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Old 04-17-2010, 02:10 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: MD
Posts: 9

Pro Rules 2010

Game play: 4 15 play quarters
Time outs: 3 per half, does not add a play.
RULE #1: Just because the rules do not say you can not do it, that does not mean you can do it. It is humanly impossible to have every possible scenario covered in text. If the rules do not say you can specifically do it then you can not do it unless you get prior and specific permission to do so before trying to implement it on the playing field. Anything not covered in the rules will be handled by the officials within the spirit of the rules.

Tackle – Front of base contact by an opponent's player constitutes a tackle. Uncertain tackles are treated the same as uncertain pass completions. If it is not a clear tackle, it is not a tackle. Corners are a tackle.

Pivot - Players may be adjusted where allowed by performing pivots. There are 2 types of pivots: (1) Basic Pivot, (2) Advanced Pivot
(1) A Basic Pivot is performed by turning a player where it rests on the field so that it does not gain distance towards its intended target and/or so as not to gain positive downfield yardage.
(2) An Advanced Pivot involves picking up a player using only a hand or hands to adjust its directional device and/or prong(s), but no other part of that player. Aside from picking up the player, allowing for the stated adjustments, then resetting, an advanced pivot is otherwise performed identically to a basic pivot. This means it must be reset and turned at the spot it was picked up.
All pivots are to be performed using an on-field referee/spotting device unless permission is granted by an official to do otherwise. Coaches have up to ten (1O) seconds to complete all pivots, including pivots during the Audible phase.

Mobile Base - Any base that has 3 or more sets of prongs intact. Mobile bases used with an on-field QB player are subjected to the "push rule."

Immobile Base - Any base that has 2 or less sets of prongs intact. Immobile bases used with on-field QB players are not subjected to the "push rule."

Push Rule - If an on-field QB is on a mobile base and makes (any) base to base contact with an interior offensive lineman anywhere behind the LOS after the switch is initially turned on to begin a play from scrimmage, that QB is considered to be pushing and the board must be immediately stopped. Such an action will invoke the "Push Rule." Whenever the push rule is invoked, the on field QB must keep the ball. The "push" rule takes priority even if there are eligible unengaged receivers.
*NOTE* The mobile or immobile base under the on field QB is a determining factor that can dictate the options an offensive coach has available. However, the way a mobile or immobile base it set to run may also define one's options on a given play. Below is a basic chart to help

QB ON MOBILE BASE: CAN Invoke Push Rule On Run & Pass Plays
1) Invokes Push Rule - QB must keep the ball. Applies to run and pass plays.

QB may keep the ball on an Immobile Base so long as it is demonstrating substantial forward progress when the switch is turned back on. For this to take place the QB base must have 2 prongs or less. QB may still pitch or pass.

Front of the base tackling.
620’s and larger boards allowed only.
Rules of Play
A coin will be tossed by the referee or the home team coach allowing the coin to hit the floor.
The visiting coach must call "heads" or "tails" while the coin is in the air. The coach that wins the toss must make a choice of either receiving the ball or kicking off.
The kick coverage team decides which end zone they will defend for the first half.
Teams will switch ends of the field every quarter and the team that received the opening kick-off will kick away to begin the second half.

Offense performs audible(s), if any - The offense may now perform audible. If so, they are allowed to pivot all eligible to either carry the ball or receive a pass. The offense has 10 seconds to complete all audible.
Defense performs audible(s), if any - The defense may now perform audible. If so the defense gets to pivot all defenders. The defense has 10 seconds to complete all audible.

