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Old 07-09-2009, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Parkville, MO
Posts: 3,668

I actually think that we are about to see a renaissance of the hobby to a certain degree. When either of the TV show ideas hit (and one or both will) strap on your newbie answer helmets because things will get CRAZY. Celo in Cali and the Brawl Gang in Virginia are working hard on their individual shows and at a great expense to themselves just to make sure this hobby finally gets its day in the sun. Reggie has introduced us to internet TV and as that technology becomes more available and dependable there is an amazing amount of sharing that can take place. Those of you who help support the MFCA are also part of all this as the MFCA forum is the central place for most of us to find all these things out. Everyone working individually in your league or on a National level are contributing to keep this hobby solid. I have great hopes for its future!

It is critical that the MFCA prepares for the time when the TV shows hit the public! We need comprehensive answers spelled out in a big FAQ and at least a basic starter rules set for all to start from. The MFCA has a committee working on this but we could use more dedicated help from many others to complete the glossary and tackle certain rules sections. The committee has already transcribed the genesis of all rules, the Tudor Rules, into digital and are going through and modernizing it to include the innovations of the modern day and update terminology. (prongs weren't called prongs back then)

Any more volunteers to help the committee?
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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Old 07-09-2009, 12:46 PM
jimmie jimmie is offline
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Default This hobby is what it is

There have been countless shows articles on MF still the youth want to play Madden this hobby is what it is great game to those who grew up playing it.It will never ever reach the millions of games sold in the past no matter what we do anit going to happen.What we can do is make the experince better for those who do come in our world this can be a fun hobby,but the competion can get a bit much! and be become a turn off.We need to come out of the denial MF big time days are gone coaches gone.
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Old 07-09-2009, 01:06 PM
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Treks1 Treks1 is offline
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I wonder where the hobby will be 50 years from now, but for our generation, its on an poppin! There are many strong leagues accoss the country and there should be a lot of excitement about our Second Convention. Its a glass full/ glass empty senario. We have come a long ways and there is a lot to be greatful for. Let's be positive!
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Old 07-09-2009, 04:15 PM
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You know Treks, many of us have wondered the same thing - what might it be in X years. None of us have a definitive answer. Sometimes, too often, we can get caught up in the future, trying to force our will to shape it (to suit our wants). What is missed is enjoying the great things we have NOW.

It is a common flaw frequently followed by failed businesses. You have your core, bread and butter clients. They keep the machine oiled by paying for the base costs associated with keeping the doors open. Then some bean counter w/an MBA decides that there is all of THAT which is not part of the client list. So a plan is devised to go after it. To finance the effort, corners are cut from the core client products. In the pursuit, they lose their bread and butter. Too often, after, the doors close. Game over.

Chasing the dollar one does not have often causes one to lose the dollar they already have. That is the saying. But it is not confined to money. It also applies to other things and other practices. The trade-off better be worth it or the doors close.

My advice is to top stressing. Enjoy those things and those people who enhance your hobby enjoyment. Stop fretting over those things and those people who do not. It's easier than we might think to stay away from trouble if we stop long enough to look before acting/reacting.

Before you know it, the people who gave you pleasure and offered sincere friendships are no longer among the living - gone from this earth. Eventually, if not sooner, it is you who is no longer around. Life is way too short and way too precious to waste on those things or those people who pull you down or suck you in to their game. Play your own game and have some fun, will ya?

I'm beat. I feel like a train wreck. I'm going to bed,
-Mike Pratt

Last edited by TheTweakFreak : 07-09-2009 at 04:17 PM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 05:42 PM
Joe Greco Joe Greco is offline
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Default Volunteering

Originally Posted by WEIRDWOLF View Post
I actually think that we are about to see a renaissance of the hobby to a certain degree. When either of the TV show ideas hit (and one or both will) strap on your newbie answer helmets because things will get CRAZY. Celo in Cali and the Brawl Gang in Virginia are working hard on their individual shows and at a great expense to themselves just to make sure this hobby finally gets its day in the sun. Reggie has introduced us to internet TV and as that technology becomes more available and dependable there is an amazing amount of sharing that can take place. Those of you who help support the MFCA are also part of all this as the MFCA forum is the central place for most of us to find all these things out. Everyone working individually in your league or on a National level are contributing to keep this hobby solid. I have great hopes for its future!

It is critical that the MFCA prepares for the time when the TV shows hit the public! We need comprehensive answers spelled out in a big FAQ and at least a basic starter rules set for all to start from. The MFCA has a committee working on this but we could use more dedicated help from many others to complete the glossary and tackle certain rules sections. The committee has already transcribed the genesis of all rules, the Tudor Rules, into digital and are going through and modernizing it to include the innovations of the modern day and update terminology. (prongs weren't called prongs back then)

Any more volunteers to help the committee?
Hey Wolf,

I have helped with the rules for the NHFL, NEFL and BAM. If I can be of assistance just let me know what you would like me to do.

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Old 07-09-2009, 10:04 PM
FrustratedFinFan FrustratedFinFan is offline
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I think this hobby is doing fine. Outreach to the younger folks when you keep the game from dying with us.....but it is hard to make this game interesting to the digital generation and God knows what technologies will come along to make our game seem even more old fashioned.

Enjoy the game and the rest will follow. Good times are infectious. Don't expect our hobby to grow all that much in size unless a major manufacturer gets interested. Money for that kind of development is gonna' be very scarce in our sick economy though.
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