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Old 12-10-2006, 12:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Cool rules of the game

Please bear with me a little, I am a returning to the great game of EF after many years of retirement (from the game at least). I played as a child and until receintly thought that the game had been lost to antiquity and may have fallen prey to the computer. I am glad to see that players like you have been keeping it alive. It is now time to initiate my 11 year old son to this exciting and fun gaming experience (this already has begun and he is hooked).

Now, my ideas on writing rules. I believe in preserving the purity of the original as much as possible (keeping it as close to the original gane for future generations). I know nothing (yet) about customizing bases, players or "boats", but i learn fast and would like to know more (any teachers out there?).

The rules should be kept simple with clear cut examples such as "a player is deemed out-of-bounds when any portion of the base touches or in on the white sideline"

The first and foremost rule should be "this is a gentleman's game" (regardless of the intensity of any one's own competitiveness) and must be played as such. As with all games, those players who feel that they are always right and who fight tooth and nail to always prevail when contested spoil the enjoyment of the game and become those type of coaches no-one desires to play with. I am the owner and coach of my team. Those gridiron poly players are the team (and many times seem to have a mind of thier own). Sure, as thier coach and mentor, I want them to go un-defeated and bring glory to thier name. I want them to run (vibrate) faster, catch every pass, make every block, put the ball through the up-rights and play flawlessly... but I must remember, we are but mere mortals and prone to make mistakes. Therefore, as the coach, I must see the field, and the actions that take place there, as they really are and not as I would hope they would be.

So, after that rambling, when it is coach vs. coach (with no 3rd party ref) and there is a call on the field that is being contested...should you allow a red flag (say 2 per game per coach) which automatically reverses the call? Of course, this could only be used when there is disputeable evidence that the call was correct/incorrect. Outside of the 2 red flags, all calls must be agreed upon (in a friendly manner, with friendly discorse) by both coaches.

Thanks for being here...SEE IT BIG & KEEP IT SIMPLE.
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