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Old 07-18-2007, 05:04 PM
childslovegame childslovegame is offline
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Default Role Models


You got to be kidding me? You're talking about Micheal Vick and an illegal dog ring? What about legalizing semi-automatic weapons to kill Bambie? Oh yea! What about the big sex scandal here on Capital Hill with Congressmen and Sentors that's about ready to blow top top off of the joint? Role Models! Where is true justice and equity? The media loves to come down on the Black Athlete who get into trouble with the law, but what about the people of real power and their dirt? Do you hear about them as frequent? No!!!!! What Mick Vick did may be wrong, but that's peddy compared to what's really going on.They couldn't find any drugs so they trumpeted up charges of an illegal dog fighting ring on his property to save face! Can't you see, this is nothing more than a witch hunt? It is jealousy, envy, and racist from some in main stream law enforcement and media outlet against the black athlete. They are crowards and they hide behind a badge, rank in the military, and a t.v. camera. A dog fighting ring on someone's private property? Couldn't they have found a much more serious crime that was committed? Role Models, ya right!

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Old 07-18-2007, 06:05 PM
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Default Sorry, Rock Solid...

I own the rights to any Michael Vick Dog fighting Customs. People in Reggie's customizing Class at the SWB Know what I'm Talking about.

And I'm sorry Smitty, I have to disagree with you on that one. I am all out of a bunch of sympathy for these guys who think they can do whatever they want and then when they get caught up scream out "Im being targeted because I am black." As an African American then you should know better. You see how things are "out of balance" but you still feel like you are above the law. If he broke the law then he should be punished. I live close to a high-crime area, and the police put up cameras around there. Folks are like "they violating our civil rights. Horse hockey!!! If you are not breaking the law then you don't have a problem. Stop making Excuses for bad behavior. You know what the biggest problem in this country is? It's not the war, Gay marriage, the Economy, Health care or whatever they're up there fighting about this week. The biggest problem in this country is that nobody is held accountable for anything they do. That is the biggest problem in this country. Nobody will stand up like a man and take the blame for their transgressions. From the President to Michael Vick and his dogfights no accountability, in any shape or form. I'm tired of these athletes getting into these messes and it always comes to pointing the finger at everyone except the idiot in the mirror. And then we jump right on the band wagon:

"Oh they are just tergeting him because he is black."
"See, its the money. All that money and he don't know what to do with it." (This is just idiotic because that has nothing to do with nothing)
"What he do on his property that's his business (until you daughter go to his party and him and his boys rape her).

Dang, I said I wasn't going to pul out the soapbox this week. C'est la vie.

Last edited by THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP : 07-18-2007 at 06:24 PM.
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Old 07-18-2007, 06:24 PM
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Default Hear This


Just my 2 Cents


""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.........We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, Handsome, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be?"
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Old 07-18-2007, 06:53 PM
jimmie jimmie is offline
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Default evidence

Lets look at the evidence 30 dogs found on his property evidence of dead dogs on his property The money its takes to feed 30 dogs could only come from a baller witness that put him at fights come on!!Hes in trouble!!
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Old 07-18-2007, 07:24 PM
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True, Vick has not been tried in court yet. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm appalled that Vick put himself into this position in the first place. How can you own a home and not know that there were 66 dogs there, 55 of which were pitbulls? How could you not know that there were pens there? How could you maintain your innocence when according to court documents:

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- When a Bad Newz Kennels dog was wounded in a losing fight, NFL star Michael Vick was consulted before the animal was doused with water and electrocuted

Then there was also this:

About eight young dogs were put to death at the Surry County home after they were found not ready to fight in April 2007, the indictment said. They were killed "by hanging, drowning and/or slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

For the sake of the NFL and for Vicks own personal safety, he should be suspended until after the case is over. I'm sure there is more than one dog loving defensive end, tackle or linebacker out there that would love to show him what it's like to be body slammed to death. If he is innocent, he should stay out of play before somebody hurts him. If he is guilty, then he should be banned from the NFL as an example to others, and to prevent retaliation from opposing players. In either case, he has hurt himself by his association with these people.
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Old 07-18-2007, 08:48 PM
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Default Innocent until proven guilty.

