Which team will be the last to win a game this year? There are 6 teams remaining, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Houston, Kansas City, Detroit and St. Louis. I'm sure each has their own special brand of ineptness that only a true die-hard fan can appreciate. I've only seen a few of these teams play, and that was only for a few, brief moments. My impressions are that Cleveland and Cincinnati, while not having won any games yet, are at least somewhat competitive. Houston has only played 2 games because of the hurricane and I suspect that they will be fired up this week. Meanwhile, KC has shown uncanny consistancy in it's ability to lose. As bad as those 4 teams are I don't think any of them can compare to Detroit or St. Louis. At least Detroit as made some efforts to play at times, and even came back from a 21 point deficit to take a lead midway through the 4th before they gave up 24 points to lose. As bad as that was, though, I think St. Louis takes the cake. They are losing by an average of 38 - 10, have shown no offense, no defense, no special teams, poor coaching decisions and have had 4 members of the Rams Optimist Club commit suicide. Go Rams!