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Old 11-11-2007, 10:08 PM
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Default Do you have this problem?

Hi everyone,

I am doing my best to get back in to my electric football hobby. My WIFE is not happy at all on me getting back in to this hobby. But I decided to do it anyway.

To make a long story short, my wife yelled at me today about being gone all day on playing EF. She said she is to busy for me to have me play this EF game. She wants me home to help her out.

She really ********sed me off and I could not take it any more. So I went off at her for the first time in a LONG time. I do not think what I said solved anything. She even said she is going to do this to me every time I come back from a game.

ATTN: Great Lakes EFL. I still plan on showing up next week. We will see what she does to me then.

Now do you guys have any problems like this after you play a EF game?

Tony Johnson
GLEFL (Tampa Bay)

P.S I am trying to put my foot down!!
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Old 11-11-2007, 10:28 PM
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Default 5+1+1 = Peace and Quiet

5 days of same ol' same ol' (work, sleep, etc)
+ 1 date night (whatever you did to get her, you gotta do to keep her!)
+ 1 MF day (the alternative is drinkin, clubbin' and sleepin' around...???)
= Peace and Quiet!

That's the equation I use. If that don't work, then with a straight face, tell her "Women come and go, but MF is FOREVER!!!"


Keep your teams and fields at someone else's house! :rolleyes: I've had EF Casserole before and it ruined a perfectly good casserole dish!!!
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Old 11-12-2007, 02:57 AM
jimmie jimmie is offline
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Default get a new wife

listen there is no reason a wife wouldnt want her husband to have so type of fun if that is a problem then you might need a new wife!! You put it out there just my two cents!!
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Old 11-12-2007, 05:06 AM
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Default Hmmm!

In life we have to keep our priorities straight and there's never enough time to do all of the things that we want to do. Your wife is truly more important than "EF"! Some women don't understand or have the tolerance for men to play games. It goes against what they feel is important and we must learn to live with it! Your responsibility to her and your home must always take priority over your hobbies and interest. It is this quality that truly makes us men. Unlike many who place their identities and egos on these minuture idols we play with everyday. Love your wife you are one with two working parts!
Now with this being said, Life is to short to be serious and toiling all the time! A man has got to have his hobbies or outlets! This is a good clean hobby and it's fun! As men we must learn to perform our chores in an orderly fashion. Wash those clothes and clean the house early in the morning. Serve her breakfast in bed. Chase her around the bed early in the morning and then again late at night. Make sure the bills are payed. Get your yard work done during the week. Find away to make things work for you and provide her with game dates that you will be out of the house in advanced. This way there is no miss understanding. She just misses you and wants you home. The thought of a husband out somewhere having fun without their wife drives most women crazy! However, with out arguing explain to her that this is something that you want to do and that it's improtant for you to have the time to do it. Every man has got to have a hobby and some times you got to put your foot down and raise your voice, but that's ok just don't start swinging!
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Last edited by Tron1984 : 11-12-2007 at 07:17 AM. Reason: Add picture
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Old 11-12-2007, 03:48 PM
easy7 easy7 is offline
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Default Do you have this problem?

Mr. M --

If there's one thing that drives most of us men nuts it's a wife or girlfriend who incessantly whines about our individual hobbies, whatever they may be. Some women just have an irrational resentment for a husband with an avid interest in anything other than her! Worse, they'll stop at nothing to keep you on a tight leash!

Do you honestly think that your wife would be any less resistant if your hobby was golf or Friday night poker with the guys?

There's another issue here and that's respect. You are an individual separate from your wife, and vica versa. You're married but this doesn't mean that you and Mrs. M. have to be stuck together 24/7 like Siamese twins. You have a right to the hobbies that interest you. If your wife doesn't share your interests and doesn't respect your right to pursue what you enjoy, or wants to be downright nasty about it, tell her to pack her suitcase. See ya!! Time to call in a good lawyer at that point.

