Using the 46 defense in EF
Hey my MFF family, just wanted share a strategy I have had success with, now I don't claim to be the best defensive coach in EF, but i have had some league and game triumphs using the 46 & 3-4 defenses, I think many coaches in our hobby kinda go straight up with an opponent, by lining up man for man, getting the loopers on the left and right and praying to God that if a WR gets open they have at least on or two safeties playing deep enough to save a TD or short enough to get a quick tackle. At the Seawall Brawl I was very nervous in the prelims and got thrashed for 4 straight losses after my man Pat Morris clamed me down, and gave this small nugget of wisdom. Pat said Lock,play like you play in Miami, do what you like to do. ok then I settled down and played my kind of game, Defensively I like to keep things loose, make him beat me not make to many mistakes and frustrate my opponent defensively, then the O will open up is im clicking on that end its all good. Using the 46 in EF is a great defense to play with it allows you speed to stop the run, numerous angles to blitz from weather it be inside or outside, and creates interesting pass coverages where LB can help DBs in the secondary, It can get you burnt sometimes in the passing game if your opposing coach has that Elway arm at QB, but if you get the right assignments on the wr's then it can help out a bunch, Playing in a style like the TBA where the devider is used is a dream for this type of EF defense because of the spreads between each base on the D line it creates interesting gaps to shoot thru, you can play one looper left or right, and now 3 lb's can play these destinct gaps for added inside pressure , or you can go Looper left and right, and 1 lb in the middle that can shoot whatever inside gap you chose, and drop the 4th lb back to help in pass coverage, try it sometimes ,coaches the 46 can improve your defensive game and frustrate the hell out of your opponenent just try it.
Last edited by Biglock : 11-12-2006 at 03:03 AM.