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Old 07-29-2010, 06:25 PM
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Default Wanna start right off

My bad,
didn´t know that I posted in a part of the forum nobody can reply.
Thanks for the advice Hoop!
If an Admin please will delete my other post?!

Allright fellas,
it´s time to get things going. I made a plan today how I want my boards to look and have that part kinda going the right way (will post by time).
Material will be bought by tomorrow morning ( glad to be on vacation).
It have to be two fields ´cause I love my Redskins and of course my VT Hokies.
I will add the Berlin Thunder Team but that will only be a reminder of better times in Berlin.
Therefor I do need miniatures and bases.
My question to ya´ll is what will be best for me?
Please no beginner "for right now enough" tips. I am really hot and willing to move fast.(please don´t get me wrong)
Is it a good mixture of different kind of miniatures, bases, etc. ?
I beleive that different positions have variable specifications so I am really depending on ya´ll help.
What I really like on miniatures are details. For example the ones Megawattz is working on (can´t wait ) or I have read about Jennings Figures if I am not mistaken.
I beleave it is very important that miniature have fingers instead of two big bubbles.
Also I am into customizing so I will need a lot of material.
I will need decals but therefor I maybe have someone I can ask over here.

I hope to receive good advice and offers from ya´ll.

Happy Gaming
My alltime favorite The Assassin Jack Tatum #32
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Old 07-29-2010, 07:43 PM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
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For customizing, any figure brand is good enough. Everything depands on two things : your budget, and what you want to do on the customizing level.

For example, you can add detailed hands on any brand of figures. This one :

is based on a "simple" buzzball figure. These figs are resonnably priced, really good on a gaming aspect (well balanced, light weight), but the hard plastic make the work harder (in my opinion) for the customizer...but not impossible. To build a couple of balanced teams, it's a good option.

My other figures are based on figures, often called "Reggie figs". They are really easy to work, and not too expensive. These figs are better for "super heroes" customizing look and dynamic poses, like you can see in comics books. It's a good way to start customizing.

Jenning figures are great looking, a bit pricey comparing to the other brands, but they are the best looking stock figures without any doubt. I don't know if they are easy to customize, I never had these figs in my hands.

Megawattz new product are also interesting, but I can't speak about it since I don't know the price or saw the product by myself.

Last but not least, the "bigmen" Miggle series (always prefers the big figs, the other ones are less compatible -size speaking- with the other brands in my opinion) are cheap, matchs the nfl color (if you're clever enough to guess them ), and it's easy to build balanced squads for cheap. And of course, you also can paint , detail and modify them.

Last advise, use the search form on the forum : I asked (and other beginner players did the same) similar questions, so you'll find a lot of interesting info on that too.

to conclude, I'd say :

to start playing fast : miggle big men teams

to start customizing (= I mean not only painting, but initiate to sculpting, custom poses, detailing) fast : figures

to start painting : jennings figs or megawatts when they'll come.

for advanced playing : buzzball team, mixed brands figures (note : are cool too, but the stances of the figs vary a lot depanding of the model, so you'll have to be twice more carefull for the tweaking and training...with a buzzball o line, you tweak 5 bases the same, take 5 linemen buzball figures, and that's it. With, every linemen -even stock pose- will be diferent, forcing you to be more carefull on the position and base tweaking)

for advanced customizing : any brand, but I'd say buzzball and depending of the look you want.

advanded painting : jennings,megawattz, your own customized figs

for the bases, I 'll let another one answer, but I'd say personaly :

buzball diamond fast : excellent for WR and fast positions, reliable and fast. easy to tweak

buzball DDB : easy to tweak for strengh.

In one word, buzzball bases are easy to tweak for the beginner.

miggle superproline (didn't try, but eveyrone say they are cool)

miggle proline rookie strong : good all around base

After that, you'll find a lot of miggle colors, models, etc...but it should be suficient to start. You just can't assimilate on one shoot. The hobby is too big for that. It's the magic of it : you'll find several hobbies in one big hobby :

painting minis
customizing/sculpting/detailing minis
tweaking bases (you'll see how important it is)
training your squad and selecting players and bases
chatting on when you should be training or painting your new team

Last edited by the french guy : 07-29-2010 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 07-30-2010, 05:16 PM
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perhaps that topic should go in the rookie section for better exposure ?
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Old 08-01-2010, 12:00 PM
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great post Frenchy !
League play starts fall of 2010
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