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Old 12-17-2007, 10:32 PM
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Default Roy Williams???

How do you have a Penalty named after you and you STILL do it!?! I have NEVER tackled anyone that way in all my years. Isn't it just as easy to go for the feet? I don't get it.
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Old 12-17-2007, 11:36 PM
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Default i dont know

Its kind of hard to think about how to tackle a person in the heat of the moment .Its really hard when they beat you on the angle and your just
trying to stop a big play .
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Old 12-18-2007, 12:51 AM
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Default Sissy Way... tackle! I have a 6" scar down the back of my neck from a guy who tackled me down the sideline when I played ball in Germany. Blood everywhere! And it was friggin practice!!! If you can't catch me, then dive for my feet! Have a seat and enjoy the game from home Mr. Kelly Rowland! I bet she can tackle better than that! :rolleyes:
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Old 12-18-2007, 04:11 AM
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Default You know Jimbo

if I did'nt know better I think you were tryin to bait a Cowboys fan.
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Old 12-18-2007, 08:52 AM
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He blaintly pulled McNabb down like that to try and injur him. I watched the game I saw the play. Williams caught him from behind. Grabbed his collar and fell straight to the ground.
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Old 12-18-2007, 09:07 AM
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A Blatant Intent to Injure!!
He should be out for the season. My thoughts of course.
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Old 12-18-2007, 09:39 AM
rjackson rjackson is offline
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Default Haters.....

.....Man what happened to real football. Back in the day you tackled a guy anyway you could. Ronnie Lott was famous for leaving his feet like a rocket leading with his helmet to punish an opposing player, now you have to be almost grounded to tackle a player with your helmet leading the way. Football has come to such a money game that it is sickening. I used to use my forearm to give someone the blues up around the chin, especially fullbacks who like to chop block, now you hardly ever see someone punish someone with a forearm for risk of getting a penalty.

Clothes lines was a thing of beauty back in the day. Jack Tatum was my man because he brought you down anyway he could. With so many offensive players making the big dough the game is watered down now.

Jimbo I would have loved to catch you from behind and broke you off a lil something. Making an offensive player bleed was my love for the game. Watching a lineman wipe blood from his mouth after I had just blown him up on a play made me get a ---- on. I played against one of the dirtiest lineman in my day his name was Chris Maumalanga. We had one of the best games with each other and still talk about the night we beat his team 40-0. The play I am talking about was an interception return by one of my teammates who now coaches with the Lions Clayton Lopez. Chris had caught me on an earlier play on a cut back run and just killed me, literally knocking me out. After sitting out a series I finally had my chance on this interception return. Once Lopez hit the sideline I was in front of him and saw Chris starting his pursuit. Now Chris is 6'2 370lbs. If you read up on him he got into several altercations with Giant players when he played with them including Mr. Strahan himself, who actually beat dat **********. So on this play it was payback time, as the play developed I peeled back looking for Chris like a heat sinking missile, saw him looking back running at a angle and took off with all my might, leaped in the air and caught Chris, helmet to helmet and buckled him. After about 30 seconds I came too with my whole right side dead from getting a stinger, but Chris had a gash in his lip as thick as a banana peel.

Man the joy of that, what this story tells you is that on that play no penalty for the hit, in which in today’s game would garner a fine or ejection. This was in 89' so now 18yrs later things have changed. Roy Williams would have been a good teammate of LT. So however you have to bring them down do it!!

Just my dimes worth!!!
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Old 12-18-2007, 10:03 AM
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Default Good Story

...but you woulda never had to catch me, I woulda ran right at you! NAh. I was QB and that was a broken play. The new guy was a Cook, and he only caught me after 30yds and I was slowing up. Like I said, it was practice and he was a punk for having nails that long! FAST as all get out though! Hahahaha. I can laugh about it now, but that hurt like heck and starched collars (Army remember) didn't help!

Actually, if we woulda played against each other I woulda had to do what Burt Reynolds did in the Longest Yard on you to slow you down. Can you say "95mph Cup Check?" I knew that you could.

I know the game has gotten watered down, but that play has been banned, named "The Roy Williams Horsecollar" and he still does it. Find another way to get the man down - a QB even! - or better yet, tell the coach to take you off a magnet and put you on a fast TTC so you can be in front of the play next time!!! rtfl$

Here's the NEW Miniature Football Rule whenever someone's Roy Williams tackles your guy from behind - especially your QB!!! Shake The Box twice! Yep, you get an extra chance to get a Flag on that fairy!!! <<<< ------ bait on the hook!
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Old 12-18-2007, 10:05 AM
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I agree somewhat with yoou that the game has become a little soft but with the sixe and speed of the players today you have to have rules against these kind of hits. I can remember in the 70's the Raiders main objective on defense was to send the starting quarterback off the field on a stretcher. With todays salaries and popularity you have to protect players. This is their livelyhood and for it to be taken away by an illegle hit would be unjust. The league also needs to ban cut blocking. That is the dirtiest play in football.
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Old 12-18-2007, 10:25 AM
rjackson rjackson is offline
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Default All points are good but....

....Today players are wearing the tightest jersey's they have available and they are taping the jerseys to their pads. Now McNabb is a linebacker happening to be playing QB. Roy Williams is actually 5'11 much smaller then Mac, so he did what he had to do to pull this man down. If they ban the tight ********** jerseys and go back to the jerseys being able to stretch then you won't have the horse collars.

Jimbo I didn't know you cared for me in that way!!!!
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