Either you take control of the situation or your wife will take further control of you. In the latter case, any respect she may have left for you will go right down the drain. Period.
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:47 PM
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Default My two cents

I like most of the feedback,but I especially think Tron has the best insight on this one. I really feel that if you do the work around the house that needs to be done ,and have a date night with her once a week ,you should be o.k. You need to sit down with her and talk about this and explain how important it is to you to play. But like I said you will tell her that you will help more with the house and that you will set aside time with her and have a date night. It's extremely important that you still show her that she is No.1 but that there is absolutely no reason to give up this great hobby.I can almost promise you that if you really do these things without being told she'll not only accect your hobby,but she'll embrace it. Good luck.
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:36 PM
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Default Place that foot where it belongs!!

In my opinion, there are women that deserve the attention and cooperation from their spouse and then there are control freaks. I bet most relationships there is an element of both. In some ways women seem impossible to please. You can never do enough housework or help with the kids, and when you do, you don't get any credit for it. Frankly is not fair. But having a hobby is the equalizer. UNLIKE other areas , you simply don't need them, and that bothers a lot of women because they can't control you.....

So they focus all of their considerable negative energy on the thing you seem to love as much if not more than them (miniature football).....

But because we are commanded by God and are made to love and respect our wives, we have to try to make them happy, at least some of the time. And that may mean going shopping, watching the kids, doing dishes or hey, mabye even suggesting that they get a worthwile hobby (that does not include the milkman or the guy next door) and getting off of your **********!!!

But stand your ground. If she loves you, she will let you have your toys as long as you show her some respect. If she doesn't understand that, you may have a dictator on your hands and you are more a servant than a partner.

Then you have a serious problem......

Last edited by Treks1 : 11-14-2007 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:54 PM
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mine is happy that I found something to do. Would she rather you be doing this, or doing this?

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Old 11-12-2007, 08:26 PM
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Default I agree

I hate to talk bad about my wife. But I needed some people to talk to. Thank you guys. Here is what I feel you guys are right about.

I agree with what some of you are saying about making sure I get all my work at home done first, then go play EF.

With this said, I made sure I did all my work in the week and some on saturday. She did not say anything until I came home from my game on sunday.

I fill there is more to this story, than me just playing EF. I know she is busy with the holidays coming up. But I am doing what I can to help out.

I feel Trek1 is right about my wife. She needs to treat me with some respect. Also Trek1 is right about some women are hard to please. I always felt this way about my wife.

I guess this is one big reason why I decided to play EF with out her saying OK. I fill I need to do something for myself and not always trying to make sure she is happy.

Anyway, thank you guys for your input and support.

Tony Johnson
Go Tampa Bay!!

Last edited by MrMichigan : 11-12-2007 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by MrMichigan View Post
I hate to talk bad about my wife. But I needed some people to talk to. Thank you guys. Here is what I feel you guys are right about.

I agree with what some of you are saying about making sure I get all my work at home done first, then go play EF.

With this said, I made sure I did all my work in the week and some on saturday. She did not say anything until I came home from my game on sunday.

I fill there is more to this story, than me just playing EF. I know she is busy with the holidays coming up. But I am doing what I can to help out.

I feel Trek1 is right about my wife. She needs to treat me with some respect. Also Trek1 is right about some women are hard to please. I always felt this way about my wife.

I guess this is one big reason why I decided to play EF with out her saying OK. I fill I need to do something for myself and not always trying to make sure she is happy.

Anyway, thank you guys for your input and support.

Tony Johnson
Go Tampa Bay!!

I feel for ya Tony... My ex-wife was one of those who could never be pleased... (as the other poor bastards that have crossed her path have found out.. LOL!!)...

I don't feel like you were talking bad about your wife.. Just stating what was going on...

To be honest... I feel like she is a bit over the line complaining about you wanting to have a hobby like this... But by the same token.. this "EF is #1 and you can hit the road" talk is ridiculous.. EF or any other hobby should never come before your wife or girlfriend..

Tell her you will help her out as much as you can to open up the time you want and need to play EF.. Just talk about how you feel about it in a rational and non-confrontational tone... And hopefully she will understand that men need their time in the cave..

Best of luck to ya man....
I'll be saying a prayer for ya..
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