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Old 01-02-2009, 05:09 PM
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mantaraydre mantaraydre is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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mpfl enthusiast !

I find in this system, it teaches you to think ahead designing a play. With addl stoppages, you have the freedom to create. If a play is just not working out on the second stop, you can create something new on the next stop. As long as you see the entire field, you can create plays to get your players into position to make a move. Just visualize it in your head then write it down on paper (stop to stop). Then see how it can work on the field with the tools you have.(magnets, sticks and coaching wisdom). It is virtually a when and why to place this player on a magnet. It is also a what kind of "MOVES" not move i wan't this player to make. You can literally have a WR run an out and up, or fly then a slant through the middle. you can determine if your playmakers can beat a LB or DB to an area on the field to make a play via stops and adjustments. THAT IS THE KEY WORD IN THE MPFL, "ADJUSTMENT"

If johnny cochran were alive today, he would say this about the mpfl


I understand alot better now when ant burgess said he want's people to coach there teams. IT'S COUNTER MOVE vs COUNTER MOVE 3times per play. I am just sorry he has been misunderstood in his promoting of this system. The more and more you study it, you will see he just wanted to test his moves and counters against yours. He has given all who is interested in this style the freedom to put your best skill players and monster athletes to the test vs another team with the same qualities but different.

As i sit here watching these college bowl games i been concentrating on the lineman. They are all so different in size. i see some who are huge and some who are monsters. I also see some who are muscular and super fast. That is what this system allows you to develop. Weight your players according to who is a monster, who is just huge to clog up a middle, and the super fast muscular DE who can whip around a tackle. In space, can my 3.8 RB block his 5.9 linebacker ? This system gives you the opportunity to find out. This is the first true style that say's, " make your team in your eyes and i will ake mine, then lets see what happens when we meet ". If you get beat, you just got out coached. There is no he was faster and stronger. If a teams offensive line is manhandling you, you must ask yourself, why din't i create monsters of my own. It's like jimmie johnson saying, 'WE NEED TO DRAFT OFFENSIVE LINEMAN TO HELP OUR RUNNING GAME AND PROTECT OUR QB"

I sincerley hope others understand where the MPFL system is coming from and where it is going. There are a great deal of talented coaches playing electric football. I would love to see them display there talents in this sort of setting.


Last edited by mantaraydre : 01-02-2009 at 05:39 PM.
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