Offense: Hash marks will be played this year.
Any receiver not on the line of scrimmage must be at least 1 yard and no more than a base length off of the line of scrimmage (most downfield portion of their base), must be completely outside any portion of the hash marks, and may not be stacked or in the shade of another player.
The quarterback has to be a min of ten yards behind the center , unless he is running backwards. The quarterback is the only player on offense that can be on a magnet. Has to be ten yards min behind the center when on a magnet.
RB's must maintain a minimum distance of a base length if the QB is directly in front of them (closest portion of their bases) or in the shade. All RB's must be at least a base length behind the OL before and after pivots. RB's must maintain a base width space between any offensive player beside it and without being in the shade of another team mate. A RB can not line up directly behind another RB, Running backs must be touching some portion of a hash mark or be inside of them both before and after any audibles are performed and no portion of their base may be beyond 25 yards behind the line of scrimmage before or after audibles are performed (620’s). 20 yards on the big board.
Defense: The defense is not limited to any recognizable formations but no player or players can be stacked or in the shade of another defensive player.
There is no limit from the line of scrimmage that a defensive player or players can be placed during setup. The defense can have 2 magnets on the field but they have to be a min of 30 yards from the LOS.
The defense gets 2 fumble men that has to be stated at the start of the game. These players can be lined up anywhere. They can be switched at the half.

Plays From Scrimmage -

After the initial stop of the board on a run or pass play where the on-field QB has the ball, the on-field QB may retain the option to keep the ball but may not be adjusted or pivoted as long as that on-field QB did not invoke the "Push Rule" (see below), is not set to spin on a MOBILE base (see below), did not get tackled, run out of bounds, or travel past the maximum drop back limit. Once the push rule is invoked or it is announced that the QB will keep the ball, no pitches, passes, or handoffs can be attempted on that play unless otherwise noted below. (See QB On Mobile Base).

There are 2 types of running plays that can be performed: (1) Straight Handoff, (2) Pitch/Keep Option. A Reverse falls under the "Pitch" category. Runner and all unengaged players can be pivoted.

Straight Handoff: If a running back is to carry the ball from a straight handoff, that running back's position and jersey number is to be clearly stated and the switch is to be controlled by the referee, if available. Otherwise the defensive coach controls the switch. The referee or defensive coach will turn on the board until the play is resolved.

Pitch/Keep Option: If the quarterback is to begin a running play carrying the ball, the offensive coach will control the switch and must state that the "quarterback has the ball" along with the QB's jersey number before turning the board on.

Once the board is turned on the offensive coach is allowed up to one
stoppage of the board. 10 seconds to make a decision.

Once the board is stopped the offensive coach has the options of letting the quarterback keep the ball or pitch it to the RB. If the timer cuts the board off and you want the qb to keep then there is no pivots offense or defense. If the coach stops it before the timer the all unengaged players can be pivoted. If the QB pitches it whether the timer or the coach stop the board all unengaged players can be pivoted.

To pitch the ball the player has to be within a base and a half of the QB and a clear path between the player who is pitching and the player who is to receive the pitch. No opponent's players or team mates can be within the confines of the involved player's bases, including appendages.

A pitch is automatic if the base of the quarterback and the base of the intended target (closest portions) are within base and a half length or less (use pitch sticks).

QB Run - The QB may run at any time as long as it 1) is making substantial forward progress after the switch is turned back on, 2) is not set to spin on an immobile or mobile base, 3) did not exceed the maximum drop back distance, 4) did not touch or exceed the LOS, 5) did not run OB, or 5) did not invoke the Push Rule.

Sacks - Coverage Sacks are being awarded for good defense. If the offense has no unengaged receivers, it's a sack and is marked at the most forward position of the QB base.

Automatic Incompletion - You have to have someone open before you can say automatic incompletion.

Passing Methods - (1) TTQB
Passes must be thrown forward only.
Completions Methods - (1) Automatic Completion, (2) Manual Completion
Automatic Completion: If an eligible receiver is within a base and a half of the quarterback (closest portions of their bases), there is a clear path between those two players (no other player or players appendages are within the confines of either players bases), then the pass is considered to be an automatic completion if the offensive coach elects to accept it. As long as the receiver is in front of the QB.

The Triple Threat Quarterback (TTQB) only is to be used to pass the ball for this method.

