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Old 01-04-2008, 07:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Philly
Posts: 2,906
Default My 200th post & the Matrix

Well first congrats to me for reaching this milestone without working in front of a computer. I only have a few hours once I get home until the lil guy needs his Daddy time! I wnat to use this post to mention that Philly's longest running league the PEFL will be having their Super Bowl (i forget which number) in 2 weeks. Coach Ernie Grice (Steelers) vs Coach Al Harvey (Cowboys) Seemed like you were always getting those teams when you opened your Xmas gift during the 70's! The other Philly league (NEFL) will be starting in Feb. Coach Ernie Grice will try to defend his title with the bullseye on his back this season.

Now on to the Matrix. I had the chance to talk to a coach in my area. He never knew it was this many of us. He thought he was the only one, or one of a very few that still had, or still played. But like Morpheus, we continually find these lost souls. We plug them in, and open their minds to all the new products. I use to always dream of having the real emblem on my teams helmet. I dreamed that you could put real names on the back of the jersey (i used the white pages!) This particular coach has never seen Buzzball or RR figs! When I told him about stadiums, large boards, and custom field covers, he thought I was joking! But it's not just that conversation, I remember talking to Norbert for hours at his first convention. He said he got chills when he found out there were others. Morgan (mozeek) said he use to collect AV equip until he found out we were out there! He said he hasn't been in Tweeter ever since!!!! But when it happens, or I hear of a story I always think of the Matrix. Do you have any Matrix stories? Have you ever unplugged a new coach?
Who will be the One!!!! Who will be Neo? There is a small war inside our hobby. Some guys don't like other guys. Some coaches don't like this group. Is there somebody out there that can end it? I know will never agree on everything, that's impossible. But we can talk to each other. I mean some guys won't go to a tourney if they feel that person might be there. Won't participate in anything that coach or group may have something to do with.
If that coach died, would that make you feel better? Would your EF/BB/MF experiences be better if those people were gone from this earth? Probably/hopefully not. So that means, it's not that serious. I'm not saying you have to break bread, but don't stay away. Let's be Morpheus, Neo, Trinity, and the others. Let's free some minds!!!!!!

Your Truly,

Mr. NATIONAL mfca #11
Promoting the Hobby/Sport the only way I know how.
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:19 AM
rjackson rjackson is offline
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Default Corey good post my man...

....I will say this, if the ones with the my way is the best way attitude stop trying to compare their style or way of doing things with others, then this madness will be over with. I for one like to play with clocks and pass with the TTQB, but I never once have had a problem with a strategy divider or set plays. I prefer to the TSO rule system, but I will never knock the way people play this....................well see their I don't want to say what we play because their are some whom take these kind of statements and run with it and I don't want to create a firestorm. All I am saying is have it your way like the Burger King commercial says!! If you clean up your own backyard and worry about your own landscaping then your neighbors my follow your direction or go their own way!!! MYOB!!!!

Last edited by rjackson : 01-04-2008 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 01-07-2008, 04:32 PM
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Coach K-LO Coach K-LO is offline
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well 200 post is good, but to hold on to the "national" title, you must post more than once a month....hehehehehehehe

rtfl$ rtfl$ rtfl$ rtfl$ rtfl$

Sorry, I couldn't resist...... anyway, I am sure that we all (old guard) coaches have heard this type of story before and I hope we will continue to here about them.

I remember when I thought it was just me and my few friends that still played until that day I saw it in the Washington Post about the Miggle (in Chi-town) and my quest began..........
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