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Old 12-06-2010, 08:24 PM
the french guy's Avatar
the french guy the french guy is offline
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Default Pokemon and solitaire

Weird statement...Not so weird. Well, in fact, it was a good way to bring you on the topic...But it's not off topic either.

As you know, I'm a former wargamer and role playing gamer too. When I think about rules and gaming mechanics in MF, I 'm forced to remember the 10years or so of wargame/RPG playing experience, and it give me ideas sometimes.

Tonight, making some tests and putting ideas on paper to simulate a real coach, for solitaire "1 vs CPU" game (1 real human -or similar- against 1 dice ruled team, instead of "CPU vs CPU" where each team is guided by dices).

I remembered also the athlete card I made last week. And I thought about one thing. Why not create team cards ? Imagine that. One team, in a certain year or season, was known for that or this type of play.

We could create polls, discuss, etc... on the forum, and make first rough selection of plays, wich determinate one team "soul" and identity.

Then, we could create the cards with (I hope) fancy graphics, available to download in PDF on

The MFCA members (or even the internet viewers of the main site, a good way to bring them in the thing) could vote each month for their prefered team.

We can also imagine the same system for fantasy teams. The only thing needed should be to stick to a template, x offense formations, "x" defense formations. That card is the "dna" mark of the team. Then, we would be able to trade the cards, play them with our own teams, make confrontations (that's why I thought about pokemon) and discuss how we managed our plays to beat some of the card strategies.

I don't know if my post is clear, here it's 1.30am and I'm tired of my work day. But I prefered to post it until I forget the idea.

Tommorow I'll devellop the concept.

Last edited by the french guy : 12-06-2010 at 08:27 PM.
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