Raider Coach Needs Help to Pay Phone Bill
As the head of the Raider Nation I am seeking donations for Raider coach RD Don to enable him to expand his cell phone minute plan. I'm sure that those of you who talk regularly with RD have noticed for a few days every month he is unreachable.
The reason for this is that he has to keep his phone off and leave it at home because he runs out of minutes at the end of the month. Mrs. RD has informed him that she will not allow any more overage charges to be paid due to his lengthy discussions involving MF. So now he has a fancy Blackberry phone that he can't even use.
RD has obviously been spending to much money on Salsa music CD's, cigars,black beans,mustache wax, and hair gel, to be able to afford a higher minute cell phone plan. Please help if you can and keep RD talkin football all month long. Thank you for your support.