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Old 12-21-2009, 02:08 PM
Reginald Rutledge's Avatar
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Default For Lindyhopper:The Dice and Charts for Shootout Solitaire


Thanks for inquiring about the dice and charts that are used for Shootout Solitaire that I used. You may want to copy the playbook as well. You can always go in there and edit and change plays the ways that you like.

For my games, I use what is known as a 3-compartment tackle box (used in fishing) affetionately known as "The Box:. In each compartment are a certain number of dice.

They are as follows;

Compartment 1-Dice 1: a 00,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 die
1-Dice 2: 0thru 9 die
1-Dice 3:12-sided die

Compartment 2-Dice 4 & 5: 2 six-sided dice with 2 being the same color.
Dice 6: 5-sided blue die
Compartment 3 - Dice 7:One 12 sided die
Dice 8:1 6 sided die

Compartment 1 - Used at the start of play, to set up offensive scheme. The defensive scheme will already be set how you want, whetehr it's a 3-4. 4-3. 5-2, 6-1, cover 2, etc.

You shake the box and a sequence of #'s come up. Dice 1 and 2 determines the offensive play. It can be a sweep, 4 wide-out set, etc. It will be shown in the playbook. At that time, set the offense matched to the defense you created.

Run the play.

Then shake the box. If Dice 4-5 (middle compartment) have the same numbers, double 1,2,3,4,5, or 6, you know that some type of action has occurred. At that point, you have to look on the chart and make the determination of what the action was.

For a fumble, it is 1-1, but then you have to look at that third dice in the second compartment to determine if it is on the Offense or Defense. If it is odd, it is on the offense and even, on the defense. Once you've got that down, then you see who recovers it by looking and seeing what player in the 3rd compartment it is.

This all seems complicated but I swear, it takes nothing but a second to do the simulation. Fumbles rarely occur, as injuries and penalties. However, when they do occur, it can be devastating and a sure momentum swing.

I will attach the simulations in hopes that it will be of help to you.

Send me your email address because I tried attaching. You have a Happy holidays as well as your family.

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Old 12-21-2009, 02:51 PM
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canadatabletopgames canadatabletopgames is offline
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Default hey reg

can i have it too please?

Thanks again

Happy Holidays to you and your family

Ben Racette also from north of the border
Ben Racette
Montreal, QC, Canada
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