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Old 12-06-2010, 02:44 PM
Lindyhopper49's Avatar
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I think whatever happens it should run through the MCFA, but I like the idea of solitaire being promoted more.
I think it is a more feasible entrance into the hobby than jumping in over your head into a league with fees and time commitments etc. and can build enthusiasm in new players to hopefully increase retention and dedication to leagues in future.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:21 PM
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Default foreign players

Especially for foreign players. I have to deal with the fact I'll probably never find other crazies like me in my aera, or even in my country. Solitaire playing (I'm especially speaking of "real" playing againt the "invisible coach") is the way to go for me.

MFCA main website has everything we need. I repeat, it's as easy as posting on the forum to create articles. I created a lot of articles using these tools. Sometimes, I just wanted to post on the forum something I found. And realized that it can be a better way to promote the hobby to be putted on the main page of

Some other times, a coach asked me how I do something. I explained it roughly on the forum, and then, I made a little more detailed article on the main page. It didnot took more time than posting on the forum. It's just a method you have to stick. Forum for discussions, MFCA website for "snapshot" live points of view or tutorials, Tweak mag for everything else.

Tweak mag allows us to make deeper articles too : If you plan to make a solitaire league in the next 3months, use the forum to post game results, talk with other MF players, share your ideas. Try things, share, ask advises on the forum. After a few months, you'll see that your gaming system works really well, and can be published. Then, make a deeper article on paper for Tweak mag.

If you know how to use word or open office, and post on the forum, you're absolutly ready to push forward and become a writer, a journalist, a game designer, an innovator as anybody else.
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:21 PM
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well said French guy
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Old 12-06-2010, 07:06 PM
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I'm not sure how a seperate solitaire newsletter will work out. There's a lot of work that needs to be done for such an endevour, not to mention costs for printing and mailing. We already have the Tweak that goes out to all members, so why not have a solitaire section of the Tweak? If anyone wants to see this happen, then all we need is a volunteer to collect articles and information and send them to me and I will do what I can to be sure that it all gets into the most current issue. I've always thought that some sort of solitaire advice or info should be in each issue, but never had anyone send articles for it. Do I have a volunteer for the Tweak's Assistant Editor in charge of Solitaire?????
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Old 12-06-2010, 07:28 PM
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Next tweak I'll make something for solitaire. But before that, I need beta testing on my ruleset and game core mechanics.
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Old 12-06-2010, 07:30 PM
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I'm not a solitaire player, but I would certainly be interested in reading more about it in the Tweak.

Check out my Flames and Stampeders blogs at
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Old 12-07-2010, 12:28 AM
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Default Newsletter

Originally Posted by WEIRDWOLF View Post
You guys want to start another newsletter! I probably should just shut up but my frustration is over the top! If I misunderstand your intentions then I apologize in advance.

Here is a suggestion that would help...How about doing your newsletter on the main page of the forum and we add a category so that the posts would be under a solitaire heading. I have a test example up using French posts. It would be just like having an online newsletter/magazine. You can even have a banner that goes up with each edition and a download as a pdf. All of this is already there for the taking...use it. We have hundreds* of new people that go to the main site every day, but the only one willing to post anything new is French Guy and me when I can find the time to grab something that is on the forum and stick it over there. It is our number one promotional tool, but I can't get you guys to use it or even explore it. WHY!? You want new players don't you? Well the new players DON"T COME TO THE FORUM FIRST...they find that main page and IF it has something interesting they explore deeper. You are all missing the boat and I can't do it without you.

*(last month-5373 real visits, they spent an average of 6.33 minutes on the site. 21% were completely new. That is 1128 new people that came to the site either by search, mistake or curiosity)

There, my piece is said...hopefully it results in action, but I'll put my money on the under.
Wolf, I know your frustrations. What you are suggesting is much the same thing I was thinking about today after seeing this post come back to the top again. I do plan on doing more work towards this since I mostly play solitaire anyway.

Any more suggestions from anyone???
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Old 12-08-2010, 08:50 PM
allftbl allftbl is offline
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Default Not really a suggestion but...

....when I 1st came to the MFCA site I started to look around....found the map site tried to see if there was any leagues around in my area then got to the "You're Not Alone" solitaire site and that got me excited (like a kid in a candy store) to join the MFCA (many thanks Chris).After seeing the TWEAK I was hooked!!

My opinion echoes whats been said already (Roo,Lindy,Al,)as far as any new solitaire newsletter it should be a regular part of the TWEAK(and the main page) .Its already been said there is a shortage of articles for the TWEAK and to me this would be a good way of lightening the load and it seems as if there is quite a few of us who enjoy solitaire.Wolf to be honest I didnt know how or that "any" of us could post on the main page like that(I'm slow learning all this computer stuff)(I'm still trying to add my Universal Football League to the list of leagues!!!) I would see new articles,read through and enjoy them, and really never thought how or who got it there.I would read through it and head to the forum.You've opened up my eyes(french guy too ) and maybe more of us will now use it and help continue the growth/excitement of the MFCA.
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