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Old 03-17-2007, 12:55 AM
Reginald Rutledge's Avatar
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Default Customizing Evolution:A New Genre in Miniature Football

As I sit here customizing another new pose from my 24 stock poses, I can not help but remember a time when I was heavily criticized for not having traditional "old school" hard figures. I was dragged through the coals about being different, being a rebel, and having to hear from "so-called" experts that my figures were not intended for electric football.

Initially, my figures were intended strictly for myself and myself only! But once a few guys got a hold of my figures, they asked me to make them public to everyone. It was a risk on my part because I knew the "either love Reg or hate Reg" culture in EFL land. So I knew guys would take that opportunity to torch me when it came to detailing my figures. Everything from "His players are too soft" to "His players look like they have army pants" were spread throughout the country.

If I did not have the fortitude that I proudly have had ever since I was a youngster, I probably would have folded up my EFL tent and went into anonymity. However, because I felt, and still feel, that there is essence in what I do, I continue to persevere, to educate guys who want to learn about techniques which have been most beneficial to me.

There are even vendors of decal companies as well as in other areas who encourage EFLers not to buy my figures. Sayings like "No Reggie figures allowed" or "Reggie not allowed" are just a few of the phrases that some people use. Vendors push themselves from potential markets because of their shortsightedness. They have no idea what potential customers are watching their every move.

For those who see the game in an evolving manner, I am more than happy to assist in creating whatever your heart desires. There is a customizing evolution underway in electric football. This new genre will eventually become one of the most exciting aspects of the game of electric football. Many times, I have discuss things on chatboards which have come to pass. This again, is one of those things that is on the cutting edge of miniature football (from this point on, I will try to refrain from using electric football due to companies pointing the NFL and NCAA towards what I do).

Guys like Biglock, Rick Garrison, Sean Carter, Michael Robertson, LeRon King, Broadway Dre, and a few others have reached out to learn what I know about customizing. Granted, I do not have all the answer, but having worked with these figures for so long, I am more than willing to share that information with guys who want to learn.

The market for the product is greater than many of you know. Biglock always wonder if anybody buys my product. I can not begin to tell Biglock the number of people. He will see that list when he is in Texas next week. He will realize the potential market is a reality. I have customers who buy 300 custom figures painted up at a shot! This is not stated to brag but to help EFLers understand that the market is great! Not only is the market great, but the addiction is even greater.

Last night, I was in Anaheim, CA and one Rick Garrison and his lovely wife, Roseanne visited me. Rick is one of those EFLers who felt slighted on chatboards. No one befriended him. I saw a potential customizing star way back. It was great to meet the Garrisons. We stayed up til about 3:00 AM CST. What I loved about Rick was the instant kinship and the humble nature to learn. When guys show that type of "sponge-ability", it becomes easy to give him the knowledge.

We crafted numerous poses and he naturally adapted. I think this is one of your future customizing stars, one of the future greats that others will look to for answers on how to create things. Rick was so willing to learn that I thought I was taking up his time! I hated that I had to stop but I had to leave for Dallas the next day. Sometimes, you know, you just got a hunch that a guy "has it". I think Rick has it! He has the passion, he has the depth, he has the vision, he has the thirst! Guys like this, you want to help before you make the decision to leave.

Imagine, being able to create a specific player that main role is to stop another player. Not by holding him and dancing with him, but by being physical and putting him on his ARSE!

That's what we do! Study the players that are available and go out and recruit players to beat that player. I know some think it becomes an arms race but it becomes a reality that no two players are the same. That's why customizing becomes fun.

So my hope is that more guys will become knoweldgeable of what I do and will want to learn. Unlike other companies, I will give you the necessary information. I will teach you what I know. I need guys to step in and become customizers because the market is no longer potential but a reality market.

I will be more than willing to share whatever information I can at the Seawall Brawl. If you have no interest in what I do, that's fine. Just drop by and get to know me or what I do.


Last edited by Reginald Rutledge : 03-17-2007 at 12:46 PM.
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Old 03-17-2007, 01:50 AM
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Default incredible...

the techniques you taught me lastnight reggie would have taken me along time to learn on my own. I had my eyes opened to alot of possabilities as you showed me things and little tricks to save time i had not even thought of yet. Again, thank you my friend for giving me not only the knowledge to create, but also the inspiration and confidence to keep creating. Keep watching for new poses as i now have a really good understanding of how it all works.
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Old 03-17-2007, 12:54 PM
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Reginald Rutledge Reginald Rutledge is offline
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Default Legendary Customizer Jay Boy To Assist at Seawall Brawl

Just got off the telephone talking to my close friend from the V-A, Ronald "JayBoy" Combs about being a part of my customizing class in Virginia.

JayBoy was very happy about doing so. As a matter of fact, when I called him, he was customizing some FF.COM offensive linemen like the Raiders linemen on the FF.COM website.

JayBoy and I go back 12 years so as always, he was a welcome participant. For me, it will be a treat seeing my old friend and just collabaorating on ideas. We will do this like a classroom setting with an instructional DVD showing how to make the 20 poses. We will have figures for you to practice on. We will show you painting techniques using FF.COM decals and much more.

So come and share with us what we do. Bring any picture that you want of any player and we can show how it can be replicated in less than 1 to 2 minutes.
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Old 03-18-2007, 09:19 PM
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Default Ill Be Rheir !!!!!!!!!

I will be front row, thanx for bringing customizing to the land of the mini's. It's because of you i became interested again in this hobby. Just watching your figs come to life through customizing adds realism to this game. Will you just put up that "deon sanders" figure in his ravens uni !!!!

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Old 03-19-2007, 04:13 AM
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Default check you private message

I need to talk with you.
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