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Old 05-15-2008, 12:54 PM
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Straight Hobby.

when i think of sport, i think athletes getting on a field or court or what have you, and phsyically competing.

there is nothing physical about this game FROM US, the ones in control.
Though we love it dearly, it is what it is - its a game with little men running around. and though we now create the men and manipulate the men to go exactly where we want, it is still just a board game. (the best one ever i might add).

And we dont need to be ashamed of playing a childhood game as adults because we have taken the game to a whole other level that it is very much accepted amongst our peers. the same peers by the way, that play that childhood game of Atari, just on a whole other level that we now know as XBOX.

and what we have done with the game, and how we do it, is incredible. no one saw all of this coming. the artsmanship, the craftsmanship, the creativity and the care. and thats what makes this a hobby.

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Old 05-15-2008, 01:28 PM
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Default It's A Hobby

Electric football is a hobby for me. A sport involves more human participation.


The Electric Coach
We are all ambassadors of the hobby. How we present the hobby, is a reflection on all who participate in it.
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Old 05-15-2008, 02:00 PM
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Default sport 1 billion percent !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey wally

This is definetly a sport. It gives coaches a chance to relive the glory of football on a smaller scale. A hobby is stamp collecting !!!!!!

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Old 05-15-2008, 02:10 PM
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Default It's Neither......

It's a way of Life!!!!!!
EmEff Rip
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Old 05-15-2008, 03:03 PM
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We are free to call it whatever we choose. But no matter what we call it, it is what it is. It does have a lot of different aspects involved but the sum/whole of the parts does not equal a sport. Often when coaches gather to compete at league or tourney events, it becomes somewhat of a sports-like atmosphere. However, it still falls well short of being a sport. Having some "sporting" fun and participating in a sport are not exactly the same thing.

First and foremost, it IS a game. It was invented, developed, produced and marketed as exactly that-a game. So initially and basically, that's what it is-a game. From that (built in by the design of Tudor's marketing strategy) comes the hobby aspects. I.E., Looking over that juicy booklet as a kid and wanting to COLLECT (and/or play with) X amount of those teams. Tudor went far beyond simply offering extra/spare/replacement parts such as TTQB's, sleeves of footballs, etc. Though the game and the hobby has evolved, it is still a game and consequently, a hobby. Not a sport.

So short answer is that it is was it is. A Game & Consequently A Hobby. I.E., A game that has a hobby following who use the game to compete and collect. All products to this day are still geared towards/being sold for use on the board (as game pieces) and/or as collectibles. Which = Game and it's pieces used for and by hobbyists.

I see NO shame in announcing to the world in front of God and everybody that I am deeply involved and love this game and it's hobby following (that being us using the game to compete, its various pieces to enhance the game's playability/enjoyment, and its pieces to collect). Saying so isn't holding us back. Calling it a sport, something that it really is not, isn't going to magically move it forward. The only thing that causes/will cause the hobby to stagnate, decline or grow, long term, is us, the hobbyists. As consumers, members and participants (or refusal thereof), we have the final say.

-Mike Pratt
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Old 05-16-2008, 12:34 AM
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Default I would say.......

Its a hobby that is played as game and considered a sport by some who are in comeptetive leagues and tournaments....

I like the website that i found that asks the question "Is chess a sport or game?"

It's a game, not a sport. But it can be played as a competitive game.

Game is defined in Dictionary.Com as:

a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.

Sport is defined as:

an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

Athletic is defined as:

involving the use of physical skills or capabilities, as strength, agility, or stamina.

Since chess does not involve the use of physical skills or capabilities, it is not athletic. And to be a sport, an activity has to be athletic.

Thus chess is not a sport.

Those who maintain that chess is a sport point out that chess at the highest tournament levels requires physical endurance, since chess matches can last several hours, during which you have to be in top physical condition. The more physically conditioned you are, the better you will be able to maintain the intense concentration necessary to win such a long game. Furthermore, one often has to play matches lasting days or weeks.

However, this is a specious argument, since calling the ability to sit and concentrate for extended periods a "physical skill" is reaching. If this were a valid argument, then almost any activity would be athletic. For example, since waiters have to have stamina, waiting tables would be an athletic activity.

Of course, they have things like Billiards, Poker, and cup stacking on ESPN nowadays, so the answer is debatable. I would agree that it is not a sport, but many people will say that it is.
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Old 05-16-2008, 02:38 AM
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Not a sport, but a game/hobby.

There are not enough qualifiers to group it and label it a "sport".

The real question is....wait for it...................................."Is it a toy?"

I couldn't resist bringing that one up, just joking gentlemen.
Coach Shabby J - MFCA Pacific West Region Rep
Casciolini & Luffeigh, Inc.

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Old 05-16-2008, 09:16 AM
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Default Just watch espn2...

and see some of the "sports" they show. Poker is a sport now? Billiards? The friggin spelling bee is a sport? EF may not involve physicality, but if it's televised on a sporting network, then it gives credence to said activity being a sport. See where i'm going with this now?

Mantaray Dre', you are 1000% correct!!!
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:21 AM
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Default the "E" stands for

Espn the "E" is for Entertainment and Sports Programing Network if my mamory serves me correctly....
EmEff Rip
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:34 AM
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Default Bspn


Poker and all that stuff arent sports either, its just a TV show to watch.

and no, the "B" was no typo either!

can you tell, me no likes espn very much
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