Explanation-The Option Stick
Ok I feel the way to expand gameplay is to implement things that make the game enjoyable. The passing game has the ability to use a measurement theory to pass, but I felt that the running game could use a punch as well, with one of my favorite plays the option pitch. This rule is also a part of the Vibra Turf System in the DFW rule a coach can call scramble and do his thing the option stick lets u set up single double or tripple rbs hit the board Run with the QB and stop the board use the slanted pitch stick, there slanted because the pitch must be behind to a trailing RB, the placement to measurement is on the the sides of the base left or right not front or rear. now i wont spill all the beans on the stick length lets just say s,m,L. the Coach can call pitch or hold for a fake. Now if if the QB is hit in the sides Tackle automatically, but if hit front on the Coach can still pitch to a trailing back but the D Coach can call Popped now the shake a One six sided dice even Turnover To D Odd the pitch is complete and the Run for its duration. also Double reverses can be run where the ball can be pitched from back to reciever, now combine that with a passing stick and you have WR pass, there are some other sweet things you can do with The Stick Because D can use em too, more to come from 4th And 1
Stay Blessed
Last edited by Biglock : 03-02-2008 at 08:49 AM.