Originally Posted by JIMBO
YOU are the artist. This is YOUR team. Find a picture of the '75 VIKES and match the paint to YOUR eye, not someone else's. Different pictures, different lighting, different eyeballs looking at the same pictures will give you different choices. In the end, it's YOUR team.
As far as posting pictures:
- If you have the picture saved to your computer, you can post it by clicking [Manage Attachments] just under your current post BEFORE you hit Submit Reply. Scroll down a lil more and you'll see it.
- Click on [Manage Attachments].
- A small screen will popup and you'll see several blanks with [Browse] next to them. Click on one of the [Browse] buttons.
- This will take you to your files on your computer. Find the picture you want and just move the pointer over it, but don't click it yet.
- See if it fits the size specs listed for its filetype, which is listed just below all of the [Browse] buttons.
- If it's within size, then double-click it. To add another, repeat.
- If it's too large, you have to right-click the pic and open it in your photo editor program, or Paint, which is what I use for MF pics.
- If you open it in Paint: hit [Ctrl + W]; then when the size box opens, you have to size it down by a percentage of the whole i.e. 80% length x 80% width. Type in "80", then [Tab], then "80" and [Enter]; if you can see the entire picture on your screen without scrolling left or right, you're good; hit [Ctrl + S] to Save it and then you can close Paint. Now you can double-click that picture and repeat for more pics.
- Click on the [Upload] button to the right of the [Browse] buttons.
- Then you can hit [Submit Reply] and you'll see your post with a pic attached!
Now let us see some pictures to help YOUR eye pick the right colors!!! 
That is perfect advice Jimbo.
I like how it was posted in purple .
One more thing, Nice work so far.