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Old 10-07-2010, 02:46 PM
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What idea's do you have brewing in your head you never discussed before regarding miniature football. it can be leagues, styles, figures, bases.custom projects, etc etc etc. if thehobby ever needed a shot in the arm, what would you put in the I V. ?

I think 1 big college league under 1 name where each area you play in played by their rules. stats and all will count under 1 league. This way the coaches in atl play their way, rip, raiderman and co play their way. The south play their way. Mpfl/proset play their way. it would work and be fun. california play their way. Detrioter's play their way. This way all are involved where someone from harrisburg can compare their rushing stats with someone from california or detroit. ap polls can be created with all regions being involved no matter what the style is. Heisman races can be watched throughtout the country, no matter what the style. A player rushes for 150 in maryland and a player rushes for 151 in south carolina. jim davis has a player that rushes for 190 yards in detroit, raiderman has a player that ran for 201, they all go on the same exact list no matter what the style. The heisman watch can be taken from their.



Last edited by mantaraydre : 10-07-2010 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 10-07-2010, 02:56 PM
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complete outside opinion but what I feel you need is a better way of introducing people that are curious about EF the basics.

I've been going through forums and some youtube videos for days to put together how everything works but I have time to do that. It would be nice to be able to tell a buddy to go to a specific link and they have a 20-30 minute video introducing EF to people that have never seen it before or have the visions of players going in circles on end.

Obviously every league has their own version of the rules but a basic introduction to the game would be handy in my opinion. If someone can see a video that introduces all the basics I think they would be far more inclined to try it out themselves.

The new coach FAQ's are handy, but they seem to be geared to someone who has played a couple games already and want to get deeper involved. Not much for actual introduction.

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Old 10-07-2010, 03:02 PM
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The M.F.C.A. has a dvd which they distribute. Just ask and they will send you one. If they do not have any left , you can have mine.
League play starts fall of 2010
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Old 10-07-2010, 03:09 PM
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I think a detailed then and now segment needs to be filmed. Show the actual figures with the dots on there helmet spinning in circles or just running all over the place. Then show the detailed figures now with them running the way you want them. Then explain in detail why the figures ran incircles back then and show them what has been done to fix that. Im mean serious detail. Then explain some rules. a new coach needs to see if he can play this game at the age he is at and the stage he is in regarding his life. he needs to see it is a mans game also so he feels comfortable joining and staying with it. he needs to see he can be a coach and belong to something. The sell is showing him the then and now. Then the how, so he can say wow !

jeff, that dvd is great but i think hoop is talking about something like a 30 minute class. something like smitty and seans coaches dvd. It may take an hour to be realistic. I segment can be ow to create an ef space in your garage or basement withouit breaking the bank


Last edited by mantaraydre : 10-07-2010 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 10-07-2010, 03:27 PM
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RooMorgans RooMorgans is offline
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There's another thread on here about Subbuteo. The reason that has taken off over the last 5 years is there has been a new generation of players (ages 12-14 when they started) cultivated through various clubs (mostly Maryland). They have now gone on to be the nation's best players, and in college, they've started their own clubs and are paying it forward. The kids started playing in middle school as part of an after-school club. They were hooked instantly.

As much as the marathon games in my solitaire league are the way I want to play, if you want people in EF, you need to get it in the schools. There needs to be a short version that appeals to youth, who seem to seek out distractions. Sitting them down to watch a 2-hour game isn't going to get the job done. They need to a quick strike version of EF, to see what it can be, and the creativity that goes into it, to where they will then progress and not mind full games.

We can tweak and paint and play and customize till we're dead.

But when we're dead, then what?

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Old 10-07-2010, 04:01 PM
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Pretty much the idea Mantaraydre.

The people I'm thinking this would be for would be the following.. 1) Person buys a game at a flea market and thinks it may be interesting 2) Person buys a new game in a department store (thinking excalibur) 3) A person who is being encouraged by friends to come try it out.

I would assume that anyone who wants to try the game is going to have a basic understanding of football, so no need to cover that.

Here are a few things off the top of my head that I would have loved to have in a package explaining EF...

How long is a game?

How does passing work? (explain both ttqb and passing sticks)

How does running work?

How does defense work?

How does the kicking game work? (maybe offer up a couple ideas)

Why do you start and stop the game and make adjustments?

Basically I mean the basics that if a dad buys one for him and his son to try out they can watch a video that shows them how to take it out of a box and play. Then of course refer them to the site here to find out how the bases can be tweaked, players can be painted and modeled etc. But I wouldn't touch it too much in an introductory video. Just to show how the game is basically played, and why it has improved over the years.

DVD's for example are all well and good. But for an initial demonstration most folks would just like to see a quick video right now on how everything works then if they like it they can move ahead in more depth.

A prime example of what I mean is I picked up my Tudor 500 at a flea market and because I had done some research here on Subbuteo NFL I had read many of the rules and concepts of the game. Now the other day a young fellow (19 years old) saw it setup in my basement and really wants to try it out but the mass of unorganized information is a little overwhelming to someone who has never even seen a EF table in their life. Now fortunately I could explain the basics. But if he had just stumbled across the site he wouldn't have had that information easily available.

