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Old 10-10-2007, 02:25 PM
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mantaraydre mantaraydre is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default you must give anthony burgess credit "HE KNOWS FOOTBALL"

Give credit when credit is due

ant burgess is one of the most knowledgeable coaches in electric football. When he post details on x's and o's he knows what he is talikng about. He must be given credit to build a system based on what he know's. Everyone knows i love the king REG RUTLEDGE AND MY good friend Don "the bomb" smith" I say bomb because he only throws deep passes. He told me 30 yard passes are like lay up's in basketball. Both Don and Reg are great x's and o's guy's. You have to love Ant burgess also because of his smarts and passion for the game. i would to hear these three guy's talk x's and o's.

Im starting to hear more and more coaches say, " i kinda dig Ant's system".
Electric or miniature football's only way to go in the adult arena is play it like the pro's. This is what i get from these thre guy's through there wisdom. I take this hobby seriously and dont look at it as a toy from toy's r us' . This is our CHESS SET that mimick's the NFL and our ticket home, "the playing field".

I will be honest, alot of you say this is being built for the future but i view it as the time is now ! I not worrying who's playing this game 15 years from now. Im not painting teams worrying about the future, we have all that is needed right now ! This is why it is imperative to play in leagues, come to events, and recruit some new blood who wants in right now.

Anth is playing real football, if you come to texas you will see why they say football is religion in texas. I respect these men for giving us an avenue to drive down (there systems) on our way to the stadium (our games). I feel other coaches take this hobby seriously also because you guy's frequent this chat very often (almost everyday maybe 20 times a day).

How into this hobby would you be if the bases still ran in circles, no updated systems, no decals just dots, Etc etc. we wouldn't know each because we would say, "isn't that the little game i useto have as a kid, they still make those things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets appreciate the gifts these geniouses have given us, the opportunity to be coaches and football players all at once and we dont even need any medical insurance.

Thanx ant

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