Once the offensive coach wishes to attempt a pass the board is then turned off. The offensive coach then points to and states the player's number to which the pass will be attempted.
The offensive coach has 10 seconds to state the intended receiver.

The referee then places an on-field referee to mark the confines of the pass attempt area for the TTQB.

The normal quarterback player is to be replaced during the pass attempt with a legal TTQB, legal passing ball in place, the ttcqb is to be place at the back of the stand still base to throw the ball.

If the referee determines that there is a lack of sufficient space to mark the area with an on-field referee the TTQB will be spotted manually with the guidance of an official.

The offensive coach has 10 seconds to get the pass off beginning from the moment the TTQB is placed or the referee says "go." The offensive coach then attempts the pass.

If the pass is completed the TTQB is to be replaced on the same spot with the on-field quarterback player that began that play so it has assumed its original facing and position..

First touch method is used to determine who caught the ball. This means the first player that makes contact with the pass in the air and before hitting anything else is the only player that counts in determining the outcome of that pass play.

Eligible Receiver: TTQB - Any player other than an offensive lineman and the quarterback that is at least somewhat downfield from the on-field QB, is inbounds, did not run out of bounds during that play, and is unengaged by any of the opponent's player(s) when the board is stopped for a pass attempt is an eligible receiver.

Pass Attempt: TTQB - The TTQB must release the ball from pressure applied by the offensive coach who is pulling back on the TTQB in order to constitute a pass attempt. If the ball falls off before an attempt it does not count as a pass attempt nor is it a fumble. In such a case the ball will be placed back on the TTQB and a pass will be attempted as normal.

Completion: TTQB - A pass is complete if the ball hits any portion of the intended target in the air including the base before hitting the field, and if it did not hit any other player before doing so.
If the pass hits an eligible unengaged and unintended receiver in the same manner it is a completion but the play is over and the ball marked at that spot.
Once a pass is completed offensive players can be pivoted including the receiver.

Interception: TTQB - A pass is intercepted if it first hits an unengaged defender in the air. After an interception the intercepting coach may now pivot the ball carrier and all unengaged players, followed by the opposing coach pivoting any unengaged players to attempt a tackle.


Kickoff: Normal - The receiving team must designate one player to return the kick. That player's number must be reported to the referee and to the opposing coach, it must be on its assigned base, and it must remain on that assigned base when and if the kick is returned. That player is also to be set out in plain view of the referee and the opposing coach until it is replaced on the field to return the kick. The tackle on kick returns will be front of the base.
The kicking team will designate the spot of the kick returner. That spot must be on the goal line and in between the hash marks. The return team may pivot the kick returner from that spot. Kick return team lines up on their 30 yard line. The kicking team will line up on their 50 yard line. There will be a 2.0 hang time and then all unengaged players can be pivoted.

Onsides Kick: You must be trailing in score. We will roll a set of dice using the numbers 2-12. This will determine where the magnetic ball will be placed. Starting at the kicking teams left (2) and (12) being at the far right. Place the ball at that position on the 40 yard line. The board will be run for 3 seconds. You must recover the ball with the front of your base. And you can return it (Return team). Kicking teams selects what position his kicker is going to be. If you roll that position the offense gets the ball at the 40 yard line. After 3 seconds and no one recovered the ball, offense gets the ball at the 40. Both teams get to pivot 3 men each.

Extra Point: 1 Point Conversion - Kicked extra points are worth 1 point and do not count as a play. Following a touchdown, if the scoring team decides to kick the extra point, they must do so by lining up their TTQB kicker with ball in place at the opponent's 17 yard line. The kick is attempted opposed. The kick must go between the uprights and over the crossbar to be successful. Board is turned on to attempt the kick.

