The Power of the Stadium Lights:Unbelievable!
I walked into one of my miniature football rooms late last night not realizing before I had left earlier, I did not turn off the lights. I opened up the room, the Monday Night music began to play, the crowd started to cheer, and the lights were on one the Cowboy stadiums that I am working on.
I thought to myself, "What a wonderful feeling having found the right type of lighting system to give the game the most realistic feeling I have ever wanted". I decided to lay down in the stadium, all 800 pounds of me and just look up into the bright lights of the stadium.
I then started the Jumbotron and looked at Cowboys history dating back from 1960 to the present. I then decided to take my remote control for crowd noise and turned it up just so I could get a feel of what it is like on the floor of an NFL stadium looking at highlights on a jumbotron and hearing the crowd sound. By that time, my wife Rose, came into the room and said, "Reg, come to bed". At that time, I realized I was in a room of fantasies and nothing was real but instead, miniature. I said to myself, "Priceless".