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Old 01-04-2009, 07:21 PM
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HOOP HOOP is offline
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Default LOVE mpfl,

i love the innovation in the MPFL

now that everyone will see that headline, let me say.....

As i have heard, you are super cool to talk too)

anywho, your style absolutely has a place and is very good in most aspects. i love the innovation. i will adapt some of your rules for my solitaire play. i also ordered, watched 3x your dvd, so that i may discuss, and perhaps promote your style while at the miggle convention.

i LOVE your ideas, but i gotta tell ya: today, i put my friends' 10yr old on to the game. we ran a play where the half back ran a 45 blast up the left side and 15 yards down field, the wr just HAPPENED to be blocking the mlb. the mlb broke the block and pursued the rb into the endzone, making the "tackle" 3 yards in (which means he caught up, realistically, just too late), nevertheless, a touchdown. The kid went bananas and so did i because it was a FLUID MOTION OF PLAY that almost worked out for him. yes, by chance, the circumstances happened that way. YES, it doesnt alway go that way (though, the better the coach, the more it does), but you gotta allow that. it's FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Last edited by Anthony D Burgess : 01-04-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 08:56 PM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Default How I use to Play


But I want to share something with you. At the begining when I presented this system to the hobby, every one jump on me, no one dared to try to understyand what I was trying to say, attack after attack.

Now follow this example, a drunk is just that a drunk, but doesn't want to be called something that he is, he wants to dress it up to be something it is not. Bottom line he is a drunk, or alcoholic.

If the preacher tells you that you should not put tattoos on you're body, or smoke, or live with you're girl friend, people are going to hate him for telling the truth.

I am not putting anyone down, I am just putting the facts out there. Now what if,.......What if you were to take the two styles of play and have people ( Outside of this hobby ) judge them. Lets say that you use 10 people, what would they say?

One Stop vs MPFL. If the 10 judges agreed to all the statments I have made from AtoZ then what ? I have only told the truth, and the judges all picked the MPFL over one stop.

Now, a lawyer ( female), judge, a school teacher, a neighbor, 2 excoworkers 1 male, 1 female, and 4 service tech's . All of them are not in this hobby but all remembered this game and have played it as a child and were asked to judge the two ways of playing. If given the choice to either play one stop or MPFL, all the judges picked the MPFL.

What they expressed to me I used in my post.

I will close out with this, if you smoke it is unhealthy FACT. Who would be offended by the truth ? The ones who smoke. Smoking leads to and causes cancer so if you smoke it is stupid. Is that not true ?

So are people offended by what I post because it's the truth? or because I told the truth ?
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:16 PM
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Now that I am in the fieldcover business, I had a recent customer ask me, "Which is better? Yours or larue's?" I said, "Of course I'll say "mine" and he'll say "his", so here's what you should do: Buy one of each and YOU decide which YOU like better. If YOU like larue's better, sell mine to someone else and make your money back." He bought 5 and now those 5 want more. Let them decide for themselves.

All you can ask for is if people are interested they should buy the DVD. I got mine - Thanks! Then they should play the system a few times. I did. Then they should compare it to whatever style they like. I did. Then they should comment - good, bad or indifferent. I have and still do. If they like one or the other or combine them - GREAT! JUST PLAY!!! I did and still do.

I suggest you guys get some videos out!!! Where's last year's Super Bowl??? The more people can SEE the MPFL being played at full speed minus the debate, the more they'll SEE for themselves and decide for themselves. I know a certain 7-year-old that plays the Chicago Hybrid Rules (modified variation of MPFL incorporating MPFL basics) that could smoke most grown-ups. At least until his attention wanders to whatever else it is that captures 7-year-old minds at any given moment. Man, I wish I were 7 again.

As long as you, me and/or we are happy with it, THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. Peace.


Last edited by JIMBO : 01-04-2009 at 11:50 PM.
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