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Old 08-26-2010, 11:26 AM
Reginald Rutledge's Avatar
Reginald Rutledge Reginald Rutledge is offline
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Default Lights, Cameras, Film Room:Behind the Scenes

For many years, I've not really shown the behind the scene. These are some of the cameras I use to get the different angles of games. On this particular game, I've got 6 different cameras at various angles to give me the type of shot I need.

Now imagine if these cameras were manned by humans with the ability to zoom in and out and quickly change shots! I do this with a set of "switchers" thanks to the Electric Coach a few years ago.

I combine all this with the aid of a DVR which I can implement on a DVD and edit it in my movie software to do many things that one person can not do. This is great experience and something that can be used in other arenas.

See the various cameras and overlook the clutter. Solitaire coaches, take your game to this level and let's exchange videos of games. Winter is coming and we need something to do!

There is two endzone cameras, one directly behind the goal post on one end and the other at an angle on the other end. There is a spy camera under the press box. It just does not give you the pixelation that you want. It's okay but I have not even recorded much from that one. Then there is the overhead camera, which gives you a blimp view of the action. I've done some shots from that. Then there is the sideline track camera that runs up and down the field. I am gonna put this on a remote system. And then there is my High Def Professional camera which is not really supposed to be used here. I get the various shots when I want to switch angles and it will make for great filming.

My control room is where I paint and watch game film. Along side those things, I can bring my movie edit and song packages in and make great videos. Don't laugh too much because this has just open up an opportunity for my company to film Texas High School football. Anyone in the DFW area interested in being a videographer, please let me know. My film crew starts this weekend at Maverick Stadium. Next week, I've got to shoot at the Cowboys new stadium. So on and so forth!

I figure I am already "crazy" doing this so I may want to go all out. This is being used for an NFL Films segment I am working on.

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Old 08-26-2010, 01:45 PM
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wayneinsf wayneinsf is offline
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Default A true PRO!

You have every angle covered and I love the sideline camera on the helmet buggie.
Big Hap in Oak- Town by way of Chi- Town

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Old 08-26-2010, 02:05 PM
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Coach K-LO Coach K-LO is offline
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How do you have time for everything else, when I would just want to play....
Everyone has a licence to tweak, but only few know how to win
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