In my not so humble opinion...the only reason boiled bases are evil is because the trend in EF is...if you can't beat it, ban it. If Vince Peatros was not able to make 1 boiled bases as strong as two of the average tweaker/boiler base stacked behind one another in strength tests. If not for that, boiling would not be a problem. I have been told that some who claim to be the best tweakers have been pushed down the field by Vince's boiled and unboiled teams. I have even heard stories about persons who claim to be the best strength tweaker...having requested Vince tweaked bases. I like how they do it out WEST...RUN WITH WHAT U BRUNG. No limit on custom figures, no limit on boat bases, boiled bases allowed, 9, going on 10 straight full EF/MF seasons complete. Call em sorry base boiling, amateurish, no skilled chumps if you want, but guess what...THE PLAY, & FINISH.