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Old 11-18-2009, 12:41 PM
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for 2 years now me and my leaguemates......"THE BOARD" ....have been boiling down our ruleset....What's funny is that when we make a decision we do it based on real football rules and what seems fair to the entire league.

Now my question is when you guys are making rules or trying to interpret others rules...during a game does it flow smoothly or are there still questions?

Now I may be alittle biased but I feel as though I have the best rule guys in the business in THE basically what makes sense to Joe Greco and Bob Slate makes sense to me.....because their interpretation of the rules is unbiased and they don't worry about how the rule may affect their play.

So when you make your rules or change your rules....are you thinking about a certain individual in your league or are you thinking about yourself or are you thinking about the "LEAGUE" as a whole ?

Does the change enhance or detract from league play?

Do you get lots of complaints?

So far in our 2 year history I feel confident that most questions that may arise during gameplay in our league are based on each individuals interpretation of certain rules.....and most of our games flow with little or no drama.......We Are slowly building a league of "QUALITY PEOPLE".....
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Old 11-18-2009, 01:40 PM
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My brother complains every sack or tackle

WHen we play, I focus on my defense action, and he 's focused on his opened receivers, and stuff like that. So when I call a sack or tackle ("TAAAACKLE" or "SAAAACK" I say ) , he turns the board off, and start complaining

- if it 's a side tackle, since he turns off the board after I spoke, of course the runner/receiver is often away from the tackle position, so he says there is no tackle

- If it's a sack, he says that I disturbed him calling for the sack so he missed his board turn off (try to find a logic in there... )
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Old 11-18-2009, 02:06 PM
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Default Honesty and Attention

In an effort to play in this hobby and have fun, one must be honest and attentive. When you make rules, be true in the making of them. Don’t make rules that support your strengths or the strengths of your colleagues. I am contradicting myself from an earlier post, but an example would be front of base tackling. If you know the vast majority of your leagues’ members have a hard time tackling like that, fashion the rules of tackling to cater to the capabilities of the majority.

During play, both coaches must watch the board at all times. I can’t stand when an opponent claims he or she didn’t see what happened and because of that the outcome doesn’t count. The truth is that they saw what occurred. The outcome wasn’t in their favor; therefore, they don’t want to deal with it.

Running plays are easier to watch because the ball is with the runner. Passing plays are little bit harder to watch because both coaches must watch the entire field. Pressure on the QB must be watched, out of bounds and available receivers must be watched. One’s peripheral vision must be sharp to see all that takes place on the board.

The Electric Coach
We are all ambassadors of the hobby. How we present the hobby, is a reflection on all who participate in it.

Last edited by Electric Coach : 11-18-2009 at 02:08 PM. Reason: Typo
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Old 11-18-2009, 09:28 PM
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Thumbs up Mozeek

Some people need to learn that you can't win by changing rules.

I am laughing my ****** off right now as I write this.

We went to shoot out this year. To add to that there were a lot of compromises. Instead of any touch we stayed with front of base. Then you could turn and burn anyone behind the line of scrimmage, except slot receivers. Then, the most puzzling change of all, your linebackers go from 7 to 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage

So I go and play my first game basically with my college team on men that really didn't match for the most part. Now the college team was designed for pure shootout so this is what happened:

I find my quick defensive lineman being turned a hairlash before my linebackers can support them.

When I blitz the board was quickly turned off and a fast rookie runner is hit, turned and goes in for a score.

When my corner shoves a guy out of the play the receiver is hit, then pivoted, and gets a critical first down.

Obviously without linebacker support I always had to be cognizant of the run so I was pretty much on a string out there.

I had two choices after that game. Say the rules are to blame and cry about them all year, or adjust to them. I figured, based on what I saw on the field that from watching me play in the college set on TV their may have been some who were brainstorming in the background to slow down that defense. Well, I love challenges so this is what I did:

I don't know who in the hell thought I couldn't tweak for strength. Although it is not my style, strength became a necessity. My noseguard got a safety last week by busting through three blockers to block a punt. I ended a game running right down the thoat of a strong team.

