Originally Posted by TheTweakFreak
Cool poll. I voted "other." I don't sling a brush much anymore. But when I do I insist on a combination of finish types, very similar in nature to what artlax posted.
Helmet - Gloss
Shoes, Grills, Rolls, Exposed Pads - Matte
Everything Else - Flat
War Gamers are way ahead of us in this respect. They go straight for realism. So the all-to-common (for ef) full gloss package is nothing short of sinful to them. No offense intended though. Ya like whatcha like, ya know?
Since I do not paint all that often and do not have to figure cost in as a major concern, I reach for the top-shelf approved paints of the war gamer artist elites whenever possible. As low as I'd go would be Citaldel brand (fantastic flesh tones in a bottle w/no mixing required), which is mighty fine stuff in its own right.
-Mike Pratt
citadel colors are the best, in my opinion. the colors are super saturated, they dry fast and smooth and they hold up to dry brushing, unlike the craft paints that i have experienced. vallejo clear varnishes are the toughest of the hobby paint group and have good physical properties, and model masters clears to finish them off is my approach.