Who Do You Want To Run Ef/mf With?
Who do you want to play EF/MF with? I often see posts on how to find or recruit new EF/MF coaches. In building a league, I have learned that bigger is not always better. I often see coaches trying to explain to potential recruits how the game works, how it has evolved, and that the men no longer vibrate uncontrollably, run in circles, then fall down. After talking until he is out of breath the veteran EF/MF coach usually get the same response...gut busting laughter from the persons he is trying to convince how far we have come. The vet usually gets angry and try even harder to proove his point. That is my reasoning for always saying that I only want to get down with true EF/MF Heads. I believe that in EF/MF there is an elite few who truly want to fellowship and promote the hobby to its highest level.
When recruiting coaches for a league, I believe in bringing back coaches who played as a kid, or new coaches who have a genuine interest in the game and, or hobby aspect. By doing things this way, you have a body of coaches who will be dedicated, work their craft to be the best coaches they can be, compete at the highest level, and most important of all show up to game days. When I say true EF/MF Heads, I'm not talking about recruiting guys who think the game looks interesting, or friends who hang just for the sake of pleasing a friend who plays, or the guy who loves football but is not willing to commit by learning the in's & outs of EF/MF. I think it is great to have a big league, but if there are only 8 of 20 coaches who consistently show up to game day, be on time, know the rules, tweak their teams, and actually play a competitive game, then why recruit or include these types of coaches in your league? Open Run is for true EF/MF Heads, or those who are interested in becoming so.