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Old 10-07-2007, 10:44 AM
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Default How Does Sideline Comments Play in Your Ability to Think?

The DFW Miniature Football League has been long known for what is known as "The Peanut Gallery". This name was officially tabbed by LeRon King, one of our coaches from Huntington, West Virginia. Although his moniker of this group was less than 5 years ago, "The Peanut Gallery" has unofficially been in place since 1995 when the league started.

"The Peanut Gallery" are the hecklers of the league, the arm chair quarterbacks, who sit high up in the stands of stadiums and second-guess every call a head coach makes. This is one of those true test of concentrations that a coach must have because the heckling is aimed at both the winning and losing coach. This is one of those things we do in jest, just having fun and keeping the game lively. We actually encourage it because it brings a human-side to playing the game. It gets the coaches to show a part of their personality that they otherwise would not do. We even ask coaches, "Do you have thick skin?" That's a pretty requisite in being apart of the DFW League.

All coaches must endure this constant barrage of ridicule and tomfoolery by other coaches/fans. Many guys come out to games just to be apart of the shenanigans. Some guys will ride 45 minutes from their home to see the game and know, there will be some other guys in the stands thinking just like them. Nothing like this ever escalates into violence or bad-blood. It's just a part of what goes on in the DFW. It's become such a fun thing that my friend out in the LAEF (David Campbell) may be getting an order from the DFW to do some "The Peanut Gallery" shirts.

My question to you coaches is, "Is this whimsical, foolish, skullduggery, comical behavior tolerated at your games or do you keep it prim and proper?

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Old 10-08-2007, 04:30 AM
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Default Buffoonery

Ever since the CEFL started league play we have engaged in all sorts of nonsense and buffoonery. On game nights Subterranean Stadium is filed with good hearted ribbing and laughter, we all look forward to it, it's what makes being part of the league so special.When you have been friends as long as we have it just comes naturally.We all play to win and but it's not nearly as important as having a good time with your pals.It must be a good thing,we have been doing it since 1981.
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Old 10-08-2007, 12:04 PM
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Default I love it

I would give almost anything to be a part of that. When I was around ten or eleven,growing up in Cincinnati, we had that same peanut gallery of coaches. We always use to play to win and heckel the heck out of one another throughout. It was a great place to grow up with many electric football coaches.We played everything together ,and making fun, and even fighting sometimes, were all part of a great experience.
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Old 10-08-2007, 12:58 PM
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Default Un-Wanted

Respect for the hobby and the many who play it is important.

Just because we are men or call our selfs men doesn't give you the right to say anything and not show proper respect. But then if someone does to you what you have done to others then you cry!!!!!!!! Big Baby!!!!:rolleyes:

Any and all positive comments and remarks are more than welcome, but negative comments show lack of respect for the coaches playing, cast a bad light on the hobby and the league that your playing under, as well as reflect poor sportsmanship.

Befor this hobby can be respected by people out side of this community it must first be respected by the people who are in the community.

Leaders of the many leagues around the country need to crack down on this type of behavior and not condone it.

In my league I don't tolerate this type of behavior, integrity is very important part of my league as this reflects me, other members, the league as a hole, and has no place hear.

Sad to say that I had to terminate membership indefinitely with two guys due to there inability to follow league rules and conduct. They were disruptive durring the game, questioning the officials calls on every play, mocking league official, and just making the game experience awful.

Individuals like this have no place in my league as they will prevent quality men from joining and cause your league many issues in the future.

All stem from lack of respect, poor sportsmanship, and no integrity. Same hold true for hecklers, arm chair QB's.

Games in the MPFL are very fun and we injoy one another very much. And after the games we sit and talk about the game and past games. My members put the Professional in Miniature Professional Football League.

Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 10-08-2007, 03:26 PM
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when i have a coach (jeff priest ) who can call what i am going to run before i run it, it makes me realize that my playcalling might be a bit predictable. i feel like john cooper.
check out about custom figures and platforms at this thread:
MFCA member #31

Last edited by 5-13 Studios : 10-08-2007 at 04:00 PM.
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Old 10-08-2007, 03:46 PM
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Default Fun is very much tolerated in the DFW

One of the things we realize in the DFW is that for us, this is what it is, a game. Now we've got all the props and elements to make this look and play as real as any other style of play there is.

When it comes to knowledge of the game, I have no doubt, we have that. When it comes tofootball IQ or general intellect, we've got that. But for us, we never want to take the game out of the game.

We play this game to have fun, lots of it. For us, there's no need to think we are gonna ever get rich doing this. And for everyone who took the time to watch the TSO style of play first hand, they walk away saying, "It was the most exhilarating 3 hours I have ever played in the electric football. Those guys sure have fun!" Not only is it fun but these guys are highly skill professionals at this game.

