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Old 08-07-2008, 01:33 AM
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Default The MFCA Convention Thankyou's!

I finally got back from the Convention yesterday after having my flight cancelled. Over the entire duration of the trip this was virtually the only glitch. The only other one came when big blowup guy, MFCA Man, was stolen from the front of the hotel. He will be remembered even though it was just his first time out.
As you have already read in numerous posts the 1st annual MFCA Convention was a huge success. All though the number of competitors was down from what we anticipated we still had 29 entered in the Coaches Points Challenge and at least another 10-15 coaches who came by and took in all the action and fun.
The success of the convention was due in large part to the efforts of a number of coaches. I could probably name every coach in attendance just for making the trip but they all did so much more than that to pull this event off. From the guys who brought boards and equipment to the ones who donated prizes for the raffle and the United way event to the coaches who volunteered to help with the competitions and to the ones who took on the challenge of teaching and interacting with 400 kids at the J Babe Stearn Center. All of you made this happen just as it was meant to happen!
I have to mention one coach in particular who without whom we could of never kept track of all the events and competitions. Matt Culp was not only instrumental in developing the whole fabric of the convention but took on the registration table and many of the financial and record keeping duties as well as selling MFCA goods and registering the coaches as they arrived. Without his leadership and organizational skills the convention would have been just a shell of itself and I would probably be in a straight jacket about now. Matt is a true friend, point on task and a large part of why the MFCA is where it is!
Alongside of Matt was Vice President, Will Travers. Will jumped in wherever needed and I have never seen a happier face as his when he was working with the kids at the Stearn Center He is one of the most dedicated and grounded people in the hobby. Will is one I can always count on and I trust his advice and forethought to the highest degree. On top of that, he is a Raider fan so coming from me, the compliments above should mean twice as much.
Ray Fanara and the Hall of Fame committee had a huge task ahead of them and they came through with a fantastic program on Friday night as we inducted the first class into the MFCA HOF. Ray is a historian of the game and continues daily to record and archive every tidbit of info he can come across. Without Ray’s dedication the Hall of Fame would not have happened this year and now that the first class is in, I can’t wait to see who is added next year.
John Martin. Remember that name well if you ever come to Canton. He went above and beyond! Picking up guys at the airport, taking us to the rib fest and a couple of other great restaurants, (None of us will ever forget Chancey!) providing beer and cigars and always available for us when we needed a ride to get something done. He is a blast to hang out with and has become a very skilled player in a short time.
CorEy Johnson is another name no one can forget even if they wanted too. He did most of his work prior to the event by gathering donations and dollars. We could not have done it without that support.
I must mention the other officers who make up the MFCA staff, Mike Guttmann, John Merida and Al Dunham. Each of them plays a pivotal role in making sure our accounting is up to date and accurate and without Al’s wit and creativity the Tweak would not have the same spunk that we continue to see. Al also did a great job with his display at the Stearn Center and in working with the kids.
Finally, I have to thank the many coaches who took it upon themselves to bring fields and equipment needed for the events. It was truly a one for all and all for one event. Special notice goes out to Jerry McGhee who showed up with three monster boards Many coaches got to experience for the first time what it is like to play on a true to scale field. Jimbo Dunagan, Joe Allore, Frank Jacobs, Kelvin Lomax, George Diamond and Steve Martin (forgive me if I missed any others) also brought fields. It was interesting to note that in the room there were only 2 620’s and all the rest were custom fields. It seems the 2x4 and larger fields have found a solid place in the games and future of the hobby.
In reality, I could name every coach in attendance. Every one new that it was their convention and each took ownership of it by helping out wherever needed.
In closing, I want to also thank the Pro Football’s Ultimate Fans Association. The HOF tickets, game tickets, Friday night dinner and more were all thanks to them and we are happy to have them as a MFCA partner. We have made many new friends and I only look for an increased involvement with them as we begin preparations for MFCA Convention II. The planning has already begun.
Thanks to all!
Lynn Schmidt
MFCA President
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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Old 08-07-2008, 04:18 AM
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Default MFCA Convention

I guess I'll chime in here, sorry for my delay in getting on here. I've had some work to catch up on, wolf had me working overtime. Plus I'm leaving on vacation in a few hours. First off great job to all the guys that made this convention happen. This area over H.O.F weekend, is not an easy area to plan an event around, but these guys pulled it off. Wolf, Matt, Will, Jimbo, Al, Ed, Steve (hope the shirt fit), Ray, George and others great job. As for myself, I had the pleasure of playing guys that I had never met or spoken too before; CorEy, gotcha (once), Damon, Will, Adrian, and Mike, I certainly enjoyed it. Running taxi for some of the guys wasn't a big deal, and I was happy to do it, we just needed to get Dre out of the security area of the airport and into the pick-up section, haha. I finally got to meet the guy they call "National", oh boy!! Not at all what I had expected, good time my man. I enjoyed hanging with K-Lo and others smoking cigars. Thanks to all who attended the tailgate party, I for one thought it went well and was just a ton of fun. "When the TIRES hit the pavement its $20, if you leave and return when your TIRES hit the pavement its another $20", you all will have to come next time around to understand what that quote means, but I was cracking ribs. Frank your welcome my brother, it was a pleasure anytime. In closing I have to say that my good friends that attended the tailgate were thourghly impressed by all of the MFCA members that they met, and just thought all of you guys were a class act, I second the notion. Thanks again for including me.
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Old 08-07-2008, 03:19 PM
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Default me too.....

I have been tying up loose ends and football coaching has started along with some other stuff.........

The MFCA staff did an incredible job and put on a great event, .......Spike and I are already talking about next year, ............maybe arriving Thursday to have the ability to really soak up the HOF, .............Friday was a zoo at the HOF, and just way too crowded for our tastes...........but cool never the less.

Thank you MFCA, Lynn, Matt, Matt, Will, Ray, .......... and others. It was truly an honor to be recognized, and to be in any type of HOF is a flattering and humbling experience.

George Diamond, Pres.
SI Warehouse maker of BuzzBall Products
EmEff Rip
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Old 08-07-2008, 04:00 PM
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Default 2 X 4s ARE NICE...

...but 13 X 24 will cause excessive sweating and heart palpatations!!! WW, MC and WT did an outstanding job this year. R.I.P. MFCA Man. We will all miss you!!!
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Old 08-07-2008, 04:18 PM
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great job done by all..........
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Old 08-07-2008, 07:32 PM
broncoman broncoman is offline
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Default Got To Do It.......

AGAIN. no doubt about it. tailgate party was off the hook! thanks for the hookup
hope we can do it next year?

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