directly to the MFCA. These cards wll be a great way to spread the word about Miniature Football and puts your contact info right in their hands.

For large leagues you may consider ordering 2500 cards for $160.00
Color on both sides is available for an additional $15.00.
Other quantities are also available
The cards are 14 pt Gloss Coated Cover with UV coating.

If you are interested send an email to and we will get you the design specifics.
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EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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Old 03-04-2008, 01:33 AM
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That is sweet

Pat Morris
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Old 03-04-2008, 02:32 AM
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Default Before Yous Get Happy...


We're having our league meeting this Saturday, so I will DEFINITELY hit the guys up for some loot to get MWEFL cards!!! You have our logo - obviously - and I'll see who gets elected to be our POC.
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Old 03-04-2008, 04:38 AM
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Default The Phenomenom of the Trading Card

This trading card idea is one that was introduced to me by "Old School" about 6 years ago. At that time, I told him that was genius! I told him he should move forward with this idea. I am very happy to see it is taking form in some manner.

Imagine having various sets of trading cards with the signatures of legendary names in the game? What a great marketing campaign this could turn in to! I would love to have a "Dirk Thomas", or "Jon Thomas" or "Annette Jackson" card. Then to have them signed by those people would have been great!

A guy like Vance Warren, who never comes online anymore, would rank as one of my favorite cards. I knew Vance's passion for the game and we rarely saw eye-to-eye on rules but I considered him an elite figure in the game. I would have love to had his autograph.

Or one of my best friends like Jay Boy Combs. The mastery of his work would merit him having a high stakes card. Getting his signature would be tough because he does not put himself out there too much. But that's the fun of it!

I'd love to have a guy like Wally Jabs card. One of the true legends of the game. I would want Wally to personalize mine, saying something like "Friends for Life, Walter Jabs".

These cards could be great collectibles for the game of miniature football! It would highlight the great characters of the leagues across the country and tell you the contributions of many.

Now, I am really acting silly. A Vince Peatros card would go high! Vince is like the 500 pound gorilla in the corner that no one wants to talk about. But they would definitely want his card! Peatros would have to sign my personally and write something like "Thanks Reg for marketing me!" One guy once said, with Vince, I created Frankenstein.

There would be so many guys across the country cards I would want to get. I would love their signatures too. It would be just fun trying to collect their signatures.

So yes, this is an idea that I would have love to taken because of the brilliance behind it. I will definitely take some pictures of the characters of the DFW League and get you information on them Wolf!

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Old 03-04-2008, 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted by WEIRDWOLF View Post
The MFCA is now offering trading cards to promote Your League, the MFCA and Miniature Football.

Here is an example of what the cards can look like but any design can be used. All that is required is a high resolution photo or photos, your league logo and the text that you want on the back. You wil recieve a proof of the finished front and back of the card for approval before going to print.

Cost of the cards is $90 for 1000 cards and includes shipping to your address and the design work. $10 of your purchase goes directly to the MFCA. These cards wll be a great way to spread the word about Miniature Football and puts your contact info right in their hands.

For large leagues you may consider ordering 2500 cards for $160.00
Color on both sides is available for an additional $15.00.
Other quantities are also available
The cards are 14 pt Gloss Coated Cover with UV coating.

If you are interested send an email to and we will get you the design specifics.
QUESTION.. I am assuming that the prices quoted are for a run of 1000 cards all of the same pic?
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Kansas Bill View Post
QUESTION.. I am assuming that the prices quoted are for a run of 1000 cards all of the same pic?
The cards are of course to promote the game to prospective coaches and help grow the hobby but they can be created for personal use also such as commemorating a big win or just to show you with your best stuff. But it is $90.00 for each 1000 of one design. We can go as low as 250 cards. 250 is $65.00 so for your money 1000 or 2500 is the best deal.

As Weirdwolf, I would print 2000 each year and hand them all out. KIDS absolutely go NUTS over cards. This could be our big tie in to getting kids involved. I had kids come up to me each year to get the new card for their collection.

The key will be getting your BEST custom on these to attract their attention and investing in a GOOD quality photographs. Cell phone photos will do nothing to promote your league. We want to present high end accomplishments!
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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Old 03-04-2008, 02:43 PM
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Default I'm in!

What a great Idea...I will talk with my league, but I am sure everyone will throw in a couple bucks to make some cards....

Great idea!

The Silverhorse is ready to ride! Geddy up!
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Old 03-04-2008, 03:01 PM
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Default creative

I like this ......
J~Swagz; Swagz is On Deck!
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Old 03-13-2008, 07:00 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
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This offer still stands
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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