I feel that is what should be practiced, ...................I really get annoyed with all the talking heads on TV calling for someone's head when the person has not been tried in the court of law, in point Duke Lacrosse, team was dismantled, coach was fired, kids kicked out of school, all for accusations. Like Justice Clarence Thomas, coined a phrase, "Hi-Tech lynching" ........... I think the falcons and only the falcons should make a decision on vick, for the team's sake, ................. nfl should reserve judgment, and so should we until the facts are given in court.

A few years back, Rashad Casey, Penn state QB, was allegedly "involved " in a fight with an off duty police officer. The talking heads, espn, local news people JoePa haters and Penn State haters were all calling for the young man's head on a platter, ................"kick him off the team, throw him in jail, blah blah...."

The sports community was incredulous when they asked Joe Paterno why he had not disciplined the player, ..................He responded, " I'll discipline him when I see something worth disciplining."

How dare Joe Paterno make that decision, .................they were calling him every name in the book, ............."He's out of touch, He just wants to win, he thinks he above the law, "

Joe had the young man's best interest at heart, .........Casey was entering his senior year and was good enough to have a shot at playing on Sundays.

Long Story cut short, ....................Casey was cleared, ..............CLEARED of the charges, .............. Joe stuck by his guns, did what was the proper thing to do, ........ unlike Puke University, I mean Duke..............

The bad thing for Vick is that a Grand Jury indicted him, which is not good, ..............and if he stays with the falcons, they will have a media circus on their hands which can affect the team..............but I think that is their call as a team, should stay out of it until a verdict is reached.
EmEff Rip
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:09 PM
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Default Ron Mexico bad choice after bad choice

Oh and he was indicted by the Feds who own a 98% conviction rate , they dont indict for the hell of it like some Gung ho prosecutors. What I dont get about the guy is , is there a big adrenaline rush to bet 20 and 30 thousand dollars a match when your a multi millionaire. Do you say to yourself Hey I have a 100 mill and 30 thousand cause i won a dog bet. To the people of the ATL Falcs say hello to Blue SKIES HARRINGTON. Cmon lets have a Vick Dog customizing Contest you can have Clinton Portis there also. I am not good at making figures but would love to see Vick running like in the famous Coppertone girl with the dog pulling her shorts down instead have a PIT taking a chunk out of Vicks *** LOL LOL .
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Old 07-19-2007, 10:25 AM
ChrisStacey ChrisStacey is offline
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Default Peoples Champ...

I couldn't agree more.You nailed it brother.

Chris Stacey
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Old 07-19-2007, 12:10 PM
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Default yes he did


You are right, Dre nailed it. I forgot to put that in my post.
EmEff Rip
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Old 07-19-2007, 01:58 PM
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Unhappy Where there is smoke . . .

I am a huge Vick fan. Tremendous Athlete. That's it. But it is what it is. That guy, the alleged informant, the stereotypical "hata", is prevalent and waiting to strike wherever a highly profiled, successful person is located. I agree with the paid snitches but if they have nothing to tell then they stay in the shadows. Unfortunately for Mr. Vick, when the feds say "highly credible witness", they normally come with audio/video tape, ledgers,dates, bank transactions, etc. Yep, he is hit and no less than ruined based upon his level of cooperation. This isn't racial, it's illegal. We all know the numbers but this is a fact: Every mega star has someone waiting, hating, envying, and exulting when/if they can take you down. It happens everywhere and you don't necessarily have to be highly successful. There is also the possibility that the Fed witness if probably more than just an informant, probably an operative.

Whatever the circumstances he is already ruined because entertainment is a social "elective" so we move on.
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