I was at my sisters house last week and she pulled out some of these photos of me playing at Notre Dame. Truthfully I never look back at these pictures and I have not been back to Notre Dame for 12 years. The reason being is I'm now 40 years old,but in my heart I'm still a kid. With all the changes to to school and stadium I feel like I won't recognize the place if I go back. To be honest with you I'm scarred that it will finally hit me that I'm getting older and I'm not ready to go there. I still know N.D as the place I have visioned in my mind.Anyway, here are some pictures of me in football and baseball, as I can only wish I could go back and relive those days. I would do a lot of things differently (like not break my angle
),but I still had a blast. I will always love my school and I appreciate those of you who have said kind things about me.