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Old 07-17-2007, 11:29 PM
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Default Passing Sticks...

Can someone point me in the right direction please regarding passing sticks? I see different length sticks for passing at different yardages, but how many stops (as in multi-stop play) do you get for the different length passes? I need some clarification on the use of passing sticks, is this also called pass simulation?

I play with a similar method and it seems to work when playing newbies, as the triple threat QB is tough to pick and use with any skill for a newcomer, hell, I still suck at it myself and I have been practicing.

Just wondered how the sticks are really designed to be used.

The Shabby One
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Old 07-18-2007, 12:58 AM
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Arrow Sticks And Pee Wee Football

I witnessed the Murietta PW Football system at full tilt in the friggin' off-season and I was sick to my stomach.

As for Pass Emulation, heres's the quick and the dirty version:
  • Measure the distance from the QB's helmet to the intended receiver's helmet using a 40yd stick painted 2 different colors half and half. Most people use red and white.
  • If the distance is red, you use the red ball placement stick which should be 6yds long.
  • If the distance is white, you use the white ball placement stick which should be 12yds long.
  • If the distance is longer than the entire stick, you use the blue (longest) ball placement stick which should be 18yds long.
  • You may lay the stick in any direction but it must touch the front of your receiver's base.
  • Place a magnetic ball at the end of the opposite end of the stick and lay it on a spiral (so it points back to the QB ).
  • Angle and/or adjust your receiver toward the ball and remove the stick.
  • Just like in Chess, once you lift the stick YOU ARE SET whether you say so or not, so make sure your good before you lift the stick. This whole process - measure stick, ball stick, magnetic ball, angle/adjust receiver and lift stick - should ONLY take :15 to :20 seconds TOPS!!!
  • Now the Defense gets :15 to :20 seconds to angle/adjust ALL unengaged defenders to either go for the ball or the receiver after the catch.
  • NOTE: In most PE Leagues, Pass Interference occurs when players make contact outside of a one base-length halo around the ball. Inside the halo is incidental contact and is legal.

ANYTHING else you need to know you gotta do a "Search" and read, read, read and read some more. Every imaginable MF-related topic has been explained several hundred times and is there for the gleaning.

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Old 07-18-2007, 01:18 AM
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Default Pass Simulation

Pass Simulation is the BuzzBall version, ..................NOT Pass Emulation which was a adaptation/revision of the Pass Placement (rules 2000) version, which regarded by many to be too easy and did not accont for QB and Rec. distance.

Pass Simulation is the method that took into account the distance between the QB and receiver.

Red, White, and Blue were standardized by BuzzBall tournaments to represent the passes originally for 620 boards and now Red, White and Blue are the standard size without yard as it is not fair to change the size of a stick just because the board size changes.

We merely took a good idea, .........Pass Placement,......... and made it better and MORE accepted by the masses........which is used in tournaments and leagues across the country.

Hope this helps,

Coach Rip
EmEff Rip
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:28 AM
Anthony D Burgess's Avatar
Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Default From the Inventer

Pass Placement
Pass Placement was designed for the MPFL style of play . The sticks numbering 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18 represent the average number of step that the receiver takes from the time the ball leaves the QB's hands to when the ball reaches the receivers hands . Taking into account how fast the ball moves when thrown by the QB and to also simplify a completion , or INT .

This also represents the lob pass meaning your throwing the ball to a spot on the field and the receiver will run to that spot . The faster and straighter your player runs the better your odds for a completions .

You can run the post , slant , out , in , comeback/digg , fly , post corner . screens .

This will cause you to have to place your SS's , LB's on magnets to defend the pass , and actualy set up and play pass defense . Remember the defense doesn't know what the play is , so they must be ready to defend both the run and pass on every snap .

The ranges start from the line of scrimmage . behind the line of scrimmage -10 is a 3 yards stick , 11-25 is 5 yards , 26-35 is 7 yards , 36-45 is 9 yards , 46 plus is 18 yards. Thers are Normal passes , passes if the defender is touching the QB , or receiver , and across the field " if the QB is out of the pocket "

What range is the receiver in tells you the number stick to use . 5 seconds is all it takes once you study your ranges .

Vance Warren took my idea of pass placement while I was working on the MPFL system and brought it to the EF community . Given a name change as you may know and then formatted it for EF . I had told Vance that this passing system was not ment for nor designed for EF .

Pass Simulation , pass emulation were born from the idea of Pass Placement , but they are not the same . However the idea has changed the way this hobby is played , bringing balance to the field of play .

