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Old 01-05-2009, 02:30 PM
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I don't think there is any reason to further defend the MPFL system. I think we will all enjoy it more with a collection of coaches who like the system right away upon viewing it. An incredible league can be built from a coaches pool who believe in and embrace multi stops. We need more guy's like STEEL TOWN TOUGH who just likes the vision the MPFL. He sounds like a coach who a gameday will be like an NFL SUNDAY. You know you have a keeper coach when they are asking all the right questions and want to help this sysrem succeed. Just listening to steel town tough and frank b and the GREAT JIMBO, these coaches sound like upper echelon play's from scrimmage callers who can do extreme battle with one another. Once the system is fully understood by all the participant's, we can have a BILL PARCELL'S vs BILL BELECHIK atomosphere. I would love to see AB going stop for stop vs jimbo and these other MPFL believers. I think michael down's is starting to beleive also. One of the most respected coaches in EF history, smitty ravens gives this system his full endorsement and say's it is the future of this hobby.

The key is to let people find out on there own. The great 26 time ring wearing champ DON SMITH alway's told me, "if you have to twist someone's arm, will it be all that worth it in the end " . I rather see coaches who love it upon seeing it with fresh eyes than to sit and wait for a skeptical coach to say, 'oh well, i'll play to see what it is like ". it is better to have someone IN MOTION(making moves to improve the league/system he likes). Than to have a coach just GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS. It is better to build a 32 team league with people who are in your corner, than to constantly defend and explain what you are about and trying to do. Once you have reached the pinnacle of a full league with sunday excited coaches. You really don't need anything else. I feel every style/league should get to 32 and play there hearts out.


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Old 01-06-2009, 12:36 AM
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Lindyhopper49 Lindyhopper49 is offline
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Default Awesome

Too bad canada is SOOO far away. It sounds like your league will be awesome fun!

I would love to see a vid or two of you running the veer. I have asked a few times how it could be done and I would love to see it!

(I always think of the quote about the Veer from remember the titans: "I run 6 plays, split veer, like Novocain. Just give it time, always works.")

Keep up the good work
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:52 AM
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I ran the Cadet Wishbone using the Chicago-style Rules at last year's MFCA Con. I played 2 Navy teams and 2 Air Force teams. If you ask them, I hope they'll say I ran it well regardless of their first time playing against it using those rules.

I'll do some videos over the next few days and show the CW and some Veer plays. Stay tuned.
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