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Old 01-11-2008, 07:09 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default Wow!

I first want to pat you on the back for all that great work, but then I want to put the foot to your rear for not having any 49ers!!!!! Now if I missed them, I'm sorry. But if you have none, could you please get to work on a team of 49ers!!! You do some great work. That snow board is crazy. How did you do that?

The creative level that some most of you guys are on blows my mind. Your collection my friend is just........... WOW!

Hey the 49ers have a player with the hair hanging out. He's from Hawaii. #90.

Promoting the Hobby/Sport the only way I know how.
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Old 01-11-2008, 07:29 AM
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Talking Awww Shucks Guys

Thanks for the looks. it is very encouraging.
I know, some teams look better than others. as i put the teams up in big pictures, i noticed, the ones i really worked hard on, look far better than the ones i just - worked on.
PrettyBoy, the 49ers were there, 95 team that finally beat the boys, and the montana team that, well, that was there in the 80's. you probably missed it because the pictures were not that great for that team. just cant figure out why??????

and no, i am not the real Michael Downs (if thats what you were asking). Downs is just one of my favorite cowboys. the linebacker you may be thinking of is Eugene Lockhart #56. he was the best in the 80's after the late 70's crew retired.

Again, thanks for the compliments and the "NATIONAL" attention. lol.
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Old 01-11-2008, 07:58 AM
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Default Nice job

Great job painting those players, keep up the great work.
Chris Markham, CLM Designs, Custom Painting
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Old 01-11-2008, 08:04 AM
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Default Great stuff!

I know how you feel when you see some of the other things that people are doing...

But to me, it's always cool to see what ANYBODY/EVERYBODY has done.

Everyone has different approaches and by showing what you have done you exchange ideas...and then we all can build on that.

Again, you have a nice collection! It's obvious you spent a lot of time on them and have a real passion for the game.

I really like those white jersey Bengals!

How many teams in total do you have?
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Old 01-11-2008, 08:25 AM
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I love the snow field.
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Old 01-11-2008, 09:04 AM
bigdawg43 bigdawg43 is offline
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Default My Sherlock Holmes side

detects a lot of hand painting -- nice job, Al will be proud of you. As you keep painting it will just get better and better so hang on to those guys to chart your progress. Good Work and A LOT of work put in on those guys, keep it up. The only problem I had with the whole spread is that there is waaaayyyy too much Cowboys stuff for this Steeler fan.
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Old 01-11-2008, 10:10 AM
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Coach K-LO Coach K-LO is offline
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Default very nice work

thanks for sharing your work with us.... not bad at all. I can see that you LOVE THEM COWBOYS!!!

Bengals in orange looking good....

SteelerFan1967 had some good points that I feel the same:
"Everyone has different approaches and by showing what you have done you exchange ideas...and then we all can build on that."

keep at it, it does get better the more you do, the more you want to improve...I know I am always trying to improve my stuff on each new team I work on....
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Old 01-11-2008, 10:47 AM
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very nice work, I also love those snow covered fields
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Old 01-11-2008, 11:29 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default ok I saw the 49ers

I luv those throwback in the red with white pants. We wore them when we beat down the chargers.

How did you do that snow board???? That's crazy.

Promoting the Hobby/Sport the only way I know how.
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Old 01-11-2008, 03:31 PM
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HOOP HOOP is offline
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Smile Snow Board And Hair....

SWEETKA, sorry dude, forgot to answer that question on the hair. The hair on Tutupu and more so Palomalu is real hair that i balled and rolled. i went to the salon with my daughter and scooped the hair up before it even hit the floor. i then balled, rolled and glued it on the back of the helmets. told my daughter and my wife that this gives them some share, value, and sentiment for my hobby. helps build their tolerance level, ya know.

The snow board idea actually started with CAPANTHER and seeing his snow bank props on his website. i bought two sets off ebay (any of you guys the seller?) and laced my field. then i thought, 'how about some snow?'

i got an older model board and put tape across the yard lines and the NFL logo.
i then spray painted the board white from a close enough distance where it would go on in bright white but not cake up against the tape causing ridges.
i then quickly lifted up all the tape and smoothed out any ridges that i unsuccessfully did not prevent, by simply smearing the paint down.
i now had a white field with green lines across the board.
i then spray painted the field lines from a further distance as only to mist the lines with white snow.
did the same for the logo as well. oh yeah, and the endzones.
and whalla, got my snowfield to relive some of those great games. the "IceBowl" for one, and i am confidant, the Boys will win this time.

again though, the encouragement and compliments are GREATLY appreciated because i respect and admire the work and effort YOU guys put into the hobby. it also keeps me very enthusiastic stepping my game up to new levels. so much so, that i just made a late reservation to get to Detroit. gotta arrange transportation somehow, but i am trying to get there. hope i can run into, meet and hang out with you guys during the weekend.
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