But witch ever way you use it Pass Placement , pass simulation , and pass emulation have fun and play .
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Last edited by Anthony D Burgess : 11-24-2007 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 07-18-2007, 01:32 PM
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Default An emulator

An emulator duplicates (provides an emulation of) the functions of one system with a different system, so that the second system behaves like (and appears to be) the first system. This focus on exact reproduction of external behavior is in contrast to simulation, which concerns an abstract model of the system being simulated, often considering internal state.

???? This is when I google emulation.

You guys send me to the dictionary , but all I know is if the guy does not hit the target after the sticks are lifted, it's incomplete. Thanks coach Rip for buzzin forth.

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Old 07-18-2007, 09:24 PM
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Default Tomato, Potatoe

Thank You George, for pointing out that ONLY your league is American enough to use red, white and blue sticks. That's why we use purple, gold and black so there's no confusion! This is exactly why new people scratch their heads when they read this stuff. A question was asked, I answered it. You didn't, you corrected me instead. Sad. I didn't create it nor did I say, "Quote me." Outside of what it's called in different leagues it IS STILL STICK PASSING! And, thanks to Rock Solid's post everyone can see that whatever it is renamed as, and by whomever, it is still an "emulation" of the original. :rolleyes: Bottom line: Just have F-U-N!!! :p
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:57 PM
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Default Hey

Can someone explain what F-U-N is just kidding lol . I'm old school stick passing is for guys that cant sling the felt.
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Old 07-18-2007, 10:17 PM
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Default get real! Americano

It is true many call it stick passing , ...........however, there are different versions of it, some more popular than others, the Pass Simulation method, evolved from the R2K rules, which we encorportated the red, white and blue,which was during the 9/11 time, seemed appropriate, we had three measuring sticks and needed three colors................ and P/S also had the measurement of the distance between the QB and method up to that point had taken that into account, ..................the only sad thing is,....... I didn't correct you, I merely explained the P/S method, as it was thought up from the BuzzBall tournament experiences, and it is the most widely used method.

If you take offense for being corrected, ..........ouch, .......... are we all to be quiet little lambs and let incorrect/mistakes go unabated because jimbo said it?

The really really sad thing is someone who claims to know so much, didn't know the difference.

The great thing about stick passing is without a doubt a great way to make newbies feel they can be competitive, because they can't see themselves using the TTQB, "Triple Threat QB" not to be confused with the TTCQB, whatever that is, ...........but I have heard that term a few times:rolleyes:

Once newbies see the big advantage the TTQB has in the passing game, .............they will pick it up and take time to practice using it, ...........if they want to have a shot a being real competitive

Relax............ and you are to be commended for telling these new guys to SEARCH for some answers, ..............that is how I got them when I was new.

Lynn, maybe you could put up a banner welcoming the newbies and ask they use the search function to get their answers quickly.
EmEff Rip
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Old 07-19-2007, 12:15 AM
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Default Search For Answers

You know what, in my defense as a new guy, I have searched this site and the Miggle site for hours and days on end in the the last year or so.

I read every post about "passing sticks". There were so many different posts and the terminology being tossed around was different in every post, with people making hybrid rules and combining styles. I thought I would ask for some clarification, as this is a forum and I am seeking advice from those of you who are more experienced.

I learned the basics of tweaking from spending hours reading and printing post after post, I learned how to quiet boards when noisy, I learned strategy when playing, the things I have learned on these boards is amazing. I have now learned about passing sticks and saw a post on how to make a set. I appreciate the fact that newbies are encouraged to SEARCH, to me that's part of the fun in learning this hobby again. I hope newbies are not discouraged from posting and asking questions.

I am a proud member of the MFCA and I appreciate everyone replying and hope to play and learn from some of you guys in person some time.


The Shabby One
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Old 07-19-2007, 02:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Shabby J View Post
I hope newbies are not discouraged from posting and asking questions.

I am a proud member of the MFCA and I appreciate everyone replying and hope to play and learn from some of you guys in person some time.


The Shabby One
Keep asking questions! I know I often don't always have the time to search the site for my answers.

Your question has brought to the forefront one of the main problems that we often have in this hobby and that is our innovations are not displayed anywhere in concise information. The passing sticks should have an entire page in one place just like a wikepedia article with photos and explanation of their use. You can find that stuff spread all over but not in one place. As you can also see there are varying histories on their invention and beginnings.

This is one of the tasks that the MFCA is hoping to accomplish so that the new coach can go to one spot and get that info. I am going to make a point of interviewing those who had a hand in developing the pasing stcks and see if it can be put into a concise article.
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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