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Old 07-25-2008, 10:01 AM
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Default Luck?

Guys - face it - there is a lot of luck involved in this game.

We don't control all the vibrations of the field. We don't control each individual man even.

By tweaking, practice and other coaching techniques we can gain a certain - but limited amount of control.

I now play in 2 different leagues with rule sets that are totally different - but I love playing MF - enjoy being with the guys and having fun.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:17 AM
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Default Dre'

I have posted this a couple of times because people wanted to know as you do.
We have developed this system over many years--tweaking it to make the game as real as possible. Basically, we use replica footballs, that are slightly larger than the miggle felt/foam balls (ours have laces and everything). The balls are made of a solid material, so that when you hit your man, there is little question about it. When the play starts, your QB is in the pocket, and you wait for an open receiver--the board is never stopped--you must find an open man before the pressure gets to your QB. If no one is open, and the heat is coming, you can throw it away, or try to squeeze one into coverage--just like real football. If you have an open man, you simply throw it and must must hit the receiver while in motion. You must hit him on the fly--no one-hoppers. This style makes for more int's, as well. If the ball knocks your rec. over--it is deemed a "diving catch", and the ball is dead at that spot. If you hit your man in stride, he just keeps running until he is tackled , goes out of bounds, or scores. We will soon have the passing balls available on our website, and are working on a how-to video as we speak. I really hope that the community comes around to this style as a whole one day--it's awsome.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:40 AM
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Default As I stated, this is DFW Specific

Never once did I mention the CBSMF in my discussion of the injury to the QB. That probably will not be factored into the CBSMF. As far as the rules on the box, it's one of those things that makes our league happy and whether you win or lose because of the luck of a dice, it makes for great fun.

If you have played using this, you may have a valid argument but again, if you've never really played using "The Box", it would be best to experience it. And again, "The Box" is not for everyone. But I can tell you here in the DFW area, 32 coaches plus a waiting list of coaches tell us we must be doing something right with this box thing.

But for the DFW league, injuries will continue to play a huge part in the fortunes of team and it will remain a part of the "luck" that goes along with the intrigue of playing in the DFW.

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Old 07-25-2008, 10:51 AM
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Default Simple yes...

Reg, here a answer to your original question. If the QB scrambles out of the pocket the % goes up. Reason it's a QB. Problem rises on the Defensive side with penalties. How do you gage a penalty. In my mind the Offensive coach would have to state if the Qb is sliding, or diving. That's when it becomes subjective. These are good rule adjustments, but until tweaked leave the rule as is. At least until next season.

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Old 07-25-2008, 10:53 AM
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Default Raven Maniac, as usual...


Like you, I think leave as is. The original rules work pretty darn good. Did you vote? Send your vote in to Barry about the scramble rule.

Also, we need to talk because if there is a will, there must be a way.

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Old 07-25-2008, 10:55 AM
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Default QB injury_ CBSMF rules

Many are looking forward to the CBSMF season, Reg, and its our understanding that the rules would closely follow the DFW set. I know the rules are in development, and may vary slightly from conference to conference...

So I would take this opportunity to chime in on the QB injury rule for your conideration and the conference commissioners as it relates to the CBSMF ,and to limit those injuries.
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Old 07-25-2008, 11:02 AM
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Default Absolutely Treks1

My goal in the CBS is for people to play at their best with their best. However, I do like injuries to regular players. Guys who invest in Geno's TDQ should have the opportunity to use him and not feel threaten that if he scrambles, he will be taken away from his team. Now if you want to buy extra TDQs, that's a bonus for Geno and that's a good thing but I want you to have to rest your great runners from time to time and linemen and receivers but its not that big of a deal with the QB.

However, I do like what Eric and Dave are proposing out in Los Angeles on having a designated second TTQB or TDQ for the halfback pass. I will let them "fine tune" that.

But the CBSMF is gonna be great because all rules that apply to the DFW are not all incorporated in the CBSMF. Some twist from other sets have been added and will continue to be added as we progress forward. But yes, the foundation is Shootout-based and I could see how you may think all that happens here would happen in the college game.

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Old 07-25-2008, 01:02 PM
jjcool jjcool is offline
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Basically, it's all about adapting to the environment. Make adjustments when necessary. Odds are, the QB will probably not be injured. But if that is the case, then the backup will have to be put in. It doesn't have to be a TDQ, it can be a TTQB or some other figure. What you use depends on your playing skill and what you need right at the moment.

John S.
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:06 PM
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Default QB injury on scramble...

I say try to knock his head off. Out here in L.A., if a defensive player knocks down the ball carrier, it is deemed a FUMBLE, the the box is shaken to see whether the O or D recovers. As far as injuries go...we (OUT WEST) have eliminated season ending injuries from the box. Although you can still loose a player for an entire game, he will have recovered from his injuries, and be ready to play against his next scheduled opponent. I have stated many times before, that I have a love/hate relationship with the box. I don't shake it unless it is absolutly necessary. Most don't realize that the box can work for you, or against you. My opponents have shaken the box after my RB has made a substantial gain...just to negate the play, and I have been in situations where as I would have gone 3 and out, but my opponent had to shake the box to gain more of an advantage, but guess what...15yd penalty against the D...1st down O.
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Old 07-25-2008, 03:05 PM
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Default Better accepted..

Kotixblack, the injury for a game is better in my book. But I do like the DFW season ending as well. Most coaches have 1 TTQB or TDQ's that they rely on. But the injury rule is for all players, and even though the % goes up for Qb's at anytime any player can go down. Then regardless of the postion you'll have to adapt and drive on. Real football this not, but get as close as you can with dice, sticks, custom anything, as long YOU the coach enjoy's it. I will play in whatever style as long as I'm having fun doing it. And so this is not taken in the wrong text. I agree with the original scramble rule until.....the new one is tested and proven and I'm not attacking anyone's opinion or thought. Peace

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