Congratulations President Obama!
I hope President Obama and his administration have a very successful 4 years and keep our national values of freedom, strength and the pursuit of happiness well and alive under his watch!
One of my pursuits of happiness is to play electric football with my friends in the MFCA!
Jerry McGhee Lakeland, FL |
check out about custom figures and platforms at this thread: http://www.miniaturefootball.com/for...2567#post52567 MFCA member #31 |
Well said Jerry! Well said my friend!
Long live President Obama! Long live miniature football! Now let's head to Chicago to break bread and crack plastic!
Follow us on Twitter @MFCA1 and Facebook on Miniature Football Coaches Association |
I hope he does well! It's hard to pursue happiness when your 401-K is down thousand and thousands of dollars and you were hoping to retire in 15 years though.
I lost a great deal over the last couple of years myself NCH. BUT...I have what I think most of us here have. HOPE....and the capacity to get back most of what I lost.
Follow us on Twitter @MFCA1 and Facebook on Miniature Football Coaches Association |
Unfortunetly it's going to take years just to get back where I was!
Me too! It's painful at my age (47) but we'll get there buddy....we'll get there!
Follow us on Twitter @MFCA1 and Facebook on Miniature Football Coaches Association |
congrats to prez obama...may he do well
when lighting strikes the family ...have faith...believe |
I wish Obama and Biden best wishes. I lost my entire 401k when the company I worked 12 and a half years closed down in 2000 and had nothing. I collected unemployment until I got screwed out of it but I survived it ! I hope this economy gets better soon or we're all in deep trouble !
My Fellow Americans....
Can You Feel A Brand New Day!!!
The Pagentry Of The Day Yesterday's inauguration was a day most Americans thought they would never see. Some even would tell you that only over their dead bodies could this day come. Many stand by skeptical or cynical. However, I saw millions of people from around the world perform a mass pilgrimage to Washington DC to witness this historic event. Never before has an inaguration, academy awards,all-star game, super bowl, or bachelor party spawn so much excitement,unity, joy and peace. A CHANGE HAS COME! One Nation Under A Groove America has been called to perform community service! It's time that each one of us stand up and help somebody besides ourselves. Now is the time to get involved in your neighborhoods, community organizations, at work, in schools and around the world. In my day we use to say each one teach one. This builds pride, provides service to self and others and lifts the burden from our weakend local, state and federal governments. Americans volunteering and working together will create new enterpreneuers and jobs! Working together could set a new agenda for our children and the choices they make. It would also give us the opportunity to look deep inside ourselves and generate a new tolerance for our neighbors and their ideas. The Time Is Now The world wants OBAMA to do well, but it's wrong to try to make him Superman or the Messiah! I believe he's going to change everything and get a lot of things done, but it will only come if every registered voter,taxpaying American gets involved. We have to call,write or email these characters we put in office and demand they vote the way we want on the issues we need! Changes, Jobs, Health Care, Education, National Security, Foreign Policy can only improve if we get involved. Change begans with you and me. Once we change, we can help OBAMA to change our nation and the world. The possibilities are endless! What a great time to be an American! It finally feels good again!!!!! Last edited by Tron1984 : 01-21-2009 at 02:14 PM. Reason: grammar |
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