Originally Posted by mantaraydre View Post

I think a detailed then and now segment needs to be filmed. Show the actual figures with the dots on there helmet spinning in circles or just running all over the place. Then show the detailed figures now with them running the way you want them. Then explain in detail why the figures ran incircles back then and show them what has been done to fix that. Im mean serious detail. Then explain some rules. a new coach needs to see if he can play this game at the age he is at and the stage he is in regarding his life. he needs to see it is a mans game also so he feels comfortable joining and staying with it. he needs to see he can be a coach and belong to something. The sell is showing him the then and now. Then the how, so he can say wow !

jeff, that dvd is great but i think hoop is talking about something like a 30 minute class. something like smitty and seans coaches dvd. It may take an hour to be realistic. I segment can be ow to create an ef space in your garage or basement withouit breaking the bank


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Old 10-07-2010, 04:07 PM
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All the table games are facing a minor extinction, whether it be Subbuteo, Electric Football, Table Hockey etc. I've noticed that the general problem for a lot of these games are A) no one is teaching them B) No one is making affordable starter sets.

B) is the biggest problem. In table hockey to buy a Stiga game its around $100 which is just too much for someone to say 'lets try this out' on impulse.

If you want a high end setup for table hockey you are looking between $400-$600 which is fine but there needs to be introductory models that work well and can be affordable.

Originally Posted by RooMorgans View Post
There's another thread on here about Subbuteo. The reason that has taken off over the last 5 years is there has been a new generation of players (ages 12-14 when they started) cultivated through various clubs (mostly Maryland). They have now gone on to be the nation's best players, and in college, they've started their own clubs and are paying it forward. The kids started playing in middle school as part of an after-school club. They were hooked instantly.

As much as the marathon games in my solitaire league are the way I want to play, if you want people in EF, you need to get it in the schools. There needs to be a short version that appeals to youth, who seem to seek out distractions. Sitting them down to watch a 2-hour game isn't going to get the job done. They need to a quick strike version of EF, to see what it can be, and the creativity that goes into it, to where they will then progress and not mind full games.

We can tweak and paint and play and customize till we're dead.

But when we're dead, then what?


Check out my Flames and Stampeders blogs at
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Old 10-07-2010, 04:52 PM
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A qucik example, during the champonship games this past weekend in cali. A guy came into the game room and said what is this ? The coaches said electric football. he said, what the heck is electric football. case closed

Forget everyone rules and other things. What needs to happpen is we must show why a father or football fan in general should play miniature football as opposed to golf or xbox. What do we have to offer that xbox does not. Why should he paint figures when he an get on the computer and pick an entire team on madden. The new comer must feel excited and think it is well worth his money. You cant show him one way of doing things like passing or he may get dicouraged. WE CANT FREELY PROMOTE OUTSIDE OF THIS CHATBOARD BECAUSE, WE DONT USE OUR OWN PRODUCT. Im sure many men our age are handy when it comes to building. show him how to make a field as a father and son project. A new comer sees a field cost $400 dollars that will be the deal breaker. Show them exactly how to make their own fields. You know you can get a big screen tv for $400 and less.

This game/hobby cost money and there will be some who are not going to shell out what some are asking just walking in the door. They must build to that point.

I must ask the frenchguy, Why does wargaming work ? What is their draw that attracts so many ? You know both parties, how are they shaped differently than the MFCA. Why are the able to have massive convention turnouts in any city. Thats is the key word, ANY CITY. The dots must be connected somewhere if they are all on the same page, IN ANY CITY.



Last edited by mantaraydre : 10-07-2010 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 10-07-2010, 05:08 PM
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I'll give you an example from my own life...

Obviously I'm a hockey guy. And when I was growing up everyone had a table hockey game. I mean EVERYONE!

With high end video games that aspect of kids lives playing table games (or even going outside to play catch) has lessened.

So what I do is find old TH games for $5-$10 or trade for them on kijiji here locally. I then fix them up, usually these older games need some leveling and maybe a spring replaced etc. But not expensive to do, then I give them to someone. My 3 year old (soon to be 4) has a game to beat on. My nephews have a game that they play now. And one of my friends kids have a game to play with. I have another one in the works for another friends kids.

The amazing thing is most kids (thinking 8-10 years old) have never seen a game like this and when you sit them down in front of it their eyes light up with amazement.

Now table games will never take over video games but in my house what I am trying to do for my son is to say I don't want it to be all video games.

Obviously I have a couple games that I have restored that are special to me but I really enjoy finding an old beat up game and restoring it so some new kids will try it and play with their friends.

So now once I finish my home made table if I can get it to run good, what I hope to do is be able to make a few of these tables (it seems if you go really basic you can do it for $30 or so) and introduce some friends to the game and if they like it well then can make their own or buy a high end table themselves. The key to me is getting their foot in the door.

Here is a picture of an old beater that got fixed up for my nephews..

And this is one of the very old games I've found for myself (It's from about 1961)..

Introduce as many people to the game as possible and good things will come from it!

Originally Posted by mantaraydre View Post

A qucik example, during the champonship games this past weekend in cali. A guy came into the game room and said what is this ? The coaches said electric football. he said, what the heck is electric football. case closed

Forget everyone rules and other things. What needs to happpen is we must show why a father or football fan in general should play miniature football as opposed to golf or xbox. What do we have to offer that xbox does not. Why should he paint figures when he an get on the computer and pick an entire team on madden.

Check out my Flames and Stampeders blogs at
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Old 10-18-2010, 03:06 PM
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Are you crazy? I would NEVER have a player rush for 200 yards!! LOL! Pass for over 200 ok but not rush. Even if my line is killing someone I still pass all the time! LOL!

It's not my job to judge you, that's for God to do.
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