The 1972 Miami Dolphins: The Perfect Team
I am not a Dolphins fan but I love this team. Back when I was young, I hated this team because they pounded my Vikes into submission. I just wanted them to go away and stop all the pain! I hated Csonka, Kiick, Morris, and Warfield!
But now, in my "old" age, I find myself rooting for that team and their accomplishments. So when it came to creating the greatest Dolphins team, it was a no-brainer.
This team has got to get prepared to take on Johnny Unitas, John Mackey and Bubba Smith so I want to do them justice. I am not the greatest customizer on the planet but I do like what I do.
These players were created in all of 2 hours. The techniques are easy was you master them (get a customizing DVD) and to paint, grass them and establish a base of players takes anywhere from 4-6 hours of quality labor. Right now, I have created the different poses, applied the paint, did the grass, and painted the shoes how I saw them in photos. I will do the defense later but this is a clean team. Now I apply my own chinstraps, the eyes to the players and my facemask. I will have to do some creative things to make some of the players look like circa 1970's-type and may not achieve it sometimes. However, the ride will be fun.