As Roo mentioned, maybe we should put up a poll and have members vote on what they would like to see in the core rules as far as the basics, for example:
tackles, FOB or any pass methods allowed equipment allowed weight limit length of quarters, total game time stacking or not etc... A poll voted on by members would get the commitee leaning in the right direction. They can then utilize the various rules sets from all over the country and take little pieces from each set as were voted on by members in the poll. These can of course be massaged and changed or lifted right from the pages of another league's rules set. This gives the core building blocks from which to grow on. This puts the creative rule making powers in the MFCA member's hands, not a regional spokesperson or committee's hands. We will end up with a set of rules that were voted on by the majority of MFCA members. We can test before releasing the official version and then update and tweak each year, as I am sure that will be necessary.
Coach Shabby J - MFCA Pacific West Region Rep Casciolini & Luffeigh, Inc. Los Angeles...making EF history for over a decade. |
Now were getting somewhere
can work, a result that is visible to everyone, as far as rules, but the basic foundation is still not being addressed. Why do u guys want to skip to rules first, start with your base grow that first, it makes no differense how u play if theres nothing to play for. Find your memebers then decide how u want to play. I have personal commitments from at least 2 major "Tournament Organizers" to support our efforts, there main concern was being over shadowed at there own event, much work needs to be done, find out if were even welcomed, dont assume guys are willing to share floor space, or glory for that matter. I have total confidence that if given a opportunity guys will step up, all they need is a structure to operate. Thats where the MFCA comes in, setup your Organization, contact supporters, mark dates, locations. We cant approach this in the same way, tear up whatever your reading, its time to start over. By starting with rules your already losing guys that may other wise support you, first get agreement from those for there support, then deal with the rules! This way the MFCA avoids being labeled biased, in the long run that will prove crucial, in respect to the MFCA mission statement!
MegaWattz Last edited by Megawattz : 10-23-2010 at 02:04 AM. |
Putting up a poll with many waysthe game is played day is an excellent idea. A break down of what shabby listed. But much longer. then we have a national/international week of voting. STATE CLEARLY THE POLLS WILL CLOSE AT A CERTAIN TIME ON A CERTIN DATE. The poll results will be the building block of the rule set. EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE. YOUR PROBABLY GOING TO HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO VOTE.. There can be no complaints after the fact because the polls will show exactly what the majority wanted. In fact, print the poll results on the back page of the rules in case someone forgets how it was structured 2 years from now. THIS IS WHAT THE PEOPLE VOTED ON. make sure everyone is aware when the polls are open via a mass email and also a message on this chatboard. We don't wan't to hear, " I DID'NT KNOW WE HAD A VOTE ON THE RULES" when someone is not happy with them. The key to making this work is the creation of theist that all member will vote on. For example, PASS PLACEMENT 1)BUZZBALL METHOD (MEASURE FROM QB TO RECEIVER) 2)MPFL PASS PLACEMENT ( USAGE OF STICKS IN LENGTHS OF 3,5,7,9,12 YDS 3)PRO SET PASS PLACEMENT ( USAGE OF A 4 YARD STICK ONLY, MEASURED FROM RECEIVER) TACKLING 1)FRONT OF BASE ALWAYS 2)Front of base the first ten yards, any base tackling there after. 3)Any base touch tackling only, throughout game. EQUIPMENT USAGE 1) Any equipment that was made for electric football from 1940 to 2010. Includes boat bases, any miggle football, edfw footballs, etc etc 2)equipment not made for electric football a)lead tape b)putty c)nuts and bolts d)boiling bases (as long as your team is 4.0) e)lead tape under player platform and any attached weight under the base. f) all stock figures and customs weighing 4.0 who width is equal to a miggle wide arm figure and the height an an ff.net blitzer(fig with both arms straight up in the air) This is just an example so we all have a clear understanding what we are voting on. This will also ensure that no standing entity is left out and any of their playing methods are overlooked. Keep the polls open for a week in case someone is away on a paticular weekend and does not have computer access to vote right away. MONDAY MORN to MONDAY MORN whatever week you choose. mantaraydre
IF YOU PASS WITH STICKS, YOU INCREASE THE LEVEL OF PICKS. Last edited by mantaraydre : 10-23-2010 at 08:45 AM. |
MegaWattz Last edited by Megawattz : 10-23-2010 at 02:52 AM. |
I hear you Megawattz, but I think you need a rule set first to build the league around. I am not committing to a league where I have no idea of what the rules will be. If the rules are put together with a majority vote then the league will build itself.
The chicken or the egg? I like the discussion though.
Coach Shabby J - MFCA Pacific West Region Rep Casciolini & Luffeigh, Inc. Los Angeles...making EF history for over a decade. |
Same Tactics
MegaWattz |
Ok fellas, Im going to try to explain this as clearly as possible. My original post was to foster a serious effort in a national league, based on "EXISTING DATES & TOURNAMENTS" this is the foundation from which the league would exist. Since its based on that, the cooperation of those resources is the key, the function of the MFCA at this point is not to dictate policy, but to Organize the said "Dates & Tournaments" into a travel oriented league that can sustain itself through active members that travel. U cant start something new with old ideas, every point ive mentioned has to happen FIRST, u cant start a discussion by dictating policies, create a framework of cooperation, then worry about the specifics. U will gain growth if those that matter the most truly felt they had a hand in what there playing for, some times u have to look deeper than the surface!
MegaWattz |
Futher More
I truly feel that the MFCA should completely wash its hands on the rules issue, I truly see no gain as an Organization or to the Mission Statement, to continue on a noble but such devisive issue. Any attempt to wright policy or rules by definition, will serve to devide not unite, the hobby by area, style & or location. Personal relationships within the hobby & board members could also be viewed as a conflict of interest for there setting policy for events that they themselves may participate in. There are real, better yet, true reasons, why we have this discussion every year. Take the rules out of your hands free your minds fellas, if the MFCA were to function as a sanctioning body as far as rules, rattifyng rulesets on a yearly bases. let the parties involved set there own collective policy on rules, u guys choose the time & place then declare the winner. No charges of being biased, no personal tiffs, with different regions saying we did our best, only then will u get true support as they will know no personal bias. we must all understand the language also needs to change. to continue down the same path is what? To choose to sanction rules on a yearly bases will provide the MFCA with the flexibility to review its operations & make changes when neccessary, as rules often change, its the foundation we need, rules come & go. First thing Shabby stated was under what circumstances he wouldnt participate! WE IN TROUBLE!
MegaWattz Last edited by Megawattz : 10-23-2010 at 05:57 AM. |
MFCA Rules
I recommend we adopt the currently posted MFCA “House Rules” as our rule set for any MFCA sanctioned event. Many of our fellow members contributed a lot of time to get them right. Only minor changes and modifications should be accepted as proposed revisions/change requests to be considered by a board of regional members. After re-reading what was proposed at least a year ago, I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the rules as stated. I really like the way the rules distinguish a “hand-off” from a “pitch” play and allow for the backward lateral. My thanks to the MFCA. Ray F
Handoff rule...handoffs can be automatic anywhere inside the tackle box, but the runner can be no more than 5 yds in front of the QB. This is to allow for handoffs which now occur in spread offenses with zone reads, options and jet sweeps where the exchange takes place in front of the QB.
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