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Old 08-11-2010, 01:47 PM
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mantaraydre mantaraydre is offline
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Default one annoying thing in electric football


Throughout the years, one of the most annouying things in ef is not having much room on a table to place your team. We try to put them anywhere we can. on the sides, that little space in front., on a table behind you. NOW YOUR LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOUR PLAYERS. The most enjoyable board over the weekend was michigan joes board. he actually has real sidelines inside of the board where you can place all of your players on grass. You can line your men up like a real football sideline on grass. Board is spread out just right.

roller made an extended sideline for his bengals board that was nice.
I saw chris 5-13 with a extended side line that was mounted (clamped) to the table that worked well.

my question is, can a builder take on the task of making sidlines only. prefferably out of a light wood that can be folded. Or made in 4 small sections (travel purposes). problem is, how can they be mounted to someone elses board without leaving any marks or scratches on said board. For example, can it be made with some sort of space/groove that clamps right onto any watts, 308 or roller board. The way reg rutledge make sideline markers out of wood. it has that groove that fits right onto the 308. made just like that with the tray for the players hanging on the outside of the field


Last edited by mantaraydre : 08-11-2010 at 03:18 PM.
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