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Old 05-21-2008, 06:52 PM
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Default The Windfall of Hyping Up the Game

hype is great!

Last edited by Reginald Rutledge : 05-21-2008 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 05-21-2008, 07:10 PM
rjackson rjackson is offline
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Default Reg........

........I only got one thing to say and that is, if the NFL and NCAA came to your website again, that means that we have a hater among us who blew the whistle on you. This is really a sad day for the MF community. Hatred and envy will get nothing but a date with the devil at lifes end.

Reg keep doing what you doing bro, we all know that what you have hyped up is being hated on by some that might even have had a conversation or two with you in the past.

The Ojays said it best:
They smile in your face, All the time they want to take your place, The back stabbers, back stabbers,They smile in your face, All the time they want to take your place, The back stabbers, back stabbers!!!
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Old 05-21-2008, 07:11 PM
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Default you know

forgive me if i am out of line and not in the know but........

its tired now seeing these post about you guys arguing.
You are obviously having conversations with and about eachother outside of this board, then throw up these ambiguous posts riffin about something.

half of us dont know what its about and where its coming from or who is involved, so why throw it up here on the board involving us?

i sure hope you guys can get down to the SeaWall and verbally brawl in a separate room, then give eachother a hug once its all straightened out.
move on from there and lets get this hobby back on track!

cause right now, all of it sounds no different than the talk going on in my Middle School cafeteria. i spoke earlier about my MF club at school, and Weirdwolf offered a junior members card to them. HONESTLY, i dont want them on this board reading some of the stuff we are talking about.

I am not trying to knock anyone in particular (cause i just dont know) - this is for ALL OF YOU who are involved. i dont know who you are but you guys sure do. so lets stop all this negative talk and being so down on eachother cause it surely is bringing the rest of us down.

There are guys out there who are real salty with eachother. its got to stop.
for the intergrity sake of this post, i wish i could name names like you guys ARE NOT doing but, if it doesnt involve most of in this community, solve this stuff on your own. i think i speak for enough of us in saying - we dont wanna be bothered and gloomed with your beefs!
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:08 PM
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Default Michael Downs

Once, when I expressed the same sentiment on this post, I started getting pm's chastising me for "not knowing what I'm talking about", and that "I should know the issues before speaking up". Well, Michael Downs, I agree with you 100%. Nobody knows what these guys are beefing about--all I know is that RR's site is down. How can you rat somebody out to the NFL? The league has lawyers and a staff devoted entirely to protecting the brand. No one had to tip them off. Let's keep the discussions to football, and put an end to the beef's.

Last edited by dallcow4life28 : 05-21-2008 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 05-21-2008, 11:46 PM
rjackson rjackson is offline
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Default Yo, Yo, Yo....

.....First off let's leave the BRAWL out of this conversation. When you bring the Brawl into it that is like bringing uncle Donald into it. There will be no verbal talk in another room at the BRAWL, whatever happens among us brothahs will stay among us brothahs.

BTW ain't nobody beefing about nothing it is just folks need to keep their mouths shut about issues that is going on among the community. Come on man it is a hundred websites that are out there with unauthorized team logos on it. No matter what you say potna it is a whistle blower among the community. The NFL don't give a ---- about MF so you can't tell me the task force said, oh yeah let's go to some MF sites to see if they using our logos.

Some ---hole sent them a email and tipped them off about a NFL shield that was on one of Reggie's figures that you could barely see on the website!!! Come on man first of all chime in on something you know about then and stay out of grown folks business!!!
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Old 05-22-2008, 12:44 AM
andre kc andre kc is offline
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Default An Ideal

I think maybe Reg should change his web site address, and lets see what will happens.

Last edited by andre kc : 05-22-2008 at 01:37 AM.
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Old 05-22-2008, 02:58 AM
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Default RJackson...

Ok, so tell me what u know about the NFL properties legal team. It's not like they didn't already know about Why do you think they took the license from Miggle? Because they didn't give a bleep? All of us that sell these products knows the risks involved with messing with the NFL brand. is a great site, and I'm sorry to see what has happened, but calling out unknown snitches just sounds like paranoia. Grown folks know what's going on. Michael Downs had it right. Almost every day there's a post on this board about some beef between MF brothers, and nobody knows what the bleep you're talking about. Those things are better left to PM's.
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Old 05-22-2008, 05:29 AM
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This is BS!!! Reg is hurting anybody. In fact, he does the NFL a favor by giving them free publicity. I hope someone isn't that petty out of jealousy
being a rat. This is totally counter to that the MFCA stands for.