I guess when you have total belief in your own abilities, there's nothing anyone can say to get in your head. That's the case here in Texas. I would definitely encourage some of you to come to Texas in the future and see what goes on. Your whole outlook on the game of miniature football will change. We do have fun and are very much professional in how we approach this game. The DFW is one of those leagues that is just loose about what we do.

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Old 10-09-2007, 09:11 AM
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Default Player conduct

Maybe because we all grew up together we have never have had a problem with player conduct. We all love the game and each others company,it's a perfact combo!Heckling or being disrespectful has never been an issue in the CEFL. I do however remember the first year my Grandson ( who was 14 at the time) joined the league and started displaying a sore loser attitude. He got a letter of warning from the commissioner and it changed his attitude.
He has gone on to be a great member and league champion, making me a very proud Gradfather. Just have's what it's all about!
Remember another day is not garanteed.
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Old 10-09-2007, 11:57 AM
childslovegame childslovegame is offline
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Default Sideline Antics


I think it comes down to 2 things: the personality of the player who's playing and the atmoshere you enjoy your Electric Football Experience. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the comical behavior, but I've seen the Fan Bashing and Heckling get way out of order. Some guys want all the bells and whistles of their EF experience and some guys don't, and you have to respect their chooses. I really believe this is the knife that separates guys in the hobby, not the rules. Heckling and Bashing, at who's expense? No! I perfer not to have it in my EF experience. To me, this is a recreational outlit, not a free for all when someone's not playing well. You don't do that to people and I don't like being around people who do that, especially to others.

This is what happen to Me:

At the SWB in 06, I was testing Bill Proche's Board, one of his Fields of Dreams. It took me some time to get use to his rotory motor board and his boiled team. This guy in the back ground said, "Some much for the Coaches' DVD!" Dude don't know me from Adam! As a matter of fact, I've never seen him before the Brawl. It took everything within me not to go completely off! His remarks were unwaranted. From that point on, my weekend went down hill. I no longer wanted to be there.

Keith Chalmers told me that during the Miggle Tournament this year, during the Quaterfinals, he had to get up and walk away from the game. For a half hour he paced back and forth in the men's room to calm his self down because his opponent was making all kinds of derogatory remarks during the game!

Is this the type of experience we want people to have in Electric Football?

Guys, this is a hobby, a recreational outlit, not a sport! You don't know what people are going through at home, or at work! They come to get a break from the hustle and bustle of life, only to get heckled because they're not playing well? That's what Irate Sports Fans Do! Some of you guys have your priorities all screwed up! You have forgotten what this thing is all about. It's not about winning, or styles of play, or rules, or base tweak'in, or TT Passing skills. It's about people!........ It's about people!.... How do people feel about you as a person, when you get up from the board or leave the room? Do they feel better because they were in your presence, or do they feel worst?

With all that being said, I perfer guys in our league to leave their "Buffoonery" at the door and enjoy the company of their opponent!

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Old 10-09-2007, 12:41 PM
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Default Game conduct--

Good question...and there are some coaches out there who's personality seems to lead them to conduct that's hostile, aggressive and really doesn't have a place in the game. I recently attempted to officiate a game at the SWB that was really charged... after the game I felt 5 years older just going through the experience. The name calling, personal attacks and the like, I mean it just wasn't cool...... I liked the coach involved as a person and respected his enthusiasm, but I felt sorry for his opponent(s) and I know they did not enjoy their EFL experience or games against that coach.

Thankfully, I don't think we have that kind of problem in our league. If so I hope we would have the courage to ban them from our league. Although games it heated, I believe we all have a level of respect for each other not to cross that line. If you really have to stoop to that level to win, you need to ask yourself why you are playing.

Win or lose its just a game.
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Old 10-09-2007, 02:46 PM
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The heckling and the "Peanut Gallery" in the DFW league is something that most everyone in the DFW league look forward to and enjoy. It's not done in a disrespectful way, or mean way, or a derogatory way at all. We all look forward to the weekly games in the DFW league, some games draw bigger crowds than others, but all in all the "Peanut Gallery" praises coaches who have done well and bashes coaches who aren't doing well, (all this is done in a very professional and respectful way). Nothing that is said is meant personal. I couldn't imagine playing a game and having all the coaches sitting there like robots, in a silent room where you could hear a pen drop, but to each his own I guess. I would invite any of you who visit Texas to come to one of our league games and experience for yourself the "Peanut Gallery", and I'm sure you'll will agree it brings a whole new dimension to the game in a fun and unharmful way. GO RAIDERS!!!
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