Great Stuff, first off! Glad to see that you guys are doing it to it out there in the middle of OHIO!
To resize photos - once you've uploaded them to your computer - ya need ta:
- Click "Manage Attachments"
- "Browse"
- Open the file with your photos
- right-click on the photo you wanna show us
- "Open With...Paint"
- Press Ctrl+W (to Stretch/Skew) and a lil box of numbers pops up
- I use "65 - Tab - 65" to shrink pic to fit the screen (65 = 65% of original size) If it's still larger than the screen, hit Ctrl+Z to reset to orig. size and try 60% or 55% or whatever shrinks it to fit the screen.
- Press Ctrl+S (to Save it that size)
- Then go back to Manage Attachments and select that pic again. It should still be highlighted.
- Hit "Upload" to see if it fits the criteria now.
- Repeat process with more pics.