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Old 11-19-2008, 07:20 AM
Tudorian Tudorian is offline
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Default Let the Players Play!


There is an ongoining controversy in our sport about moving players and board stoppages.

I firmly believe that the figures should play the game without the interruption of coaches.

1) It is unrealistic
2) It makes for long boring contests

I say base up the men, know their tendencies, cut on the board and let their tendencies take over --just as in true football.

Board stoppages and turning players who are in no position to make a play seems ludicrous to me.

Let the players play.

Carpe Diem,
Paul Leslie Gardner
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Old 11-19-2008, 11:24 AM
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Default hmmmmm

i have read all the posts between the guys getting technical, intricate and complex in their strategy talk, strategy play, and even strategy vocabulary.
Dont get me wrong, i agreed with alot of it and do encourage different ways to play for different people who enjoy it.

but then i read this, and it makes so much sense and is so simplistic.

Let the players play.

Thanks Paul,

a refreshing view of the old way that is still good today.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:21 PM
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Default You know...

I would say that the way we play in the CNYEFL is very close to what Tudorian and Downs support here - with the exception of stopping to pass.
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Old 11-19-2008, 10:01 PM
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The way I see it is this, you have two camps, the electric football purist and the football simulation guys.

You can do them both with the same exact equipment, yet the play styles are totally different. Neither of them is wrong, they are just vastly different.

The majority of us are electric football purists, we take the game we all loved as kids, but play it as we wished we could have done 30 years ago. Due to the new equipment and 30 years of well known tweaking techniques we are able to do this. Even though the electric football purists utilize a variety of rule sets, they are still playing the game as it was designed to be played.

The other camp wants to use the new fields, players, bases, tweaking techniques, the exact same equipment the purists use, but in a different manner, they wish to truly simulate the ever evolving second by second, real life football play with multiple stoppages allowing the figures to act intelligently.

This is interesting, it really is, I am a purist at heart, I play the game I loved as a kid using modified Shootout rules, to each his own.

Keep in mind they are vastly different styles. The one thing I believe that causes such a stir is that the football simulation guys seem to talk down to the purists, and it comes across on about every post they make that their way is the only way.

I know that is not the intention, but that is the take away, thus you have two camps at war.

I created a thread about accidently discovering the MPFL style of play while testing some linemen, it was quite interesting.

It's all good as long as MF is being played.
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Old 11-19-2008, 11:15 PM
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Default Well stated

Originally Posted by Shabby J View Post
The way I see it is this, you have two camps, the electric football purist and the football simulation guys.

You can do them both with the same exact equipment, yet the play styles are totally different. Neither of them is wrong, they are just vastly different.

The majority of us are electric football purists, we take the game we all loved as kids, but play it as we wished we could have done 30 years ago. Due to the new equipment and 30 years of well known tweaking techniques we are able to do this. Even though the electric football purists utilize a variety of rule sets, they are still playing the game as it was designed to be played.

The other camp wants to use the new fields, players, bases, tweaking techniques, the exact same equipment the purists use, but in a different manner, they wish to truly simulate the ever evolving second by second, real life football play with multiple stoppages allowing the figures to act intelligently.

This is interesting, it really is, I am a purist at heart, I play the game I loved as a kid using modified Shootout rules, to each his own.

Keep in mind they are vastly different styles. The one thing I believe that causes such a stir is that the football simulation guys seem to talk down to the purists, and it comes across on about every post they make that their way is the only way.

I know that is not the intention, but that is the take away, thus you have two camps at war.

I created a thread about accidently discovering the MPFL style of play while testing some linemen, it was quite interesting.

It's all good as long as MF is being played.
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Old 11-20-2008, 12:46 AM
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Default It's All Electric Football

The way that I see it, it's not about how we play; it's what we play. Outsiders see us all as the same group.


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Old 11-20-2008, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Tudorian View Post

There is an ongoining controversy in our sport about moving players and board stoppages.

I firmly believe that the figures should play the game without the interruption of coaches.

1) It is unrealistic
2) It makes for long boring contests

I say base up the men, know their tendencies, cut on the board and let their tendencies take over --just as in true football.

Board stoppages and turning players who are in no position to make a play seems ludicrous to me.

Let the players play.

Carpe Diem,
Paul Leslie Gardner
Yep, what he said.
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Old 11-20-2008, 06:30 PM
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I can hear the little plastic men chanting now.....

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Old 11-21-2008, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Tudorian View Post

There is an ongoining controversy in our sport about moving players and board stoppages. ( In any sport reaction is a key element, player intelligence is another, how can you acurately reflect this with out stoppages ? )

I firmly believe that the figures should play the game without the interruption of coaches. ( Try drinking and breathing at the same time, you might choke You have to stop one to do the other. Breathing gets interrupted while you drink or swallow )

1) It is unrealistic ( Question can the players pass without you ? Can the players see were to run ? Can the players think and react ? ) The answer is no to my understanding. So wouln't it also be unrealistic to think or pretend that they do?

It makes for long boring contests ( Actually it doesn't, it takes longer to run one play inone stop then it does in stopping the board )

I say base up the men, know their tendencies, cut on the board and let their tendencies take over --just as in true football. ( Football players are intelligent, they don't run 40 yards in the other direction away from the play, they don't let the runner run past them without making an attempt to tackle them, the runner in the open field in the middle of the field doesn't run out of bounds, he runs to the end zone. )

Board stoppages and turning players who are in no position to make a play seems ludicrous to me. ( Playing football with you're you're eyes closed is ludicrous, you can't see who to block, were to go, etc. Think about this, you cant breath, drink and or swallow at the same time, you hold you're breath in order to drink and swallow right. To to play football you need to react, in order to react you have to stop the board. Reactions shows intelligence )

Let the players play. ( The players can play run around on the board when you turn it on, it is not wise to think that a tweaaked base has intelligence? Football is a game of action and reaction with out this you're just playing football with you're eyes closed, one can only hope they can get it done.

Carpe Diem,
Paul Leslie Gardner
I just thought I would answer you're questions you posted. I have played one stop and have experience in playing one stop. I understand about tweaking bases, ttqb passing etc.

Have you ever tryed it you're self ? People often don't understand something they have never tryed.
Nice post
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Old 11-21-2008, 01:28 PM
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Default My Packers...

will be playing three - count 'em - three BAM games tomorrow. They are resting up right now before a final walk through later this afternoon.

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