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Old 01-11-2009, 12:58 AM
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Cool, Bob. Glad you aren't one of the ever increasing thin-skinned girlie-men in this world. JUST KIDDING EVERYONE - unless you are a girlie man. The Governator said it not me!

Anyway, we all agree that this is a FANTASTIC system and it takes practice to understand it, let alone excel at it. So with that said, I have appointed myself the MPFL's Press Secretary and I will field most questions myself. But if I can't answer them, then I will consult with AB and then decode it in plainspeak so as not to offend anyone any further.

My apologies for the short quippie answers in the past ala posting links to the NFL Rules, etc. I did not mean to offend nor do I wish to deter anyone from learning this system fully. Let's just all get along and learn it for what it is - a DIFFERENT way of playing the game we all love. If you wish to learn this sytem and play in the MPFL then the system is AS IS and no changes will be made nor should they be suggested. Build your team and let's get to crackin' plastic. I agree with AB on that point.

However, if you choose to dissect it and then use bits and pieces of it, then have at it. It is then no longer the MPFL System and we should not be subject to answering questions that do not pertain to the MPFL System or the League, agreed?

Thanks for agreeing to agree,

Jimbo Dunagan
Coach, 2009 MPFL Chicago BEARS

Last edited by JIMBO : 01-11-2009 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 01-11-2009, 07:14 PM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Originally Posted by artlax View Post
Just pointing out that there are better ways to communicate and promote.

That IS THE POINT that seems to be missed here - no matter who tries to point it out. Regardless of passion.

It is as it is.

As I have said a few times - Play on, - have fun and enjoy.
Hey I am truly sorry that some if not many are offended by what I post. I am sorry that people can not hear the tone I use when I speak, or see my facial expressions, if thy could then they would not react the way they do.

But just for you and everone one else, I have no reason to lie, insult, put down, neither do I think of myself as being better then any of you.

As what was talked about in church today, people tend to misunderstand what they read, and or hear. People must with a true and pure heart want to understand, and when you truly are seeking to understand then you will never be offended by what you read or hear.

What people do is when they do not understand they tend to fill in the blanks rather then gather data to make sure they understand correctly.

Now what I tend to not understand is if every one knows tha 1: I am not out to put them down, 2: I am not out to hurt them, 3: I am not out to do anything negative to them,.......

But they know 1: I am a honest and faithful man, 2: I try to be a fair and just man, 3: It is in my heart to help guys understand this system.

If all of this is true then I am not understanding how guys can and are taking things I write the wrong way.
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 01-11-2009, 07:15 PM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Originally Posted by JIMBO View Post
Cool, Bob. Glad you aren't one of the ever increasing thin-skinned girlie-men in this world. JUST KIDDING EVERYONE - unless you are a girlie man. The Governator said it not me!

Anyway, we all agree that this is a FANTASTIC system and it takes practice to understand it, let alone excel at it. So with that said, I have appointed myself the MPFL's Press Secretary and I will field most questions myself. But if I can't answer them, then I will consult with AB and then decode it in plainspeak so as not to offend anyone any further.

My apologies for the short quippie answers in the past ala posting links to the NFL Rules, etc. I did not mean to offend nor do I wish to deter anyone from learning this system fully. Let's just all get along and learn it for what it is - a DIFFERENT way of playing the game we all love. If you wish to learn this sytem and play in the MPFL then the system is AS IS and no changes will be made nor should they be suggested. Build your team and let's get to crackin' plastic. I agree with AB on that point.

However, if you choose to dissect it and then use bits and pieces of it, then have at it. It is then no longer the MPFL System and we should not be subject to answering questions that do not pertain to the MPFL System or the League, agreed?

Thanks for agreeing to agree,

Jimbo Dunagan
Coach, 2009 MPFL Chicago BEARS
Thanks JimBo
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 01-12-2009, 12:24 AM
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artlax artlax is offline
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Default Congrats...

On winning championship #4 and on the great article in the Tweak.

Wishes for another great MPFL season!!

Play-on and enjoy!!!
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