Offensively, I went from averaging about 17 points a game to now averaging 37.8 a game. I don't even use that garbage turn and burn because it is not used in most tournaments and leagues. I merely hit my passes. Twenty minutes a day wiped out every rule change!

Now, some coaches can't stop anyone because I think they forgot they have to play defense AND contend with their changes while they barely stay above 500. It is so ********ed funny. A rookie coach, who is also a strategist, is running away with his division because he walked in more mature and realistic about what was necessary to be successful.

I merely developed a killer defensive line who methodically penetrate and get there in due time. Maybe not in a split second like in Ohio. More like a full second. I am steadily finding ways to get my speed rushers in without being hurt by it. That has freed up my linebackers to blast those puny speed bases when they turn and burn.

What makes you laugh makes you cry I say. I have seen rules to stop good passers, runners, strength, and now speed yet the same people wind up at or near the top. Why? Because successful people adjust to the obstacles put before them. Others cry and blame it on others as their teams go down the tubes by their own hand (pen).

Man, I could go all day on this one!

Please note: I have never proposed a rule change.
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them

Last edited by sweetka : 11-18-2009 at 09:47 PM.
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Old 11-18-2009, 09:39 PM
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Thumbs up You are so right?

Originally Posted by Electric Coach View Post
In an effort to play in this hobby and have fun, one must be honest and attentive. When you make rules, be true in the making of them. Don’t make rules that support your strengths or the strengths of your colleagues. I am contradicting myself from an earlier post, but an example would be front of base tackling. If you know the vast majority of your leagues’ members have a hard time tackling like that, fashion the rules of tackling to cater to the capabilities of the majority.

During play, both coaches must watch the board at all times. I can’t stand when an opponent claims he or she didn’t see what happened and because of that the outcome doesn’t count. The truth is that they saw what occurred. The outcome wasn’t in their favor; therefore, they don’t want to deal with it.

Running plays are easier to watch because the ball is with the runner. Passing plays are little bit harder to watch because both coaches must watch the entire field. Pressure on the QB must be watched, out of bounds and available receivers must be watched. One’s peripheral vision must be sharp to see all that takes place on the board.

The Electric Coach
I know a guy that does that then calls you unethical. My fault is the setup. I don't scrimmage enough to get it down especially with this fast setup. Man, I had about 100 yards in penalties in one game. I seem to be getting better now that I know more about what each player can do.
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them
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Old 11-18-2009, 11:12 PM
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Default Love ya post Frat

Unfortunately Ken Allen thought it was his opportunity to jack it to cry/self-promote himself. (Some things/people never change) I know he's coming so whatever he got my number.....

To answer your questions I think rules should be an agreed set of guidelines for ALL members of the league to ENJOY the game. I have seen rules tear up something that I think was pure and I have seen rules have very little bearing on the participation/fun factor. I believe the second is the best option. We have gotten a lot of complaints from our recent change in rules and have lost some valuable friends as a result. If rules are having a major effect on the outcome of the game, participation in your league then you have the WRONG rules in place. You want the game play on the board to determine the outcome of the game. Not rules nor refs who can't see anymore or refs who just have hidden agendas.

What I have found to be the biggest problems with rules is drum roll........
PEOPLE DON'T READ THEM and argue about rules that they haven't read. It's so frustrating to have to explain the same rules to people week after week because they refuse to read the rules.

We all have many options when it comes to electric football. The first is to play by yourself or to join others. If you chose to play with others in a league then create rules that EVERYONE will except. Create them well in advance of league play and agree to not revisit them until the end of the season. There will be issues whenever there is change but hold true and don't revisit them until the end of the season. This removes the bickering and crying for at least a season. (maybe)

Beyond rules we need to create a written doctrine of RESPECT! Treat your league members with respect. That includes the person, the place (location where games are played), things (their players & bases). Find coaches that create a positive playing experience.
J~Swagz; Swagz is On Deck!

