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View Poll Results: Which of these names should I pick ?
College Football Draft Solitaire League 1 1.75%
Revels Draft Solitaire League 1 1.75%
Detroit Draft College Solitaire League 1 1.75%
Tweakmaster Draft Solitaire League 3 5.26%
College Draft Series Solitaire League 5 8.77%
Norberts Miniature Football League 6 10.53%
Miniature Football College League 1 1.75%
Miniature Football Free Agent League 1 1.75%
National Miniature College Football League 4 7.02%
Miniature College Football Combine League 1 1.75%
Tweaked Iron College League 4 7.02%
Norberts College Football Draft Solitaire League 4 7.02%
Norberts Draft Solitaire League 3 5.26%
Norberts Tweakmaster Draft Solitaire League 3 5.26%
The Thors Hammer College Football league 3 5.26%
National Open Rookie bank 0 0%
*The Frenzy* College League Free Agent Buyout 5 8.77%
The Pro Prospects league 11 19.30%
The Phenoms and Revelations League 0 0%
Voters: 57. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-12-2009, 07:34 PM
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Norbert Revels Norbert Revels is offline
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Default Please take a minute and vote

Hello everybody, I need help in picking a name for my college solitare league,...........I want the name to also give the idea that the new coach can draft players off the teams,,,,I will play a full season with games on youtube (4 plays from the 50), each college team will have it's own page within the leagues website so coaches can go and check up on players progress, each player will have a small right up on performance, so if a coach needs to draft a OL or DL men, RB, TE, WR's or DB's, just click on a teams page and then click on the players charts and make your pick, this is a work in progress and will take alot of time to finish, (the pages) but it should be alot of fun, I get to play games using all the rule sets mixed in together and you get to follow the league and draft players if you like.

P.S. I will give the coach whos name I pick a ton of untweaked bases,.....PLUS some original frosty plastic PROLINES,....yup heard right, original frosty plastic AND COLOR in proline form. TTC's and Rookies,.....PLUS $40 cash.

P.S. At the end of the season, I will have a basedraft which will be free for all MFCA members, it will be 2 rounds, with 10 picks in each round.

Norbert Revels

Last edited by Norbert Revels : 03-12-2009 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 03-13-2009, 12:42 AM
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Default LOL

Coaches,.......... I can't get any work finished,..............I keep coming here to check the votes, (smile).

P.S. This is fun, thank guys for helping me pick a name.

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Old 03-13-2009, 01:45 PM
Vince148 Vince148 is offline
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Too many choices. No wonder you're having a hard time picking a name. Get your list down to 3-5.
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Old 03-13-2009, 04:17 PM
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Default Vince

I did not come up with any of these names myself, 1 week ago I asked for names to my league because I couldn't think of anything catchy, so I asked the coaches for help, the names in the poll are from them, now the names have been placed in a poll for everyone to vote on.

Norbert Revels
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Old 03-13-2009, 06:59 PM
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Default I voted but I here is what I think...


The NBA league has the NBA draft. NFL league has the NFL Draft. The MLB league has the MLB draft. Since this is a solitaire league and the entire nation gets to draft the player. Here is what I suggest...

First suggestion...

League name should be - NSEFL - National Solitaire Electric Football League (because the nation gets to draft the players)

2nd suggestion...(sorry norbert, I'm getting excited) - Create a war room like on NFL draft day and rank the coaches around the country by league. For example, lets say there are 10 leagues around the country. The BAM, DFW, NEFL, BEFL, MPFL, the Great Lakes, LAEFL, etc...Rank the coaches from top to bottom in each league. So you will have 10 different sets of rankings. Have the commissioners from each league rank them for you then send you the list. Then put them in draft order on your draft board. This will look like the NFL draft except it will have the names of the coaches instead of the names of the NFL teams. Ok, now you take the bottom coaches in each league and throw them in a lottery and pull the name (This should be 10 coaches because its 10 leagues). The first name you pick gets the number 1 draft pick, the second name you pick gets the #2 draft pick in the first round. This will continue for the first 10 picks of the first round. Picks 11-20 go to the coaches who finished with the 2nd worst record in their league. You will take those names and throw them in a hat a do the same thing.

3rd suggestion...You rank all the players in your league as if you are Mel Kiper of ESPN. You rank them all by position then you rank them all by best player in the league overall. You then post the draft board on the MFCA website. This will help the coaches around the country to look at the draft board and fill the voids on their rosters by team need.

Finally you hold a live draft. Lets say for instance it is August 9th, 2009 at 12:00pm CST. This way coaches can get on the phone and make calls to you. (Just like in an NFL war room). Coaches can also get on the phone with each other and make trades for draft picks. All trades have to go through you though you. Post the results!

You will have a live "National Solitaire EFL" Draft!

Hope you like the idea. I'm sure it can be tweaked a bit but it sounds really fun.
Austin, Texas! Titletown USA!
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:26 PM
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Default Nice

Need web space let me know.
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:26 PM
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Mike you are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like a fox
he he he he he
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:53 PM
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Norbert Revels Norbert Revels is offline
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Default Outstanding Mike

Your 3rd suggestion is the way I will be setting things up, .................if I can come up with a quicker way to determine the 2nd and 3rd tier coaches in each league I may look into using your other suggestion, ..............I do want the lower tier coaches to get the 1st picks in the 1st round, can you imagine BAXTER getting the 1st overall pick in the draft (smile), thats the only drawback I see in using the 3rd suggestion.

P.S. There is another coach who has been sending me emails since the start of this, he has explained to me the best way to determine players class, he also asked can freshmen be drafted,..........this season I will let any players be drafted,..I want to get the ball rollin, but next season all players will be listed what class there in, and only juniors and seniors will be able to get drafted.

Norbert Revels
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Old 03-13-2009, 11:52 PM
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Default Norb...

Since this is for the MFCA members only and the 2nd suggestions is too much. Try this...

Take all 218 MFCA members and put there name in the lottery. Have a lottery...the first name drawn will get the #1 pick in the first round, the second name drawn will get the #2 pick in the first round. Do this for 7 rounds. You can have 40 players go per round.

To determine can do this by the year you tweaked the base. If you tweaked the base 2 years ago, then that base would be going into its 3rd year so that base would be considered a junior. If you have a base that was tweaked 2 years ago but you never used it on a team then it could be a red shirt sophmore.

Norb...this is "SICK"!!! I'm hooked! I love it dude.

I would love to help on this in some sort of capacity. I've never seen anything like this. This is a trip!!!

I'm creating my "War" room already for draft day.

Also...Put quantative values on all your draft picks. For example on your draft board you can put beside the player in () weather you think he is a 1st rounder or 2nd rounder or 3rd rounder. Remember you will only have 40 first rounders or however many you decide. Then you will say 1st rounders are $15, 2nd rounders are $10, 3rd rounders are $5, etc. This way it'll be as the NFL is where 1st rounders get paid more coming out of the draft. Even further, if a base that you project doesn't go in the first round but gets drafted in the third round then his draft stock went down and you have to sell him for 3rd round dollars and vice versa.

I love this stuff Norb! You're a freakin genius dude! A real EFL Draft! This hobby has gone nutz
Austin, Texas! Titletown USA!

Last edited by Hook'em Horns : 03-14-2009 at 12:05 AM.
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Old 03-14-2009, 02:58 AM
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Norbert Revels Norbert Revels is offline
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Default Mike

I will speak with you about some of the ideas you have, it's 2am now and my brain is half sleep (smile), Maxwell is not working,.......... I just uploaded a small trailer of my teams for the league. 12 total @ 22 players per.

Norbert Revels
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