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Old 10-18-2010, 05:44 PM
eyeteeth eyeteeth is offline
First Round Draft Pick
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Posts: 15

As someone getting back to EF...

Why I like it over Madden or Xbox? You SEE everything happen... pick the play and physically set the play... physically roll the dice and see the outcome. You can adjust, tweak, and plan... yet. Things are still affected by chance.

Who/What are you going to yell at?

How many times have you seen a kid (or adult) get mad at a video game because of something it did, or does, or heard someone screaming that "it's" cheating?

With EF you can run the same play 10 times and have 10 VERY different outcomes.

I played a little last week with a friend (who's really helping my son and I get into the game) who brought a couple of his teams over... with an unfamiliar team, I was able to stop his offense, then march down the field... only to have a TD pass knocked down on the goal line.

I played solitaire for half an hour earlier today rolling the dice for my 'opponents' plays and found THAT to be fairly even as well.

Another reason I'm liking the game.

I used to make model cars. Spent hours and hours getting into the details like gas and brake lines, spark plug wires, etc. Scratch building, detailed painting the dashboards. Only when I got done... I would put it on a shelf and look at it.

Then moved to model trains. At least when I was done with those I could 'play' with them. But a layout is rather large... and hard to take to someone else's house to play with. So unless someone else came over, couldn't show off my work or 'play'. (How old am I again? )

So... 'model' football. Guys I can 'model', customize, paint, detail, play with, and easily take to a friends house to play with, compare, share, etc.
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