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Old 12-10-2007, 09:55 PM
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Well, I would have to say that since the majority of the guys here first got their games 30 - 40 years ago and were around 10 - 15 at the time, what was written in the rule book has been long lost and forgotten. I know I chucked my book away shortly after playing. It really wasn't that big a deal. We made different rules that made the game play better than what we originally had played with. Again, it's really no big deal. I don't think very many guys here could care less if a coach moves around to pass with the TTQB. Like I said before, if a coach had to stay on his side of the board to pass, it would make it almost impossible to play a game between a left handed person and a right handed person. To make such a rule would not be in the best interest of the game.
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:59 PM
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Default OK

So it is safe to say that you understand my point and what I was talking about?
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:31 PM
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You wanted clarification on a rule that may or may not have existed. Evidently, nobody (including myself) has any of the original rule books around. All I was trying to say is that if such a rule did or does exist, it really shouldn't. :p
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Anthony D Burgess View Post
In the Tudor and Miggle rule book, does it say that you can move around the board to throw a pass ?

In studying rules there is some time a gray area that are not covered or was never thought of so I don't know if this is the same case with this hobby.

WITH RESPECT, WHAT IS NEEDED IS NOT A RULE! My point is Does it state that in the rules!

Justifying the reason for using something doesn't make it right . If it is not in the rule then what?

The point is following rules, not the ttqb.
In reading the rule book that came in my vintage 620, it makes no mention whatsoever about the coach's position when using the TTQB.

Shabby J
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:05 PM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Default I know

With that in mind it is hard to understand what the inventer had in mind or his intent. Absents of clear guide lines leasd to issues as many will assume something is implied or is ok to do.

It like this, I have a display of something, while talking to one guy, another guy takes something off my table.

He is later cought for steeling, he states, he thought it was for free. He assumed something based off of what he thought. His assumption was wrong.

This is my hole point about assuming somthing without properly going through steps to search for the answer.

Or do guys just don't care enought to seek after the truth, but would rather make it up and say it is implied.

In any event I can see no one cares.

Like I said, failure to seek after the truth is not sufficient reason to assume

Thanks Shabby J
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by SteelerFan1967 View Post

I haven't gone through the rest of the details in the book, but I don't think it explicitly states anywhere, the "position" of the coach during the passing procedure. Since that appears to be "undefined" by the rules, I guess it is generally understood that the coach can attempt the pass from whatever angle is best, as long as his TTQB is positioned according to the rules.
There isn't an explanation of where the coach/player is positioned... because... It's obvious that it's at whatever position he wants to stand to get the best angle between the TTQB and the receiver...

The only way that wouldn't be true is if the rules explicitly said you had to stay on one sideline or another..

But again... even at that..
It doesn't make rulesets that state the coach/player must stay on his sideline... wrong.. It's just a different ruleset.

There are different rulesets for NFL, CFL, College, Arena, and even some of the smaller indoor professional leagues have rules that differ.... Some similar, some very different in some ways... TADA.. No wrong way..
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