Beltsville Bash Tournament Hotel info
Beltsville BASH
April 23-25, 2010 Hotel info: $79.00 a night Use Code: Beltsville electric football league Comfort Inn Capital Beltway 4050 Powder Mill Rd. , Beltsville, MD, US, 20705 | Phone: (301) 572-7100 Entire Fees goes as follow: From Jan. 24, 2010 to April 16,2010 - Cost Will Be $25. From April 17, 2010 to April 22, 2010 Cost will be $30. The day of the Show April 23, 2010 $35 at the door. If you come as a family the Price will discounted By 1/2. Prelims Will Start at 7pm sharp. If you show up the day of the show your name will be placed a box and be drawn by one of the tournament officials. Entire fee can be sent Via paypal to DALLASEUNICEBLUE@YAHOO.COM If you would like to mail your entire fee please mail it Warren Jefferson 3004 Yost PL NE Washington,DC 20018 In past years we held the Tournament at our Rec center, This year were back at the same hotel you will be staying at, Come out and enjoy. Site: http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=b-e-f-l Rules: http://www.leaguelineup.com/informat...-l&sid=8755357
""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.........We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, Handsome, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be?" Last edited by 49ers_Fan : 02-05-2010 at 12:34 PM. |
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