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Old 09-24-2009, 12:16 AM
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WOW...this is one incredibly involved solitaire project! I love the variable weighted players...let us know how that works out. Reg, you've always got big plans and dreams...thats what I've always liked about you. Keep posting any pictures and updates, its very inspiring.
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Old 09-24-2009, 01:49 AM
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I have been waiting for this to take off so I can steal all your idea .

I have a few different teams than you but alot the same.

I need to know how you get the week and season injurys

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Old 09-24-2009, 02:39 AM
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Default average weigth is brilliant


The idea to have a team max weight is brilliant!
Absolutly brilliant.

Next year I will propose that the DFW use this logic. This one adjustment to the shootout rules opens the possibilities wide for coaching adjustments from week to week and year to year depending on your opponent.
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Old 09-24-2009, 05:30 AM
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Default Texastimetraveler, I appreciate the...

thought but having been associated with leagues for as long as I have and knowing the "win at all cost" attitudes of many coaches, the average weight theory would be next to impossible to do.

Here's why: It's all about ethics! Guys want to win by any means necessarry. Many want to be able to see their names in lights so "how they win" means nothing! It's just that they win and trhat's their bottom line. I've seen that attitude for many years locally and in some cases, nationally.

The problem comes in policing something like this. You do need to police this very closely. Monitoring something like this can be very difficult. While I am flattered by you wanting to propose what I am doing here, everybody is not honest like you. Someone will and can slip a little extra weight somewhere on a player along the line.

In solitaire, it's very difficult. Each team will be registered and this will be their bases and weight for the entire season. My attempt here is to inspire people to get back into playing solitaire. I know some like to play in leagues and I think that's great but there is a segment of MF'ers who are looking to continue playing without having to leave the privacy of their own home.

I will be posting so much on "The NFL Greatest Teams Solitaire League" quite often.

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Old 09-24-2009, 05:51 AM
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Hi Reginald,

your idea is very interesting

One question, you said that the bases will be the same for the whole season for each team : but will you allow yourself re-tweaking/fix them during the season, or will you let it exactly the same form the first day to the last one, perhaps to simulate the tiredness of the players after many weeks of play ?

The total weight is also a great idea. But I understand what you means, it should be difficult to use in competition. It's the kind of "what is not forbidden is allowed" problem, too many special rules or opened rules always occurs some players to search for the perfect combo (same thing in classic miniatures figures wargaming, or slot car racing, for example), away from the true spirit of the particular rules.

I guess it depands of the players group, and the objectives of them. Like in slot car racing, some people runs "stock version" cars, other races "free class" cars where almost everything is allowed. I think both are respectable, as long as all players involved has the same objectives.

Anyway, I'll bookmark this topic too, for my own solitaire league. As a complete newbie in EF, and -I beleive- a pioneer on this side of the pond, creating a little solitaire league will be usefull to pratice in the mean time I'll search for game partners here (even if I already found another player for regular playing on monday evenings!)

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Old 09-24-2009, 09:58 AM
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Default Interesting


This is very interesting and innovative. I'll be watching to see what I can, borrow for my solitaire league. The only thing I would probably change is reducing my 6.0 guys to 5.0 (or even 4.5) to distribute a little more weight to a few of the second/third stringers.

Great stuff

Originally Posted by Reginald Rutledge View Post
This will make for a very entertaining and interesting league in that all the players will not have the same weight and if injuries invade, it could be devastating to teams. Some players are heavier than others, superstars get star treatment, and scrubs are just that, scrubs!

Attached is a look at the roster of the 1985 Chicago Bears.
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Old 09-24-2009, 10:25 AM
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Default That's what's so great...

about the game is "no one is right/wrong". If what you think is right, that's what will make your solitaire time worth it. Essentially, no arguments and no one to dictate to you how to play - life is good!!!

We truly see the game of MF in so many different ways and that's why we all are right.

In my logic, I want some teams to be so dominate in one phase of the game and others to have superstar/HOFers who redefine their position that you will be able to see the effect of a broken leg on a defensive tackle which puts him out for 8 weeks or how a running game go from averaging 200 yards/game to 60 after a great back is lost for 4 weeks. Thus, you make some players 6.0 grams, perhaps 7.0 grams, or 4 grams! Who was frighting toyou as a player because he just dominated everybody?

I want to see the Steel Curtain be considered among the best defenses of all time only to lose Ernie Holmes with a broken tibula and then LC Greenwood for 5 weeks because of a quad-tear!

This will definitely change the makeup of the team. The playcalling will remain consistent as "The Box" will call the plays but players going down with injuries will make it a game of attrition.

With 100 plays during a game, there will be plenty of opportunity for things like this. It will be interesting to see the 5-man taxi squad being called up to replace these players. Obviously, some players will be "light in the pants" compared to the superstars they replace but the superstars are significantly better, which causes a big drop off.

This league will be centered around great runners such as Jim Brown, OJ, Sweetness, and the likes and some of the great defenses of my time such as the Steel Curtain, the Purple Pople Eaters and Gang Green.

You will always be robbing Peter to pay Paul in this style of play, meaning if your D-Line weighs 6 grams across the board and your LBs are at 5 grams and you're great defensive backfield is at 4 grams, you've used 55 grams on your defense. This just tells me you have a high-priced defense, million dollar babies, but you will have suffered in other areas, such as O-linemen, RBs, etc. This reminds me of the Baltimore Ravens, who had a caretaker as a QB and not really much but had one of the greatest defenses of all-time.

These are the unique dilema that I am faced with that makes this most entertaining. Half the fun is creating the players and weighing them accordingly and then going through a work out.

Attn French Guy-I will tweak players throughout the season but once assigned a base, that's his base. But all players don't consistently do the same thing on the playing field. They may be sick one day and just don't perform so essentially, they are re-tweaked game by game. We will not get to practice regularly so teams will all have their own identity at the start with a small write up and we will view players throughout the season to weigh their consistency.


Last edited by Reginald Rutledge : 09-24-2009 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:42 AM
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Attn French Guy-I will tweak players throughout the season but once assigned a base, that's his base. But all players don't consistently do the same thing on the playing field. They may be sick one day and just don't perform so essentially, they are re-tweaked game by game.

Sounds good

I can't wait to receive my own figures and start to play. All that stuff (leagues, pics, vids, rules), it's very inspirating.

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Old 09-29-2009, 06:56 AM
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Default The Cowboys versus Redskins

This will be one of the highlight games of Thanksgiving Weekend in the NFL Greatest Teams Solitaire League.

Look for a commercial on this in the very near future!
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Old 09-29-2009, 12:56 PM
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Reginald Rutledge Reginald Rutledge is offline
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Default 1977 Dalls Cowboys Rosters

Weights totalling 160 grams
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File Type: pdf 1977 Dallas Cowboys.pdf (3.42 MB, 6 views)
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