Last edited by Jamel_G : 11-18-2009 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 11-19-2009, 05:46 AM
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During play, both coaches must watch the board at all times. I can’t stand when an opponent claims he or she didn’t see what happened and because of that the outcome doesn’t count. The truth is that they saw what occurred. The outcome wasn’t in their favor; therefore, they don’t want to deal with it.

it's funny to see that sames problemes happens at our low level, thousands of kilometers away from your place

the good thing is that my brother stills have a sport fair spirit, so everything finishes fine after the games, and we laugh when we speak about the game to friends or together.

I believe our little argueing will stop when my brother will be more educated to the game. He's not passing hours everyday reading MFCA websites, training or watching vids of (real an miniature) football too
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Old 11-19-2009, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamel_G View Post
Unfortunately Ken Allen thought it was his opportunity to jack it to cry/self-promote himself. (Some things/people never change) I know he's coming so whatever he got my number.....

To answer your questions I think rules should be an agreed set of guidelines for ALL members of the league to ENJOY the game. I have seen rules tear up something that I think was pure and I have seen rules have very little bearing on the participation/fun factor. I believe the second is the best option. We have gotten a lot of complaints from our recent change in rules and have lost some valuable friends as a result. If rules are having a major effect on the outcome of the game, participation in your league then you have the WRONG rules in place. You want the game play on the board to determine the outcome of the game. Not rules nor refs who can't see anymore or refs who just have hidden agendas.

What I have found to be the biggest problems with rules is drum roll........
PEOPLE DON'T READ THEM and argue about rules that they haven't read. It's so frustrating to have to explain the same rules to people week after week because they refuse to read the rules.

We all have many options when it comes to electric football. The first is to play by yourself or to join others. If you chose to play with others in a league then create rules that EVERYONE will except. Create them well in advance of league play and agree to not revisit them until the end of the season. There will be issues whenever there is change but hold true and don't revisit them until the end of the season. This removes the bickering and crying for at least a season. (maybe)

Beyond rules we need to create a written doctrine of RESPECT! Treat your league members with respect. That includes the person, the place (location where games are played), things (their players & bases). Find coaches that create a positive playing experience.

Other than the first line I totally agree with your point of view. That's why I took the time to print all those copies. It really bugs me too when people complain, make phone calls, instead of checking what's in writing. Great post! I really hear you on the game site thing but that is an enforcement issue as well.

Mainly, there are just too many rule restrictions that would lead anyone to believe that the changes are personal or to gain a competitive edge. Like I have said many times. I don't care what the rules are. They are just guidelines. I have worked the same job for 26 years now and the rules change everyday. You adjust, not quit your job. Moreover, if you agree to the rules then finish what you start. Sure, complain a little but an agreement is an agreement. Complaints are the start to a change/solution.

The main thing that Mozeek stated was that he "trusted" the people who made the rules in his league. Now those who departed must have an issue with that and respect when you consider the total picture. I agree with what's done is done but It does really bother me also when I pick up the rules and someone else picks up a phone. In a lot of cases it becomes a coin flip when you pick up a phone as opposed to the facts that are in writing.

My post was my personal way of dealing with the change from a competitive standpoint. How I meet the challenge personally. I'll leave it at that. However, for those of you who ever think about quitting your league because of drastic changes in a ruleset please take my example as a way of saying if you use your mind the rules don't matter. I speak with 40 years of competitive experience. Don't quit your league because of rules and as most of you know we have had some widespread issues involving many leagues along these lines. The object is to play and enjoy the game plain and simple. J, I'm not going to come after anybody, those days are long gone.
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them
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Old 11-19-2009, 08:50 AM
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Default what we do....

In the Harrisburg BuzzBall League is have proposed rules tried in pre season, we see how they work, make adjustments if necessary, or scrap the rule all together, after it not working out, even though the it sounded good in theory, just didn't translate on the field.
EmEff Rip
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Old 11-19-2009, 03:43 PM
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Default It worked in our league too, when it was done that is.

Originally Posted by Coach Rip View Post
In the Harrisburg BuzzBall League is have proposed rules tried in pre season, we see how they work, make adjustments if necessary, or scrap the rule all together, after it not working out, even though the it sounded good in theory, just didn't translate on the field.
Great point George. We initially beta tested every new rule and received feedback on it's impact on the game. It was very positive and the rules got progressively better. Great point buddy!
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them
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