Extra Point: 2 Point Conversion - Two point conversions are worth 2 points and do not count as a play. Two point conversions may be attempted after any touchdown. Following a touchdown, if the scoring team decides to go for a two point conversion, they must line up at their opponents 10 yard line and must line up no differently than any other play from scrimmage. The offensive team must score just as they do for any other touchdown for the conversion to be successful.

Punts: If you don’t cross the 40 yard line, you have to punt, unless you are 4 and 2 or less. If you are across the 40 yard line you may go for it. If you are trailing in the second half, you don’t have to punt. Punts are returnable. The punter has to line up 15 yards from LOS and needs to be on a magnet. The 2 outside men run free. Punt team states where the returner goes, either punt left or punt right or punt middle. The punt is 45 yards. Then all unengaged players can be pivoted. The only player that can be on a magnet is the punter.

FUMBLES: Before the start of the game, you must state who you’re fumble men are. These can be changed at halftime. Once the fumble man makes a tackle, flip the coin. Heads the balls stays with the offense and tails the balls goes to the defense. The player that fumbles has to be remove from the field of play.

Field Goals: Field goals are worth 3 points and count as a play.
Field goals must be kicked with the TTQB kicker and all attempts will be made with the board running.
There are no fake field goals.

Field goals may be attempted on any down once the offensive team is within field goal range. Once a field goal attempt has been tried it ends that possession for the offensive team unless a penalty is called or there was an equipment or similar problem during that attempt. Those instances will be handled by the referee and/or event staff.

The offense must have no more than 7 players on the line of scrimmage and must have one player somewhere in the backfield clearly between the hash marks and clearly even with or slightly in front of the kicker. This player is to simulate a holder. Both kicker and holder must be on a magnetic base.

The maximum field goal attempt that can be attempted is 63 yards. The kicker must be lined up in the center of the field but may be angled. The front of the kicker's base must be 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage. This means that the line of scrimmage must be at the opponent's 46 yard line or closer to attempt a field goal.

The defense can not stack players on field goal attempts and no player may be in the shade of another of its team mates.

Once both teams are set the referee will control the switch and count down saying "ready, set, go." On "go" the board will be turned on. Any time after the board begins to vibrate the offensive coach may attempt the kick. The kick must clearly travel between the uprights and over the cross bar for the attempt to be successful.

If a defensive player's base makes contact with the kicker's base or a defensive player blocks the ball before the kick is clear it is a blocked kick. If a defensive player (any part) touches any part the offensive coach's finger(s), hand(s), wrist(s), or arm(s) that is holding the TTQB before the kick is away, it is a blocked kick. Additionally, any offensive player EXCEPT the HOLDER, that makes contact with the kicker and/or the coach's finger(s), hand(s), wrist(s), or arm(s), it is a blocked kick.

All missed kicks result in the defensive team obtaining possession the ball automatically at the spot of the kick (7 yds behind LOS) unless that spot is less than 20 yards away from the defending team's end zone. In those cases the defending team will start their possession at their own 20 yard line.

All blocked kicks result in the defensive team recovering the ball 15 yards behind the LOS.

Just because you do not see a specific penalty listed does not mean it will not be called. Below are the basics only. An official can make other calls not listed so long as they are not contradictory to the format.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 15 yds from LOS + warning. Repeated acts will cause you to get tossed out on your keister! We are here for fun. Please behave accordingly.

Offside - 5 yds from LOS
Delay of Game- 5 yds from LOS
Illegal Formation- 5 yds from LOS
Illegal Receiver - 10 yds from LOS
To many players - 10 yds from LOS

Time on the clock.

1. kickoff---------------------------------- 2.0 sec
2. punts------------------------------------1.5 sec
3. onside kick-----------------------------3.0 sec
4. extra points----------------------------1.0 sec
5. set-up (offense)------------------------35 sec
6. set-up (defense)-----------------------10 sec plus the 35 sec for offense
7. play clock------------------------------3.0 sec
8. decision clock-------------------------10 sec
9. pass clock------------------------------10 sec
10. time outs-------------------------------20 sec
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