We have a good thing...
What is that saying?...something about you don't realize what a good thing you had until it is gone...Man there is alot of complaining, whining, and crying all over nothing in my humble opinion. I think that is what make people not want to get involved with this hobby. Lots of people are interested in the beginning, it may be out of curiosity, or just remembering that they tried to play (could not get their men to run correctly, running in circles) as a kid. As I have said many times before, we need to look in the mirror, and ask the question..."would I want to associate with a group of grown men who cry, whine, and constantly complain"? Life is too precious to waste with a group of guys who can't meet in the middle and come up with solutions to their problems. I think something is seriously wrong, and sad if these little plastic men define an individuals existance and receiving credit as the greatest EF/MF is that important. If not for Miggle, the majority of us would not have found that the hobby still exists, and has evolved to such a high level game play, stragities, and as a hobby with the decaling and painting, and customization of figures. Miggle has tried to appease us several times, but no matter what they do we complain. They have made the 67 Big Men available - complaint - "they are not as good as the o/gs", Boat Bases - "The're too big, I can't get them to run right", O/G Frosties - "It's not fair, people can cheat by BOILING them". That is just 3 products to name a few that Miggle has been raked over the coals about. They stoped making the Boilables, and Boats, now they go for as much as $10ea. on line. I for one have suffered by not being able to purchase products I like from Miggle because by trying to give good customer service, they listen to the complainers, whiners, and cryers. One more example...they make a new 620 that everyone including myself has been urging them to...what happens, they get ripped a new one. Also, a new company called Excalliber makes a EF/MF game board and men. They get ripped a new one before the original a#* hole can be completely formed. If I were Excalliber, I would not invest $ in a group that does not support and encourage my product. Guys on this fourm always ask why do the media portray the game as a joke, and us as Nerds, Dweebs, & Geeks...I just described the answer to you in great detail (LOOK IN THE MIRROR).