Reg if you read this PM me, I want to stay in touch.
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Old 05-22-2008, 08:51 AM
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Default .

Originally Posted by rjackson View Post
.....First off let's leave the BRAWL out of this conversation. When you bring the Brawl into it that is like bringing uncle Donald into it. There will be no verbal talk in another room at the BRAWL, whatever happens among us brothahs will stay among us brothahs.

BTW ain't nobody beefing about nothing it is just folks need to keep their mouths shut about issues that is going on among the community. Come on man it is a hundred websites that are out there with unauthorized team logos on it. No matter what you say potna it is a whistle blower among the community. The NFL don't give a ---- about MF so you can't tell me the task force said, oh yeah let's go to some MF sites to see if they using our logos.

Some ---hole sent them a email and tipped them off about a NFL shield that was on one of Reggie's figures that you could barely see on the website!!! Come on man first of all chime in on something you know about then and stay out of grown folks business!!!
Rjackson, let me respond to make sure all is clear here from my part......

1. No one is bringing Don into this. I simply mentioned the Brawl cause everyone is gonna be down there, and who ever is beefing can iron that stuff out man to man and we can get back to harmony. i thought that was pretty clear.

2. BTW, there are people beefing behind the scenes and then doing the cloak and dagger thing on the board. it is everyday. its not just this posting of Reg and who the salty guy out there might be, its many other things, or maybe even one thing. thats what i am talking about, most of us dont know what or who is beefing, yet its on the board so it drags us in. WHOEVER IS ANGRY, THEY NEED TO PM THE HECK OUT OF EACHOTHER AND RESOLVE IT.

3. Perhaps as i have explained again, you will see, i wasnt focusing on just the troubles reg is having and who is responsible. this was the first i heard about it. though i am on your side and agree with what you said regarding that situation, throwing up post like that does create nothing more than paranoia and confusion.

4. Now the part of 'stay out of grown folks business' - dude, I WOULD LOVE TOO! if only the "the grown folks" would keep there business amongst themselves. Rjack., that was the best thing you said. You said exactly what i meant, just from a different angle. instead of all that i wrote, i should have gotten on and just posted "i wanna stay out of grown folks business, so please dont post it on a public board. may i direct you guys to private messaging?"

5. Understand, my blast was to the OVERALL negativity going on. it was just a bunch of post blasting someone in the most passive manner, yet no one even knows what this is about.
I started my post with 'Forgive me if i am out of line'. i wrote that cause it didnt feel right to post that on Reggies thread, but rather start a new one.
so i apologize for that, because what i said got confused a bit in thinking it directly relating to him. i apologize for where i posted. i do not at all, apologize to what i posted. i think it was necessary.

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Old 05-22-2008, 08:53 AM
rjackson rjackson is offline
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Default FYI sir...........

...........I have a cousin that works for the NFL league office and her name is Dawn Neufeld. Her husband Ryan Neufeld has played 9 seasons in the NFL and which he just ended a 3 year contract with the Bills. So you tell me what I don't and do know about what goes on in the league office, because I am stating facts. The NFL doesn't scout the little fish man, they go after the big fish for copy infringement and unauthorized use of their insignia. So since you asked smart --- there's your answer!!!!

BTW, I have a very close friend by the name of Tori James who just retired from the NFL after 15 years and he and I had a conversation about this just last night in which he gave me a very elaborate explanation on how the whole NFL licensing operation works. So you won't think I am name dropping here is a pic of Ryan at a family Superbowl party!!! Got one of TJ somewhere. Here is a pic of My Cousin's to the left, moms sitting there laughing in the middle and the Neufeld's. His wife is my first cousin on the right who works for the NFL league office. Just a family B-Day outing.

Family full of fools
Dawn and Ryan

Last edited by rjackson : 05-22-2008 at 08:17 PM.
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